Kim’s mom won’t let her play with Shannon. I too wonder where this will go. Prediction: the kids do manage to become friends. Kim runs away from home to come live with Brad and Toni. Kim’s mom turns out to be abuser. Jonah doesn’t come home. Brad and Toni end up with both kids.
Help out, yes. Take over primary caregiver responsibilities while the parents disappear, no. Toni and Brad (and Luann) are and have been doing the first. Jonah is working on the second.
Plenty of single parents deal with child care without imposing on family members. Plenty don’t have family members TO impose upon. Has this guy ever offered a dime for Shannon’s food and upkeep? Not that we have seen.
I still say he’s going to leave and never come back. A month in LA becomes six months in Europe becomes see ya when I see ya. A deadbeat is a deadbeat and this Jonah guy is the head dead.
Jonah is supposed to show up and get Shannon huh? Sounds like a setup to me. Bet he doesn’t show and Brad and Toni acquire an instant family. Any takers?
He’s back. Let’s see how long he stays.