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  1. almost 2 years ago on Peanuts Begins

    I’m surprised he managed to find enough room to write down a musical piece with all of the advertisements on the back of your typical comic magazine.

  2. almost 2 years ago on JumpStart

    The gift I want most is a clean kitchen. I have long since dropped my fantasy-inspired, “without being prompted,” portion of the dream.

  3. almost 2 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Oh my goodness. You do know it is possible to perform basic research, right? At age 16, the mother’s parents would need to be involved in the adoption in most states. In some states, the 16 year old becomes the ward of the state so the adoption can be performed without parental influence. There are zero states that prevent medical treatment for ectopic pregnancy. Even the Missouri Law isn’t clear on this issue, which is probably where you are getting this line. The whole rape and incest line is just side-show argument because even when state lawmakers concede rape, incest, and health of the mother (which three occur incredibly infrequently) as reasons for abortion, the opposing state lawmakers won’t accept the concession (exactly because they occur so infrequently). No state laws are being suggested to outlaw D&C or D&E for the restoring the uterus after a fetus dies.

    The bans on birth control, the outlawing of interracial marriage, and outlawing marriage for the non-binary are just smoke screens. The ONLY people saying things like that are people on the left. You really need to spend some time reading multiple resources across the spectrum.

    As for the party of small government, you are right. Republicans have failed miserably there. But Republican voters are more likely to live up to the requirements of personal responsibility. For example:

  4. almost 2 years ago on Steve Benson

    And the Air Force was able to sneak past you that the formula they flew in wasn’t meant for American consumers. It went to hospitals. Granted, I’m okay with giving the formula to those with the biggest need, but don’t pat yourself on the back for a photo op.

  5. almost 2 years ago on Steve Benson

    Doing the right thing? Bundle of cash? So we’re going to lambast the right for the 150 million the gun lobbies spent but not the over half a billion that union lobbies spent on Democrats.

  6. almost 2 years ago on Steve Benson

    Actually, people on the right open five Pregnancy Resource Clinics for every new abortion clinic. There are countless church programs providing resources from credit card relief to soup kitchens. Programs, I might add, that offer more dignity to the agency of the person in need than any of the welfare programs offered by the government. If you believe the tired old line that Republicans only care about children until they are born, you need to let a little light into that closed mind of yours. Try volunteering at a soup kitchen. The fact that my kids will still eat peanut butter after making sandwiches by the 100’s amaze me. I can’t look at a peanut.

  7. almost 2 years ago on Jeff Stahler

    How do you propose to remove guns from the people that refuse to give them up? Send in people? With guns? From the government? That is exactly the reasoning behind why the Second Amendment exists.

    And how do you propose to remove guns from criminals? Or protect people without guns from criminals with guns?

    And how are you going to cover the 100’s of times each day a gun is brandished to successfully protect self, a loved one, or property without being fired?

    “The unspeakable elementary school massacre in Uvalde, Texas has once again raised the question of what we are going to do about our mass shooting problem. The United States does indeed seem to have a unique and pressing problem with mass shootings, and Tuesday’s nightmarish tragedy—the horrific killing of nearly 20 young children inside their own elementary school—is as stark a reminder of that as any.”

    Because so many of the suggestions among comments to political cartoons like this one are addressed in this article, please keep reading at:

    Also, to discover the truth behind so many dishonest claims from the left, please review TOP 5 False Claims From Uvalde Tragedy:

  8. almost 2 years ago on Marshall Ramsey

    If the Left wants to open negotiations on guns, let’s start with the sanctity of life. It’s very hypocritical of Democrats to be for killing kids so long as it happens behind the magical border of the birth canal. Either killing kids is wrong is all situations or it isn’t. Let’s start at that point and go from there. What? No takers on the Left? Of course there are no takers, because then they would have to admit that there are two bodies involved in an abortion but only one of them survives. And don’t give me that tired argument about the Right only cares about life in the womb. There are five Pregnancy Resource Clinics opened for every new abortion clinic. Not to mention a host of other services by people on the Right stepping up. You want to call us out for allowing these kids to die? Shut down your own death factories first and then call us out. After all, your death factories are killing every day. At least ours is only occasionally.

    And what about non-lethal gun use? The CDC statistics used to show there were between 200k and 1.2M times per years in the US where the defensive use of a gun helped someone avoid being injured, protected a loved one, or kept property safe WITHOUT being fired. Because they didn’t like that statistic, the CDC now says the defensive use of firearms needs additional study. What is your solution to these situations?

  9. almost 2 years ago on Marshall Ramsey

    And how should we support the safety of those children? None of the host of ideas the left proposes will work. Background check? We have that.

    “The unspeakable elementary school massacre in Uvalde, Texas has once again raised the question of what we are going to do about our mass shooting problem. The United States does indeed seem to have a unique and pressing problem with mass shootings, and Tuesday’s nightmarish tragedy—the horrific killing of nearly 20 young children inside their own elementary school—is as stark a reminder of that as any.”

    Because so many of the suggestions among comments to political cartoons like this one are addressed in this article, please keep reading at:

  10. almost 2 years ago on Marshall Ramsey

    No money is doing the right thing? Like how the Democrats take nearly half-a-billion in political donations from unions? Oh wait. Both sides are corrupt but let’s point at the gun lobby in this situation. Physician, heal thyself.