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  1. about 5 hours ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Sadly, several nurses around the country would steal their patients’ info. Now, overseas hackers have posted nearly everyone’s SS#. And don’t even get me started on the fact that it is laughably easy to steal someone’s house or land.

  2. about 5 hours ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    Oh that’s why I’ve posted everywhere that still allows free speech unlike here that I know where every brown person, Muslim, and LGBTQ+ person will be in a year if the Orange Fuhrer wins. Throw in all of us either arrested or unalived by the military during the protests, and it’s going to happen so fast and so furious that it’ll boggle the minds of the world. I just want every single person who votes Republican to own it even when they or their friends are getting dragged out of their homes by the brownshirts. None of this namby-pamby “But we didn’t think he’d actually do it!” or “But I voted for you, it was supposed to be those other people, not me!”. You’re voting for a Fascist Hellhole. Own that.

  3. 1 day ago on JumpStart

    As someone who grew up raising cattle, no the bulls were not slower once they got going. Maybe they’re a little slower in Pamplona because they run them around curves, but a bull going full steam is not to be trifled with at all.

  4. 1 day ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    There was a recent comic book arc of Captain America working for Hydra. Everyone hated it before the twist trying to make it seem okay. It’ll be the same for all but about 10% of the country when Fascism comes, and they find out that they’re not safe from it like they thought, just like that beautiful young Latino woman standing next to Trump during his speech today in Texas (why any woman would volunteer to stand within grabbing reach of Trump is really baffling). She and every other brown person who votes for Trump are getting thrown into camps regardless of that vote. Stephen Miller wants a white-only country, and he’s the one who is going to be running the Uyghur-style work camps. Vote for Harris and every other Democrat you can or enjoy never voting again.

  5. 2 days ago on JumpStart

    I would hazard a guess that since the late 90s with the bombings in NYC with those types of vans cops in major cities have carte blanche on running plates on box trucks/cargo vans.

  6. 2 days ago on Tank McNamara

    Those Southern coastal states have rotten soil for basements which is why they don’t. My sister lives in MS. It’s also why Louisiana has such awful roads.

  7. 2 days ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    We were going to get a recession in 2020 before the virus hit. You can look at the 2019 economic data for proof of that as it was already slowing at a pretty significant rate. Because we always get a recession under Republicans because they always gut the tax rate on the 1% which causes a recession every single time. But this time we’ll get a 2nd Great Depression under Trump’s deranged policies. You can’t take at least 30 million people out of the workforce and put in 200% tariffs and get anything else.

  8. 3 days ago on Dick Tracy

    Louisville lost one of their very old Catholic cathedrals last week or two due to homeless people setting up camp there after the church had moved out and sold to an out-of-state owner who was likely hoping for that to happen so they’d get free or discounted demolition as they didn’t have anyone there checking for homeless or even boarding up access points leaving that to the city.

  9. 3 days ago on Strange Brew

    Women are divorcing men at record rates and thanks to laws that haven’t caught up with the 21st Century where women are equals, they fleece the heck out of the man. Plenty of stories out there to turn into a typical country song. And to be fair, some men stupidly cheat on their wife/gf so they have things to write about too.

  10. 5 days ago on Tank McNamara

    Texas got their “Welcome to the SEC” officiating moment on Saturday when they got a completely egregious pass interference penalty that wiped out an interception returned to the 9. With Alabama losing earlier in the day, Georgia had to win to keep the number of 1-loss teams higher than 2-loss teams. Welcome to the rigged SEC, Texas.