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  1. 2 days ago on Brewster Rockit

    If you have a Science Museum near you with an IMAX theater or Omniplex and it’s playing Deep Sky about the new Webb telescope, go see it now. Saw it yesterday in Cincy. It’s not life-changing, but it’s one of the best things I’ve watched in my 49 years on Earth. The images from the telescope on a 72-foot screen is just a new wonder of the world imho.

  2. 2 days ago on Clay Jones

    Everything Republicans say is either Projection meaning they’re doing it already or have plans to do it immediately or jealousy that we get to do it. And in this case, they truly believe non-whites are vermin. That’s why they revere the Orange Fuhrer so much. He’s going to treat them like vermin. The choice will be simple. Raid (it’ll be some other chemical but it fit the theme) or slavery. After all, someone is still going to have to do all those jobs they’re doing now.

  3. 2 days ago on Clay Bennett

    Okay Circle Jerk (this is why anyone who is reading this ever thinks to reply to any these obnoxious trolls should just skip it. They’re fact free and answer free. They just keep using the same worthless canned responses because they either won’t or can’t think for themselves.) go yell fire in a crowded theater. We have limited free speech before. Oh, and of course, corporations aren’t people and should never have the rights of people. Unless we get to give them the death penalty, which I know you’ll hate. You’re fine with the 0.000001% electing everyone and owning their souls in the Republican Party/Circus, but I’m not nor is most everyone else. Make sure you get your measurements to the people that are going to run the Orange Fuhrer’s goon squads so your brownshirt is ready after the inauguration. I know you don’t want to miss rounding up the first busloads of minorities.

  4. 3 days ago on Michael Ramirez

    Gutfield is wrong every single time he opens his weasel mouth. You want to talk about gays getting killed? Check Project 2025. Or every Republican law targeting all of LGBTQ+ with the goal of making the kids’ lives so hellish that they take their own lives. And you can spin it all you want, but that’s the intent. Get rid of them before they can become successful and give future kids someone to look up to who is just like them. How about the fact that every last LGBTQ+ person is going to a camp right after Muslims and brown people? How about all of you know that, and most of you are thrilled with that possibility? Wear your brownshirts proudly when the day comes, you horrible, horrible people (or Russian trolls which I’m still going with).

  5. 3 days ago on Lio

    Keep in mind that they’ve done some amazing things in science over the last 40 years. I was just in the Cincy Science Museum today. They had a screen that showed you exactly where Cincy was 400 Million years ago, and you could advance the screen to any point in history up to the present day. For the record, it was actually on the west coast of the pre-Pangea supercontinent.

  6. 3 days ago on JumpStart

    As a woman on TikTok pointed out in an excellent video, we as a society have privatized everything kids used to do for free. Want to play ball with other kids? Has to be in a league. Nobody can allow their kids to play in a park alone.

  7. 3 days ago on Clay Jones

    In Russia, Cinco De Mayo comes for you! Or they spent all day yesterday watching all the Star Wars movies rooting for the Emperor or the First Order who are obviously Nazis, and sleeping in today.

  8. 3 days ago on Clay Bennett

    If you allow unlimited money in elections, the richest 0.01% of the people control the politicians. The fact that you either can’t grasp that basic fact or find absolutely nothing wrong with that is quite alarming. We survived for a very long time with no dark money in politics, and we need to return to it. Or just elect the Orange Fuhrer and become a third-world s-hole country.

  9. 4 days ago on Clay Bennett

    You have the right to donate to any and all candidates you can TO A CERTAIN LIMIT. You should never be able to create a dark money slush fund where billionaires can dump millions of dollars to buy elections. That’s what Citizens United did, and it’s why it is one of the 5 worst SCOTUS decisions in history. And here’s the bad news for you and your money, unless you’re a billionaire, your campaign donations to anything but local elections is utterly useless because of CU. Why should anyone listen to anyone who isn’t one of their largest donors? They don’t is the answer. It’s why over 75% of Americans agree on a lot of things (just don’t mention it’s a Democrat idea and they do) that never see the light of day in Congress because the 1% say NO!

  10. 4 days ago on Nick Anderson

    Yes, as I said I lived through it. Reagan was how I afforded to go to college (though it likely would have stayed free or nearly free without the 2nd worst President in history). However, you have to be nearing 50 to have lived through that era so no one is used to it. I wish Democrats had been hammering home both that it’s lower here than most everywhere else in the world, and that it’s overwhelmingly due to corporate greed and not regular inflation. We had that for about a year due to COVID, but the rest is reflected in everyone having record profits which never happens with regular inflation.