Clay Jones for August 08, 2021

  1. Tf 117
    RAGs  almost 3 years ago

    The Q-publican part was certainly corrupt.

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    LookingGlass Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Can’t wait for Friday, the 13th of August to get here and diddley-squat to happen!!


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    ImDaRealAni  almost 3 years ago

    Are the characters next to the phone Russian? I’m not really sure.

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    jimchronister2016  almost 3 years ago

    Morning Clay, this is simply a Perfect picture of that Idiots cabinet! Your are a Genus at creating reality!

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    gammaguy  almost 3 years ago

    “Trump meets with his Cabinet…”

    That’s not a “Cabinet”. That’s a Closet!

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    PraiseofFolly  almost 3 years ago

    Clay Jones should allow his various cartoon characters to be used in a politics-inspired remake of “Who Framed Roger Rabbit?” Their various grotesqueries would fit many of the characters in that 1988 movie.

    It seems after all that Washington D.C. has turned into a political Toontown. Clay himself could play Eddie Valiant, trying to find who is trying to kill Democracy.

    Surely everyone could relate actual politicians to many of the toon characters in the original movie. But instead of cartoons from the various animation studios, they would originate from Jones’s cartoon universe with its myriad of characterizations.

    If I can suggest one cartoon character: Lena Hyena could be made to resemble Marjorie Taylor Greene:

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  7. Calvin   hobbes   calvin
    erik.vanthienen  almost 3 years ago

    “Это кто?” (pronounced “éto kto?”) : Russian for ‘Who’s this?’

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    The Nodding Head  almost 3 years ago

    And yet Mr. Jones still underplays the lunacy of Trump’s willfully blind fascistic followers

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    Zebrastripes  almost 3 years ago

    ….meanwhile Cumo is being nailed to the cross, and the scumbags who committed treason again their country are still walking free, spewing the big vile lies and now running again in 2024! What’s wrong with this picture?

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    The Love of Money is . . .  almost 3 years ago

    Looking at this cartoon somehow makes me hungry for some ‘mixed nuts’.

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    Rayzor63  almost 3 years ago

    Is that Rupert from Family Guy next to Sidney Powell?

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  12. Celtic tree of life
    mourdac Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    That cabinet has been chewed to pieces by termites.

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  13. Lifi
    rossevrymn  almost 3 years ago

    The fiction here is not equaling the truth, I’m sure.

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    imagenesis  almost 3 years ago

    Every time I see a commercial with the pillow guy holding his pillow, I start laughing! XD

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    Wirepuncher   almost 3 years ago

    I took a second look just to enjoy the scene and noticed Ghoulani pootin in the corner.

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  16. Atheism 007
    Michael G.  almost 3 years ago

    A take-charge guy who truly knows how to get things done: criminally

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  17. Can flag
    Alberta Oil Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Nailed the image of Rudy, instantly recognizable.. well done Clay

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    Ally2005  almost 3 years ago

    A who’s who of the Mar-A-Lardo loonies using Rump’s new in-person Loon-Zoom call platform.

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  19. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  almost 3 years ago

    ‘An awful lot there’: Top Dem serves notice to Trump that his former AG spilled the beans in 7-hour testimony

    Speaking with CNN “State of the Union” host Dana Bash on Sunday morning, Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) was closed-mouthed about the particulars but revealed that Jeffrey Rosen — former acting Attorney General under Donald Trump — provided lawmakers with a treasure trove of information about Trump’s attempts to interfere with the 2020 presidential election results.

    “When you were listening to that testimony yesterday, what was the most shocking to you?” Bash asked.

    “Just how directly personally involved the president was, the pressure he was putting on Jeffrey Rosen. It was real, very real, and it was very specific,” Durbin replied. “This president is not subtle when he wants something, the former president is not subtle when he wants something. It’s a good thing for America we had a person like Rosen in that position, who withstood the pressure.”

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  20. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  almost 3 years ago

    ‘Severe cognitive decline’: Trump stuns critics with Fox News comments on coronavirus

    “Well, first of all, could you imagine if I were president right now and we had this massive attack from the coronavirus, you know, now they like to call it, they have new names and they have other new names, but it’s exactly what we had, we had the same thing,” Trump suggested. “If that were me, they would say ‘what a horrible thing, what a horrible job.’ These are numbers in some cases that are equivalent to what it was, but we don’t hear that.”

    Critics were quick to note that the former president did little during the early days of COVID-19 which led to over 600,000 deaths as his administration bungled the response — in sharp contrast to the pro-active work being done by President Joe Biden’s administration.

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  21. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  almost 3 years ago

    More Trump Org indictments loom as investigators turn to CFO Weisselberg’s son: report

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  22. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  almost 3 years ago

    ‘The word woke means loser’: Trump attacks NFL, MLB and LeBron James in Fox News rant

    Crazy rotten unwoke republicans think they can lie, cheat, steal, slander and spread disease with impunity.

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  23. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  almost 3 years ago

    Trump praised Hitler’s ‘economic miracle’ — and that’s even worse than it sounds

    In his newly-released book about the 2020 election, Wall Street Journal White House reporter Michael C. Bender reveals that former President Trump allegedly praised Adolf Hitler’s role in Germany’s economic recovery in the 1930s as evidence that the Führer “did a lot of good things.”

    In fact, although White House chief of staff John Kelly was reportedly appalled by Trump’s statement, he acknowledged the possibility that Hitler “was solely responsible for rebuilding the economy” with the caveat that those economic accomplishments didn’t balance out subsequent Nazi atrocities.

    The implication that Hitler’s economic accomplishments could potentially offset the Holocaust is unsettling on its face. It’s also ignores the inconvenient fact that Hitler’s economy wasn’t detached from Nazi atrocities.

    In fact, although White House chief of staff John Kelly was reportedly appalled by Trump’s statement, he acknowledged the possibility that Hitler “was solely responsible for rebuilding the economy” with the caveat that those economic accomplishments didn’t balance out subsequent Nazi atrocities.

    The implication that Hitler’s economic accomplishments could potentially offset the Holocaust is unsettling on its face. It’s also ignores the inconvenient fact that Hitler’s economy wasn’t detached from Nazi atrocities.

    By contrast, an out-of-work Jewish German didn’t officially count as unemployed. After 1933, they became a burden on the state and were in some cases designated “work-shy” and sent to concentration camps.

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  24. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  almost 3 years ago

    DOJ notes revealed: Trump’s coup was longer in the making than we thought

    These notes reveal that a sitting president, defeated in a free and fair election, personally and repeatedly pressured Justice Department leaders to help him foment a coup in a last-ditch attempt to cling to power. And that should shock the conscience of every American, regardless of political persuasion."

    ABC News published a draft of a letter prepared by a Trump loyalist in the DOJ named Jeffrey Clark, a faceless GOP lawyer who had previously worked in the Bush administration and had been the head of the DOJ’s civil division since September of 2020. On the same day that Trump was leaning on the acting AG to declare the election was “corrupt,” Clark circulated a letter addressed to Georgia’s GOP Gov. Brian Kemp and state legislative leaders, dishonestly claiming that the DOJ had “identified significant concerns that may have impacted the outcome of the election.” The letter recommended that the Georgia legislature “convene in special session so that its legislators are in a position to take additional testimony, receive new evidence, and deliberate on the matter.” Clark suggested in this letter that the legislature could refuse to accept the outcome of the election and select electors for Trump instead. This was the essence of the coup plot. According to NBC News, Clark had drafted similar letters to all six states that Trump was contending had been stolen: Arizona, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada and Georgia.

    Thankfully, Rosen and his deputy Richard Donoghue, who recorded these events and turned his notes over to Congress, rejected Clark’s outrageous attempts to overturn the election. But that was still not the end of it.

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  25. Desron14
    Masterskrain Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    SPEAKING OF CORRUPTION: You’ll be shocked to learn that Donald Trump’s campaign fundraising tactics were apparently not entirely above board. From the 2020 campaign through today, Donald Trump, the Republican National Committee, and their shared accounts have reportedly been forced to refund more than $135 million in donated funds, the New York Times reports. Beginning last September, the Times reports, the Trump campaign responded to a cash shortage by routing donors into recurring payments with a pre-checked box on its online form—and another that added a second donation, called a “money bomb.” (The FEC has since unanimously recommended that Congress prohibit such tactics, and legislation to do so has been introduced in the House and Senate.)

    Trump, the RNC, and their shared accounts returned $12.8 million in the first six months of 2021, newly released federal records show. Since Election Day, they’ve refunded more than $60 million.

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  26. Chai
    Perkycat  almost 3 years ago

    I love this picture ~ it says so much!!Trump even threatens Republicans who support Biden’s infrastructure. He doesn’t like it because Biden is doing it while he did nothing! He’s threatening to not give them support in their next election. I say okay!
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  27. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  almost 3 years ago

    US government issues alert over threat of violence in August tied to Trump conspiracy theories

    ‘As public visibility of the narratives increases, we are concerned about more calls to violence’, a DHS official says

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    knutdl  almost 3 years ago

    Elvis Presley died 40 years ago. Don’t mess with The King.

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    Super Fly  almost 3 years ago

    The Wackadoodle Caucus is now in session!

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  30. Badass uncle sam
    hawgowar  almost 3 years ago

    For telling the truth? Let’s have an independent party overlook the election, say the Swiss. The left has been corrupting national elections since Kennedy. Johnson almost admitted it, then laughed about it.

    The January 6th protest did not go far enough. They should have taken all documents and computers in the congress and then exposed them.

    Pelosi called Trump’s attempt to close the borders when Wuhan first appeared as racist and xenophobic. So what happened, Wuhan made it here in jig time. Then Pelosi blamed Trump for not stopping the virus from entering.

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  31. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  almost 3 years ago

    DC insider: A Trump bombshell quietly dropped last week and it should shock us all

    We’ve become so inured to Donald Trump’s proto-fascism that we barely blink an eye when we learn that he tried to manipulate the 2020 election. Yet the most recent revelation should frighten every American to their core.

    On Friday, the House oversight committee released notes of a 27 December telephone call from Trump to then acting attorney general Jeffrey Rosen, in which Trump told Rosen: “Just say the election was corrupt + leave the rest to me and the R congressmen.” The notes were taken by Richard Donoghue, Rosen’s deputy, who was also on the call.

    The release of these notes has barely made a stir. The weekend news was filled with more immediate things – infrastructure! The Delta strain! Inflation! Wildfires! In light of everything else going on, Trump’s bizarre efforts in the last weeks of his presidency seem wearily irrelevant. Didn’t we already know how desperate he was?

    In a word, no. This revelation is hugely important.

    But Trump was no accident and he’s not in any dustbin. He has turned one of America’s two major parties into his own cult. He has cast the major political division in the US as a clash between those who believe him about the 2020 election and those who do not. He has emboldened state Republicans to execute the most brazen attack on voting rights since Jim Crow. Most Republican senators and representatives dare not cross him. Some of his followers continue to threaten violence against the government. By all accounts, he is running for president again in 2024.

    Donald Trump’s proto-fascism poses the largest internal threat to American democracy since the civil war.

    What to do about it? Fight it, and the sooner the better.

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    ferddo  almost 3 years ago

    Leaving the rest to him hasn’t been working so far… but the Trumpers hope that Einstein was wrong about insanity…

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    kentmarx36  almost 3 years ago

    The Punch and Judy Show must inadvertently be postponed. Greasy Grimy Gopher Gulch Gaetz and Moldy Marginal Marjorie Taylored Greene haven’t yet arrived for the regularly scheduled meeting of traitors. THE ORANGE BLOB needs his crowd of screaming adoration providers.

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  34. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  almost 3 years ago

    We’re 25.8064516129% of the way through August: do you know where your “re-instated” Traitor Trump is?

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    STACEY MARSHALL Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    TRump TSkunk TBlimp TRaitor TStinks!

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    smartman  almost 3 years ago

    Guys, guys, guys. We get it that you’re mad about being left out of the cartoon since you spew the same garbage your idol, the Orange Fuhrer, does here and other cartoons daily, but he already drew this one so you’ll just have to wait until he draws another one to be included. The truly scary thing is that there are about 20 million of you loons who are so desperate for Fascism to take over so you can beat the hell out of any of us Dems.

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  37. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  almost 3 years ago

    Yeah, I can think of more than a few trolls on GoComics who would fit in quite nicely with the imbeciles, lunatics, criminals, and traitors pictured—but ENOUGH about Trump!

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    GiantShetlandPony  almost 3 years ago

    Tucker missed the meeting, he was hanging out with another murderous fascist dictator. I wonder if Trump was jealous?

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  39. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  almost 3 years ago

    Republicans are the 21st-century Know-Nothing Party

    Their eyes wide shut, fingers stuck in their ears, Congressional Republicans are certain all they need to know is which way the wind is blowing – and that they shouldn’t do anything about the pandemic, the economy, voting rights or immigration because it might help Democrats.

    What does it say about us that America’s 21st-century Know Nothing Party is unlikely to flame out as quickly as its 1850s ancestor?

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  40. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  almost 3 years ago

    “Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”

    — George Bernard Shaw

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