Michael Ramirez for March 28, 2021

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    LookingGlass Premium Member about 3 years ago

    Is that all you got, Mikey??


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  2. Ban crosscheck
    hermit48  about 3 years ago

    Go away.

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  3. Sammy on gocomics
    Say What Now‽ Premium Member about 3 years ago

    How dare Joe be prepared!/s

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  4. Myfreckledface
    VegaAlopex  about 3 years ago

    …but this cartoon is. Having a list of answers to questions does not make it scripted.

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    Odon Premium Member about 3 years ago

    Joe refers to notes instead of making sh*t up. I find that refreshing.

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    tbarry718  about 3 years ago

    I would much prefer a president who uses crib notes for facts over one who needs to use them for empathy.

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    scote1379 Premium Member about 3 years ago

    Good Lord, a presser with thoughtful and coherent answers ! Remember " Oh just inject Bleach" !

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    Tralfaz Premium Member about 3 years ago

    Ah, yes, we’re back to a Presidential presser that can’t be measured by the number of facepalms made by his attending staff…

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    PraiseofFolly  about 3 years ago

    Biden returns to the presidential tradition of trying to give well-prepared, thoughtful answers that originate in the brain and flow through the mouth. Whereas, the Previous Guy spewed self-indulgent blather that originated in his gut, and splattered out the other end.

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    Buzzworld  about 3 years ago

    Good one Mike.

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    baroden Premium Member about 3 years ago

    And you’d rather have the Trump word salad, ranting, witch-hunt, whiny, propaganda-filled, truth-lacking, press-attacking, white-supremacist-praising, waste-of-time press conferences? No wonder the Republican party is so screwed up.

    I, for one, welcomed the first remotely useful and informative press conference in the last 4 years.

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    imagenesis  about 3 years ago

    Michael, don’t be mad at Biden juts because he is not talking about toilets and other crazy stuff like that other guy!

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    Geezer  about 3 years ago

    Thanks to the magic of “shadow banning,” no one but me can see this comment.

    Maybe that explains the “echo chamber” here.

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  14. Konigstein
    ollou90  about 3 years ago
    It’s very easy to be a critic after the fact, Mr Ramirez. I wonder how you would personally do in that hot seat…(?)…
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    Zev   about 3 years ago

    So what? Answers are a good thing, and scripted as least means he is prepared with facts and figures. Much better than the former guy’s incoherent ramblings that were all about him and how fabulous he was.

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    codpilot  about 3 years ago

    That’s just stupid. Anyone with brains knows their audience, researches the questions they might have and prepares. Unlike lying tRump who on a good day can’t remember the alphabet.

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  17. Mr haney
    NeedaChuckle Premium Member about 3 years ago

    Here is how it is. Biden talked in complete sentences and answered the questions as best as they could be answered. Ramirez is used to Trump rambling on about his uncle and golf game and god knows what. So therefore Ramirez can’t believe Biden didn’t script the press conference.

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    Zebrastripes  about 3 years ago

    GOP are making it their mission to degrade, Biden in any which way they can. These scumbag will stoop to the lowest level, because they’re so desperate and it is the only way they THINK they can win. What a complete and total disgrace to have these bullies and dumbasses in congress! All they do is waste taxpayers money by stalling, lying, investigating and deconstructing laws to suit their desperate wants! Who paid for the trip to the boarder that Cruz orchestrated? Just to demean….WE THE PEOPLE DID! They will do anything to discredit anyone who makes sense and is doing good for WE THE PROPLE! GOP = EVIL

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  19. My personal icon
    cocavan11  about 3 years ago

    Ramirez can’t cope with having to criticize a president who’s intelligent, educated, experienced, rational, responsible, and empathetic, and Ramirez is particularly at sea dealing with all those positive characteristics when they’re wrapped in a transparent envelope of integrity and competence.

    Ramirez has assiduously devoted his mediocre efforts during the preceding four years to make lame excuses for dim-wittedness, deliberate cruelty, breathtaking ignorance, palpable venality, alternative “facts,” wince-inducing mendacity, blatant self-interest, fatuous arrogance, lethal psychopathy, and wanton corruption.

    It’s no wonder that Ramirez can do no more than criticize Biden’s form, since he cannot criticize Biden’s content.

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    jhroos  about 3 years ago

    The orange buffoon routinely demonstrated his complete inability to utter a coherent sentence. What we have now is a HUGE IMPROVEMENT!

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    lonecat  about 3 years ago

    My Dad was part of the team that prepared President Kennedy for press conferences. One week they knew that there would be questions about the testing of nuclear devices, and they gave Kennedy a briefing about the various tests that had been performed, in three categories—those publicly acknowledged, those not publicly acknowledged, and those really really really not publicly acknowledged. When during the press conference, a reporter asked the expected question, and Kennedy in his answer gave the number that included categories one AND two. He had remembered the number, but he forgot which categories it covered. So now there was a discrepancy between what the government had officially acknowledged and what the President had just said. What to do? They decided that they had to go with the President’s numbers, so it wouldn’t look like he had made a mistake, and they spent the rest of the day working up a press release explain the new numbers. My Dad told me they were just relieved he hadn’t given the number for all three categories, because some of the tests in the third category they really didn’t want anyone to know about.

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    Patjade  about 3 years ago

    RW meme for the presser. They couldn’t find anything else and Biden has destroyed all their carefully crafted dialogue they used against him in the election.

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    grange Premium Member about 3 years ago

    Scripted or researched? Didn’t you have enough of a guy whose b.s. runs like diarrhea?

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    Otis Rufus Driftwood  about 3 years ago

    Reminds of the scene in the movie ‘Annie’ where Oliver Warbucks was on the radio show to help Annie find her parents, and read every word of the script, even the stage directions.

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  25. Dino
    Fred flintstone  about 3 years ago

    if you ask joe a question, he will most likely turn around and walk away

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  26. Pine marten3
    martens  about 3 years ago

    Is this the RW Meme for the Month? Aren’t these guys gonna look pretty foolish when progress is made on the pandemic and thus the economy? And how are they going to handle a president who doesn’t start every sentence with “I” and continue with “Me, me, me!” and doesn’t find plans and briefings that don’t include his name too boring to pay attention to.

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  27. Packrat
    Packratjohn Premium Member about 3 years ago

    I wouldn’t be surprised if ramirez uses teleprompters for inspiration…

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  28. Giraffe cat
    I Play One On TV  about 3 years ago

    Remember, commenters, when political cartoonists use their platforms for non-entities and who-cares-isms, it’s because the person they’re criticizing hasn’t done anything legitimately bad enough to criticize.

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    rmfrye Premium Member about 3 years ago

    Oh my god, he was actually prepared. How low will they stoop to show up his predecessor?

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    Valiant1943 Premium Member about 3 years ago

    and none of it was about him. How refreshing!

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    smartgrr  about 3 years ago

    Ramirez prefers the verbal diarrhea that came out of the last one’s mouth.

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    jader3rd  about 3 years ago

    Do you know what’s great, the fact that the President was prepared for questions really bothers the Trump disciples. They spent four years defending someone who could technically read from a teleprompter, but with the skill of my second grader reading her homework assignments, which resulted in them being forced to justify off the cuff, fanatical rambling as some sort of ideal.That and they just can’t imagine Joe Biden being functional, because they spend so much time being told that he’s not. Reality is really bursting their bubble.

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    ferddo  about 3 years ago

    Sure, it is much better to have an unprepared President show up to press conferences… ready to make stuff up when he doesn’t know the facts and cannot read the teleprompter… and spend his time patting himself on his own back, and insulting as many others as he can think of…

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  34. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  about 3 years ago

    Vicious lying racist Republicans are on a witch hunt.

    Michigan GOP chair refuses to resign after calling female Democrats ‘witches’ and joking about assassinations

    ‘Our job now is to soften up those three witches, and to make sure that when we have good candidates to run against them, that they are ready for the burning at the stake’

    e chairman of the Michigan Republican Party refused to step down on Friday, despite being caught on video calling female Democrats “witches” and joking about assassinating anti-Trump Republicans.

    “I made some comments that are clearly being taken out of context,” GOP chair Ron Weiser said on Twitter. “While I should have chosen my words more carefully, anyone who knows me understands I would never advocate for violence.”

    “I will not be resigning from the University of Michigan, and our focus at the Michigan Republican Party remains the same – winning in 2022,” he added.

    Mr Weiser has faced calls to resign after a Facebook video surfaced of him making controversial remarks to the North Oakland Republican Club in White Lake, Michigan.

    “Our job now is to soften up those three witches, and to make sure that when we have good candidates to run against them, that they are ready for the burning at the stake,” the chairman told the group.

    The “three witches” he referred to were Michigan’s Governor Gretchen Whitmer, Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, and Attorney General Dana Nessel.


    It wasn’t enough that the right tried to murder Whitmer, they are totally insane.

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    dyerjames944  about 3 years ago

    Cheat sheets,soft ball questions, and fox correspondent snubbed. That was foxes bitch list for the day. WAH,WAH,WAH!

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  36. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  about 3 years ago

    When I was speaking to large groups (not as large as this, of course), I had notes at two levels: Points to cover and details about some of the points. He also had notes mentioning which reporters would get the next questions. And, about 90% of the time, when I was actually speaking, even in the Q n A segment, I just spoke from knowledge. But every once in awhile, I would need a detail I didn’t have at the top of my mind: Look down, shuffle the papers, scan the data; look up and speak. I recognized that pattern in what he was doing. Seems like EXACTLY the right way to do it.

    Ramirez, of course, has as wide an audience as he can manage. His 14K followers here at GC far exceeds the number I’ve ever spoken to. But you won’t find Ramirez using notes. Oh no: Even if his audience were all present and listening, he wouldn’t need no steenkin’ notes, because Ramirez, don’t need no steekin’ facts either!

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    Andylit Premium Member about 3 years ago

    A photo list of reporters with the faces circled for pre-selected softballs from friendly forces.

    A stack of cue cards with answers to the simplest, most basic topics. Things many of US know off the top of our heads. Things a sitting POTUS should eat, sleep and breathe.

    And the "press conference’ STILL went off the rails.

    I told you a year ago. Joe is suffering from dementia. All of us who’ve been through it with a loved one can see it.

    The Dems have perpetrated the biggest political scandal in the history of our nation. The people around Joe KNEW going in that he was impaired.

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  38. Animals being weird
    wildthing  about 3 years ago

    Least he coulda done was come totally unprepared, insult a few reporters, and gaslight America with incoherent BS. Maybe a helicopter in the background woulda helped.

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    Ilikemikey  about 3 years ago

    Spot on, Ramirez! In fact you are giving him the benefit of the doubt. Did he really say he was “in the senate 120 years ago” And the Democrat media gasped. His handlers just about lost it. Who wrote his notes and put the pretty pictures of the lefty reporters he was supposed to call on? Not one tough question, Just a lot of syruppy softballs. Is Hunter still in bed with China? Tera Reade? How does open southern boarder benefit the working American? How does he plan to help small business find willing workers since his give aways to stay at home watching netflix pay more than a real job? In the words of Biden Very dark days for America coming

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    FJB  Premium Member about 3 years ago

    The question from PBS was a sloberfest. Meanwhile, Biden and his team of wussies are afraid to call on the reporter from Fox. Poor little fraidycats.

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  41. Me from rey    no dolphin
    Ye-absira  about 3 years ago

    Shouldn’t he have the answers ready instead of making them up on the spot?

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