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Kevin Kallaugher

Gary Markstein

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Walt Handelsman

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Lalo Alcaraz

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Drew Sheneman

Drew Sheneman



By Greg Evans and Karen Evans
Tom Toles

Tom Toles

Matt Wuerker

Matt Wuerker

Matt Bors

Matt Bors

Dana Summers

Dana Summers

Clay Jones

Clay Jones

Recent Comments

  1. about 17 hours ago on Jeff Stahler

    What I hate is the double standard. If Biden or any Democratic president was convicted of a misdemeanor, Republicans would be demanding he step down because the President is supposed to abide by the law. (For me it would depend on the misdemeanor.) Now it doesn’t matter what the charge is, how much evidence there is, or that Trump is a proven liar. He’ was right when he said he could shoot someone on a street in New York and get away with it. Even if it was on camera and all he would have to say is “the video of my shooting (said dead person) is a fake created by the evil Democrats, FBI and deep state” and his “fans” would believe and support him.

  2. 19 days ago on Michael Ramirez

    Government jobs are just that …. jobs. And there is a huge amount of administrative work that needs to be done. As soon as something goes wrong, everyone demands government help. Government workers, for the most part, are citizens working for their money, just like we all are. Is there some waste – I’m sure there is, but I also think if we were to see the reality of the work most are doing — and like all jobs, most are doing a good to excellent job — we’d all feel better about it.

  3. 29 days ago on Kevin Kallaugher

    The problem is Hamas and Netanyahu’s government.

  4. 29 days ago on Clay Jones

    Someone with a history of public verbal attacks on the jury, judges (and their families) who is warned at the pre-trial, beginning of the trial … and continually throughout the trial … and continues to do so would be in jail. This isn’t one comment followed by the fine. It is after multiple warnings.

  5. 29 days ago on Rob Rogers

    When protests turn ugly and violent their actions overshadow their message. The violence ends up being the story instead of the message. Those who are protesting to make their voices heard are drowned out and the message gets lost.

  6. 29 days ago on Matt Davies

    I totally agree. The issue is too complicated for a pithy slogan . I am pro-Israel and anti Netanyahu pro-Palestine and anti-Hamas. The slaughter of a couple of thousand and kidnapping of a few hundred Israelis is no small think and required a response. Destroying the infrastructure of the country and killing tens of thousands of innocent men, women and children to route out hundreds members of Hamas is not a proportional response. Plus, I can’t help thinking that for every member of Hamas they kill they are recruiting more … I suspect the family members who survive the slaughter of their family will happily join Hamas.

  7. about 1 month ago on Phil Hands

    I just wish the protesters would include freeing the hostages and condemning Hamas. Israel is justified in going after Hamas, but the response from Netanyahu has NOT been proportional. Turning the whole country into rubble, killing tens of thousands and planning to kill is making Israel less secure not more. I can’t think of a better recruiting tool for Hamas than those who survive in Gaza — most of whom will have lost one, more or all family members. Hamas is the enemy, they are fine with the deaths because they view the dead as martyrs to the cause and Netanyahu’s response has turned the focus from Hamas onto Israel giving Hamas exactly what they want. Not only is the bloodshed horrified and must be stopped … it is the most stupid, least productive course of action for Israel.

  8. about 1 month ago on Joe Heller

    A few years ago, my nephew who went to a high school that had a wealthy student body (where he lived) and an inner-city student body. They decided to have a $25.00 prom. Previously worn prom dresses in good shape were donated to borrow, and they had the prom in the gym. He had a great time, though his mother was an attorney and my brother was a Vice President for the state University and he and his date easily afforded looking great and could have afforded a pricy destination prom. I thought it was a great idea that more schools should try out.

  9. about 1 month ago on Michael Ramirez

    It is true that it is historians and the future public that will judge this period in our country. I suspect Magaism will be viewed the same way we view McCarthyism.

  10. about 2 months ago on Dana Summers

    All the problems mentioned are legitimate, but and Republicans are great at naming them and blaming them on Democrats. What I’d love to hear is what THEIR plan is to deal with them beyond building a wall that will magically solve the immigration problem. The Senate Republicans (and some Republicans in Congress) were able to get major concessions from the Democrats – including building a wall. Instead of taking a victory lap and talking about what they were able to accomplish – the House voted it down because it is better to complain and blame until after the election.