Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for August 31, 2023

  1. Ava2
    C  11 months ago

    Oy vey, she’ll be whatever he wants now then constantly try to change him later

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  2. Cadyacht1
    lvlax  11 months ago

    Well, there you have it. Kip doesn’t really love Stef at all. He’s just staying with her because she’s ‘fun’.

    It still remains to be seen if he’s into Tiff at all.. or if she’s refined enough for him.


    So will Stef crash their little dinner and go berserk? LOL

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  3. Ti
    Rhetorical_Question   11 months ago

    Where? Bernice?

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  4. Me in flag shirt
    paulscon  11 months ago

    love the extended pinkie. That’s a sure sign of refinement. This is exactly what I noted Kip might be thinking in my comments yesterday. And, I love the “oh” in Biblical-type text

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  5. Beb avatar
    beb01  11 months ago

    Yes, refinement starts with an extended pinkie

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  6. Al the fish cup
    alasko  11 months ago

    Pinky up!

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  7. Noble 10
    BJShipley1  11 months ago

    I commend the fun with fonts.

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  8. 002 1972 volkswagen camper
    mnexplorer+  11 months ago

    And, out goes the pinkie.

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  9. Missing large
    79nysv  11 months ago

    Watch it Kip the pinkie is out.

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  10. Royalflush
    Busrayne  11 months ago

    Refined? Maybe Kip was looking for “grounded”.

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  11. Missing large
    9thCapricorn  11 months ago

    Notice that Tiff straightened her little finger in a more refined British fashion during high tea upon hearing Kip say ‘refined?’

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  12. Americauna chicks 1 week 003
    howtheduck  11 months ago

    The standard stereotype with men. He likes the fun girl, but she’s not the girl he wants to take home to visit his mother. Mom needs the more “refined” girl.

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  13. Missing large
    Ruth Brown  11 months ago

    Kip is sharing an awful lot with Tiff. Interesting.

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  14. Wilkins2
    Wilkins068  11 months ago

    Mebbe they’ll lock pinkies. Its a gateway t more heavy duty stuff

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  15. Missing large
    californiamonty  11 months ago

    Crazy fun? I think Kip’s half right there.

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    Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member 11 months ago

    Hey Kip, Stef is refined AND she is crazy rich….

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  17. Missing large
    jaydogg187  11 months ago

    At it’s current trajectory, Kip and Stef’s relationship has two possible outcomes: a restraining order or a life sentence.

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  18. Gocomics icon
    reedkomicks Premium Member 11 months ago

    I can see why she likes him, he is like her father, distant. Best to find someone who doesn’t come with a guarantee to hurt you.

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  19. Download  6
    Joe1962 Premium Member 11 months ago

    Tiff this be a good time to make your move.

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  20. Missing large
    priyansh.jeziel  11 months ago

    Nah, Stef sees him as NONE of the above, only as a future source of income, that she can cash in on, especially on the off chance that he could become a "pro’.

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  21. Wilkins2
    Wilkins068  11 months ago

    ♫ In th middle of a dance,

    She reached over an tore off my pants ♫

    Cool it Tiff..

    Apologies to Dick Todd & His Orchestra circa 1942

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  22. Ti
    Rhetorical_Question   11 months ago

    Pinky refine?

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  23. Missing large
    Namrepus  11 months ago

    Tonight, imagine me, gown and all, fetchingly draped against the wall, the picture of sophisticated grace…

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  24. Missing large
    nightflight  11 months ago

    Kip, a student of seduction, is probing for Tiffany’s weak spot. It’s either that, or his football team has given him a supporter that is too small and too tight and is cutting off the blood supply to his brain.

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  25. Missing large
    tkspring  11 months ago

    I’m hoping Stef found some handsome stud at her cheerleading camp and wants to dump Kip after getting a ride home from the airport. That would solve so many things.

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  26. Missing large
    BabyBlue  11 months ago

    Kip sees Tiffany as a friend whom he can talk to and confide in. That’s a good start.

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  27. Missing large
    red_tape  11 months ago

    well, at least kippy recognizes that steffi is just the tiniest bit tacky.

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    kertimjo  11 months ago

    Tiff says “Oh?” Uh-oh.

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  29. Nermal
    Willow Mt Lyon  11 months ago

    Kip wants someone more mature. He is more on touch with his feelings than I thought.

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  30. Androidify 1453615949677
    Jason Allen  11 months ago

    Um… Yeah… Sorry, Kip. But two people dressed up, eating at a nice restaurant, and having a fairly personal conversation constitutes a date. You may not have intended it, but you certainly achieved it.

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  31. Missing large
    kenhense  11 months ago

    Kip – He ain’t all that. I hope this arc takes a surprise left turn.

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  32. Tree of life symbol yggdrasil image png favpng xzuzyxiq8jchu7waqwytkftss
    Crann Bethadh  11 months ago

    Well, at least he’s discerning the difference between good shag and good life partner. Took him long enough. Is he going to apologize for the towels?

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  33. Ti
    Rhetorical_Question   11 months ago

    Why is Kip Lee disclosing his actual feelings to a stranger?

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  34. Godzill fuji
    JonGoss  11 months ago

    I don’t think Kip will cheat on Stef. I think he’s just biding his time for someone he connects with. These are early twenty-somethings. He can have fun with Stef, enjoy her company and craziness while keeping an eye out for someone a bit more mature. If Stef is projecting a lifetime commitment on him, that’s her fault for not making sure he’s into that.

    I have a feeling Stef will be the stalker type becuase she’s so self-obsessed. We haven’t had a good relationship nemsis since Dirk. If he breaks up with her and starts dating Tiff, she’ll def try to use body image as a weapon – extra short skirts, etc. If this were reali life, she’d be that crazy ex that shows up in a long jacket with nothing on underneath seconds before the girlfriend comes home.

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  35. Ann margaret
    Caldonia  11 months ago

    But old men always say something vulgar about sleeping with crazy women, and they may be right in this particular situation.

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  36. Avatar
    Mats Dahlgren Premium Member 11 months ago

    Sideways Kip is way to close to sideways Brad…. gotta find a way to differentiate that or I’ll get even more confused than normally! :)

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  37. Missing large
    cdillon85  11 months ago

    My, Tiff’s talk balloon went elegant quickly.

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  38. 20141112 192913
    Aladar30 Premium Member 11 months ago

    And with this statement from Kip, the dinner at the fancy restaurant done “just” to say thank to Tiffany takes on a whole new meaning. Dunno if Kip don’t realize it or if he does it on purpose, maybe after weeks of hoping Tiffany would be the one starting to hit on him. But he really sends her a lot of mixed signals! Also, as much as I dislike Stef, now I feel a bit sorry for her because she deludes herself of a love that don’t seem to exist. I hope Tiffany knows what she wants with Kip. A serious relationship, or a fun one that ends without much emotional troubles for her.

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  39. A78c357b 8cfd 4ba7 a070 703b64309e2a
    Gizmo Cat  11 months ago

    “but if all I’ve been is fun, then baby let me go, don’t wanna be in your way.”

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  40. 43d42c13 032a 4c38 bae7 e97db5523c11
    Pet  11 months ago

    Put the pinkie back in, Tiff! The pinky out is a no class move……

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  41. Missing large
    preacherman Premium Member 11 months ago

    It remains to be seen whether Tiff will butcher the French language, or not.

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  42. Avatar 2475
    Troglodyte  11 months ago

    Oh? Lah-dee-dah, Tiff! :D

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  43. Missing large
    leighabc123  11 months ago

    I don’t think Kip is good enough for Tiffany at this point!

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    sueb1863  11 months ago

    “In the meantime I’m perfectly willing to use her for the sex.”

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  45. 1d688314 6dae 4f59 9de1 8d7ec2824944
    Mordock999 Premium Member 11 months ago

    So, this Joker wants gal who will be:

    1) Ready for a serious relationship

    2) Acceptable (to HIM) to marry, be a mother to his kids and be a trusted life-partner

    3) And above all, be “refined.” That last remark, people. REFINED. Are We talking about petroleum here?

    Kip? You’ve come to the WRONG town if you want all THAT in ONE package, my brother.

    I mean there’s this gal named Toni. She’s married but she’s terrified of having kids.

    There is or was, this gal named Bets who only considered getting married and having kids for all of 30 seconds. And she had to be TALKED IN to that. Then she left town.

    Bernice? Don’t even THINK about it.

    And Tiffany? Check out the the Strips dated February 27, thru March 01, 2017 if you want her views on marriage. Tiff may have matured since then. But not THAT much.

    The only young woman who even comes close to fitting the bill is this gal named Luann. You should meet her.

    In the meantime, welcome to the Town of Pitts where only GUYS are SERIOUS about “relationships.” :-)

    PS: And Kip? Pretty tacky casting shade on your current girlfriend behind her back to some other woman. You ain’t exactly a “catch” either, and Tiff should pick up on a MAJOR “Red Flag.”

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  46. Dvincent
    dv1093  11 months ago

    Fun Fact: According to information provided from a 1999 strip, Luann has a birthday coming up on September 21st. She will be 40!

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  47. Missing large
    computerprogrammer2028  11 months ago

    whoa, ‘this is getting good’

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  48. Missing large
    Stephanie Have one  11 months ago

    Her pinkie sure went erect pretty quick!

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    mgl179  11 months ago

    Kip, 90% of women go to college to get their Mrs. degree.

    Or as Janis Ian said in her song At Seventeen:

    High school girls with clear-skinned smiles, who married young and then retired

    Well, in this case, college girls

    If you want one of the few good ones, wait until after college, find one who has a job/career and life experience. Granted the pretty/prettier ones will likely be gone (though soon to be back on the market).

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  50. Huckandfish
    Huckleberry Hiroshima  11 months ago

    That’s right, curl the pinky.

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  51. Missing large
    bwest.devore37  11 months ago

    But is Tiff fun or just high maintenance?

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  52. Boston
    MS72  11 months ago

    Stick that pinkie out!

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  53. Missing large
    JonnyT   11 months ago

    He doesn’t want Tiff, either. Confiding in her this much will end with him patting her on the back and calling her a good friend.

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  54. Mr haney
    NeedaChuckle Premium Member 11 months ago

    Roller Derby Queens are more refined than Stef!

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    chris_o42  11 months ago

    Tiff, Kip has just shown you that he is using Steph unfairly, letting her think he cares, and keeping her around for what he can get, he’s shown you that he is shallow and not worth your time. Steph believes Kip loves her, she is shallow also but no one deserves to be used like that. Tiffany you can do better than this.

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  56. E braille
    Dot2Dot  11 months ago

    Legally Blonde: The Comic Strip

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  57. Ignatz
    Ignatz Premium Member 11 months ago

    Did rich people of class actually drink tea with an extended pinky, or is that a stereotype from the movies or something? Because it adds nothing, and makes it a bit harder to drink the tea.

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  58. Baby huey scout fellow
    rrsltx  11 months ago

    Sorry Tiff. He ain’t into you. Probably for the best. He comes off to me as an opportunist.

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  59. Brush test
    BLUEBONNETS Premium Member 11 months ago

    All of a sudden I feel sorry for Tiff.

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  60. Cobra 1
    [Traveler] Premium Member 11 months ago

    With Stef, Kip doesn’t have to buy the cow

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  61. Hearteater s lion
    Lord Hearteater  11 months ago

    The key word in today’s strip is Kip’s use of “crazy.” Men know that crazy “sleeve” is often the best experience of that ilk; it’s the crazy part that is non-viable for long-term relationships. The Evans have done their best to package this information in a family-friendly way, as I have also tried to do. Sure, the double monkey back-flips onto his lap are “fun,” but what about the stuff above her eyebrows? If there’s not an intelligent, enjoyable conversation to go with the other fun, then she’s RUO. Stef is about to learn that the hard way; recreational use only.

    …and just like that, I flashed back to when Jessica Simpson dated Tony Romo. That’s possibly the real life inspiration for Stef & Kip; the (proverbial) airhead and the quarterback. Kip knows that, as a QB he is the team leader, and has to perform well in off-field social settings, like media interviews and alumni cocktail parties; it’s rather similar to politics. That’s where a refined beauty on his arm becomes a needed accessory. Stef does not qualfy, but Tiff could (in his eyes).

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  62. Cowboy
    BuckarooDave  11 months ago

    still think it’s linguini with clams. :-/

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  63. Ligand1
    RSH  11 months ago

    She’s raw and unrefined but I can’t get enough of that crazy fun…..what to do…..

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  64. Comics 2022
    Meg ~ All Seriousness Aside  11 months ago

    Whoever loves less is in control of the relationship.

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  65. Franco s trattoria
    StoicLion1973  11 months ago

    I kinda feel sorry for Stef here.

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  66. Missing large
    Out of the Past  11 months ago

    Refinement thy name is Tiffany.

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  67. 100 2451
    RonBerg13 Premium Member 11 months ago

    And… the gate to the primrose path opens wide…

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  68. Photo
    WilliamVollmer  11 months ago

    Tiffany CAN be “refined.” But “Will she still love him, tomorrow?” (paraphrased from the single by the Shirelles, 1960. written by Coffin and King.)

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  69. Bob 65
    Droptma Styx  11 months ago

    Is Tiff looking for a life partner or just a win in the game of man-stealing?

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  70. 00aaa
    [Unnamed Reader - 089237]  11 months ago

    Change is a very neutral word. It can be up, down, or sideways.

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  71. Missing large
    comic reader 22  11 months ago

    Well Kip went from hero to zero in a flash. He will say all this to Tiffany but as soon as Stef is off the plane he’ll get her into the sack. What a user.

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  72. Joe the bugatti mulhouse clipped
    Call me Ishmael  11 months ago

    “Refined”? I think the boy toy means “rich”. He’s tiring of his hot piece. Beware, Tiff..

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  73. Missing large
    ctolson  11 months ago

    Whooosh. Tiff just inflated her balloon again. Love how her pinky suddenly extended from around her glass as if that’s a sign of refinement

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  74. Missing large
    prrdh  11 months ago

    The erect pinkie shows that Tiff is getting really excited.

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  75. Profile pic
    The Orange Mailman  11 months ago

    Crazy idea: Trade one needy situation for another.

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  76. Tyge
    Tyge Premium Member 11 months ago

    This arc is drifting into dangerous territory. So far, “crazy fun” has been pretty much shown to be “dirty sheets activities” in Tiff and Stef’s quad room back in 2020. In fact, it lead up to a major blow up among the quad denizens. Resulting in a privacy corner relegated to “those” activities. Kippee, at this time, was presented in a particularly passive manner. He never entering into the comments in a way. I hope Kip is not angeling for that kind of relationship with Tiff OR that Tiff falls into the trap of believing she must give up sex to get a nurturing romance.

    Lately Kip has been shown more talkative with both Stef and Tiff. The “adult activities” have been toned down and romance and relationship have taken the fore. Hopefully this current sequence will lead up to an exploration of a relationship between Kip and Tiff. Her character is long overdue!

    How will Stefani Bird handle this new turn? Will she become the replacement Ann Eiffel in Tiffany’s life; her life has been running that way since HS graduation. But there’s always the chance that Stef returns with a new over-the-summer lover and dumps Kippee Poo!

    Either way the upcoming quad roomie relationships will now be interesting. The way we left it, Tiff is with Dez and Stef is with Bets. The place could get weird depending upon how much of her special brews Dez can formulate! 8^ )

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  77. Th 2659328858
    Just-me  11 months ago

    Time to go home son and make up your mind.

    Did You Ever Have to Make up Your Mind? The Lovin’ Spoonful


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  78. Ellis archer profile
    Ellis97  11 months ago

    So basically, he doesn’t date Stef out of love, he’s just in it for the kicks and benefits.

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  79. Sombrero galaxy 1260x840 c
    my1friend  11 months ago

    did Tiff just get sexier and her chest perkier?

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    luann1212  11 months ago

    It’s fair to say that Tiff spies the obvious open. She’s thinking I can do refined. In other words a woman who knows what its like to be around Mr. Big (in a small pool) and handle it fine, but not embaarrasingly. I suggest that this is projection on my part, adding to the sense of balls waiting to be dropped all over Luanverse. Yep.

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    comic reader 22  11 months ago

    Someone who’s refined….and whose Daddy has a lot of money, right Kip?

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  82. Capture
    Rockabore  11 months ago

    He’s kind of coming off as Warner from “Legally Blonde,” with that diminishing “I want someone refined.” It sounds like he’s saying, “Stef isn’t refined enough for a quality man of my status” thing. Also, I don’t get the impression of Kip as being duped into sticking in a relationship by Stef when he actively thinks of her as a dumb bimbo (who comes off pretty easy to manipulate seeing as she agreed to let him stay at Tiffany’s with a bit of gaslighting). I’m thinking that he wants things both ways, keep Stef for the sex as long as he’s able to but then tries to woe Tiffany cause she’s rich and he liked the small taste of her luxurious lifestyle. I hope Tiffany doesn’t fall for this, she deserves better.

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  83. Celtic tree of life
    mourdac Premium Member 11 months ago

    So Kip’s playing Call of Booty ….

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  84. 6b12bf30 c4f2 4ee7 a2c3 166f4fac2008
    kappy.mrnustik Premium Member 11 months ago

    Tiff! Just be yourself! Who am I kidding? This has disaster written all over it.

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  85. Rose
    corpcookie  11 months ago

    There it is!!!

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  86. Mate1 9
    imagenesis  11 months ago

    ♫ Ding ding ding ding ding! ♪

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  87. Reading cat
    morningglory73 Premium Member 11 months ago

    I didn’t think I would feel sorry for Stef but after this days comic strip I do. Kip is just using her until the “right one” comes along.

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  88. Picture
    RonMcCalip  11 months ago

    “My lady, be discreet. I must get to my feet and go back to the farm.Whilst I appreciate you are no deviate, I might come to some harm.I’m not inclined to acts refined, if that’s how it goes.Oh, high born Hunting Girl, I’m just a normal low born so and so.”-Jethro Tull

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  89. Missing large
    tcayer  11 months ago

    Stef is vapid and shallow. Perhaps compared to her, Tiff looks refined, but Tiff is NOT much better.

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  90. Large qstvuunbfmdwygzolmuf
    carrissima  11 months ago

    If she’s not what you want for the rest of your life then stop toying with her. I don’t care for Steff and wouldn’t mind not seeing her again. But stringing someone along like that isn’t okay.

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  91. Monty python french1
    French Persons Premium Member 11 months ago

    Stef is an ultra-high maintenance pain in the butt. Girls like her make for fun, interesting, short-term girlfriends, but they make for very lousy long-term mates. The same thing is true of “bad boys“.

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  92. Image
    MuddyUSA  Premium Member 11 months ago

    Holy crap!!

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  93. Tulips
    locake  11 months ago

    Some may say that Kip is using Stef and should be honest with her. I’d bet that Kip has told her how he feels about a future with her. That is why she is so clingy and needy. They have broken up before, but Stef always begs him to come back. Stef is staying in the relationship, hoping Kip will change his mind. He doesn’t respect her, but sex is a powerful motivator in men, especially young men.

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  94. Noble 10
    BJShipley1  11 months ago

    We all know nothing will come of this, right? This is just G&K teasing a status quo change that will never actually occur. It’s not like this arc will end with Tiff and Kip getting together.

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  95. Photo
    DawnQuinn1  11 months ago

    Don’t get your hopes up Tiff. The landing hurts.

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  96. Greg backlit
    mindjob  11 months ago

    Qui, qui, mon ami

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  97. Th 9
    Count Olaf Premium Member 11 months ago

    YESSSSSSS! Catch the last panel? Tuff❤️Tiff knows a potential Shoog Daddy when she sees one. You Go, Grrl! Sic ‘em! Put all that Ann❤️Eiffel training into practice and good use. Flash those hooded eyes and purse those Botox lips and go straight for… the bank account and drain that sucker dry, boy howdy. The Count ❤️s it when a plan comes together. Darling Ann❤️Eiffel would be proud. And so is Yrs Trly, Your Hero, The Count. Sizzlin’❤️Stef? Child, please. She moved on from Dippy Skippy eons ago fishing for bigger and better (wealthier) fish in the sea. She fer sure knocked off a few on her summer vacay with Cunning Ann❤️Eiffel and the ❤️Eiffelettes. Sexy❤️Stef will be off to Quebec in a hot minute to join Betts the Bae❤️, Tawny ❤️Tone’❤️ Tattoed❤️Toni and, of course, Mistress Ann❤️Eiffel at the baccarat tables and wheel. With Ann❤️Eiffel, one always gets a Happy Ending… Well, unless, of course, one is lowly and/or unworthy (we know who you are). Soooo… Time to Trundle, lowly unworthies. Places to go and people to bilk, The Count means “see”. TTFN… and for all you lowly unworthies getting a head start on Labor Day… let’s be careful out there. The Life You Save May Be The Count’s. Or Ann❤️Eiffel’s. Count…OUT

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  98. Missing large
    paldec  11 months ago

    Many of today’s comments make me feel like Rip Van Winkle in reverse. Somehow I went to sleep in 2023 and woke up in 1957.

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  99. Missing large
    rickmac1937 Premium Member 11 months ago

    That’s you opening Tiff go for it

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  100. Missing large
    phileaux  11 months ago

    I dated a girl who was “crazy fun” then I married her

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    Susan123  11 months ago

    Stef isn’t Ms right, she is Ms right now.

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    beachlvr Premium Member 11 months ago

    Tiff just lost her halo and fell back into the pack of being a clueless teen.

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    David Huie Green ForceIsAUsefulFiction  11 months ago

    Pop that finger out.

    Refinement in utmost display!!

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  104. Moneypenney me
    YorkGirl  Premium Member 11 months ago

    Will we skip to the airport tomorrow and the Steff meltdown, with or without flowers?

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  105. 20180812 203935
    dlaemmerhirt999  11 months ago


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  106. 20180812 203935
    dlaemmerhirt999  11 months ago

    Oh, and “when in doubt, pinkie out.”

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  107. Moneypenney me
    YorkGirl  Premium Member 11 months ago

    GnK seem to suggest (in Luannfan mail) that they may go from a love triangle to a trapezoid. So I’m wondering since Gunther is Bets-less, he may enter into this fray. Or will Steff bring along a “friend”? §;-o

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  108. Eartha kitt
    Jaymi Cee Premium Member 11 months ago

    Poor Kip. Many a young man and woman has had that insight – only to fall victim to a hole in a condom a few months later.

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    TravelinMan  11 months ago

    Novella. (Sorry, haven’t seen it today, just had to say it).

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    comic reader 22  11 months ago

    Tomorrow we get to see the orchestrated scene that Kip and Steff have rehearsed to play out for Tiffany. The big argument, the shouting, the tears…and then Kip turning to Tiffany for consolation.

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  111. Missing large
    CAMom  11 months ago

    Then Kip needs to tell Stef exactly what he’s there for. As she’s made it clear to him that she considers their relationship long-term, he needs to make it clear that it’s not. Otherwise if he doesn’t, then Kip is a scuz-bag whose using her for what he can. They need to be on the same page. As for Tiff, although I find the last panel funny, she should steer clear of this until Kip/Stef relationship is settled.

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  112. Neil diamond
    The Quiet One  11 months ago

    Refined does not equal Stef.

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  113. Missing large
    happyainthappy  11 months ago

    I’m amazed so many people see Kip as some villain twirling his black mustache at Tiff over dinner.

    He’s been holding this in for two years and now it’s all spilling out,like waster over the dam.

    We’ll know Stef has arrived at the airport when we see the stewardesses kick someone off a plane just before the landing wheels touch ground.

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    ironman01  11 months ago

    Between Stef, Kip and Tiff how many red flags can you count?

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    janetrisovi  11 months ago

    Tiff is nowhere near the same person she was when she said those things in 2017.

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    sisterea  11 months ago

    Don’t do it Tiffany he is a jerk and using Stef and if he will use her he will use you.

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    fchism5  11 months ago

    Doesn’t Kip look a little like Brad these last couple of strips

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    TravelinMan  11 months ago

    “Some kinds of fun last longer than others.” — Trudy Kockenlocker

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    Ray Helvy Premium Member 11 months ago

    Tune in tomorrow for this exciting episode: “Tiffany Crashes and Burns”!

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    marko92752  11 months ago

    So Kip invited Tiff to dinner to check her out as a possible replacement to Stef.

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    D.E.N.  11 months ago

    Sounds about right, Kip looking for something better and Stef relegated to just a common “side piece”. Well, she made her own bed, so to speak, and apparently Kip isn’t any classier. Maybe Stef should just team up with that other freeloader on the van and do am “It’s All About MEEEEEE” road show.

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    TwilightFaze  11 months ago

    Yup, called it! Stef is just a fun time for Kip and wants something serious later in life. Stef can still be that girl, but she needs to grow up (and fast) or she’s gonna lose him.

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    Willywise52 Premium Member 11 months ago

    Keyword “crazy”.

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    Doneaver  11 months ago

    I do still think Kip is using her to start a fight to breakup with Stef. Why else invite her out and to the airport to pick up Stef. Her being dressed up is just a bonus.

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    Gardeninggm  11 months ago

    If he knows she wants more than he does but doesn’t tell her and just says he loves her too he is leading her on.

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    DailyReader in Georgia  11 months ago

    I really hope the Evans’ don’t go the way of the comments for a lot of what you guys are saying. I think it would be awesome for Tiffany to finally get a chance at a relationship with a hunk like Kip (Ox would be okay also). Stef doesn’t deserve him; and he seems to be written as a pretty decent guy. Stef should get left at the airport (don’t they have Ubers in Luanniverse; THEY DO since Gunther came home in one…) Who makes someone pick them up at the airport anymore AND acts like they will be stranded if it doesn’t happen?? Like someone said “needy much?”… signed – Team “Kipanny” (TiKip? Tif-Ox?? Kipanny it is… ;o)

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    DorothyGlenn Premium Member 11 months ago

    I’m surprised Tiff is interested in a “user” type/loose boy.

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    eced52  11 months ago

    As Bones used to say when Seely said he had to get his ducks in a row, I can be a duck.

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    eladee AKA Wally  11 months ago

    Sounds like he’s using Stef until someone better comes along. If he feels that way he should break up with her. It will mean drama and tears but in the end it will be better for both of them. You should NEVER stay with someone unless you’ve completely invested your heart. Especially if you KNOW they are so fully invested in you. It’s so unfair.

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    AN  11 months ago

    Now we’re talking lol

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    Sisyphos  11 months ago

    So, Stef is using Kip, and Kip is using Steffi. and it’s all pretty much just a fleeting, physical thing. Kip isn’t all that admirable now, is he?

    But he’s still studly and pretty, huh, Tiff?

    Don’t waste your time! (Either one of you.)

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    luann1212  11 months ago

    Boy, you’ll being setup pretty good I have to say.

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    kstewskis  11 months ago

    Never know where this convo will lead in the future. He’s getting to know Tiff, definitely more pedigree than Miss Sweet Potato Queen. All Tiff needs to do is a little tune up, show her “refined” side, and there might be potential here somewhere down the road. Some guys don’t forget this (consider old classmates getting together later in life…never know!).

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    KenDHoward1  11 months ago

    Go for it, Tiffany … ;)

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