Rob Rogers for April 24, 2018

  1. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 6 years ago

    A good, smart, guy withOUT a gun, takes down a bad guy (“sovereign”) with a gun. Ah, but he’s only got “mental problems” because he’s right and white.

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    Argythree  about 6 years ago

    @DTROUTMA: I can’t help but think it was great luck that the police didn’t come running in right when the good Samaritan was doing his thing, because I honestly think the cop would have shot the wrong man…

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  3. Missing large
    Elle Finn  about 6 years ago

    I’d rather have a waffle.

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  4. Picture
    Ontman  about 6 years ago

    And silence from the white house.

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  5. Wtp
    superposition  about 6 years ago

    Even with the vast majority of Americans opposed to Citizens United ruling, and the lack of gun control, congress is unwilling or unable to respond to the will of the people. Everything that was wrong with corrupt labor unions seems to be an order of magnitude worse with our current political parties. A government of the people, by the people, and for the people would have long ago overturned Citizens United and moderated access to guns for safety of the public.

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  6. Image
    magicwalnut Premium Member about 6 years ago

    I have long thought that it would be delightful if they included a mandatory questionnaire with the tax return so that folks could indicate where their taxes should be spent. It wouldn’t be binding, but it might open a few governmental eyes.

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  7. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  about 6 years ago

    Trump’s tax return answers: “Where do you want the money to go?” “WHAT money, I don’t pay taxes in the first place, and my allowance from Vlad hasn’t come in yet!”

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  8. Ahl13 3x4
    Andylit Premium Member about 6 years ago

    The real story that the left desperately wants to ignore is the the system actually worked. Right up to the part where THE POLICE HANDED THE GUNS BACK TO HIS FATHER!!!!!!

    The shooter was shown to be mentally ill. The FBI asked local officials to confiscate the weapons. The system worked to get guns out of the hands of a lunatic BEFORE he killed anyone.

    Sure, he MIGHT have gotten a black market gun later on, but he didn’t have to. Because local police, for some as yet unknown reason, released the guns back to a relative who just handed them back over to the lunatic.

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  9. Bbb
    NeoconMan  about 6 years ago

    ^ So you say the system worked. Right up to the point where it didn’t? Hoo-boy.

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  10. Bbb
    NeoconMan  about 6 years ago

    ^^ And even though the Left has been crying for years to keep guns out of the hands of the lunatics, it’s your view that they are happy that he got his guns back? Have you ANY sense of reality left?

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  11. Picture
    Sadandconfused9  about 6 years ago

    @ANDY LIT… Exactly why the father should be charged with aiding and abetting the murder and injuring of the people that his son’s Rampage hurt and killed in that Waffle House. But since he’s white, he won’t probably be punished with anything more than a slap on the wrist. After all the victims of that Carnage were black so authorities don’t really care about what happened to them. /S

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    wellis1947 Premium Member about 6 years ago

    America’s favorite domestic terrorist organization, the National Rifle Association, is busily plugging “our” Congressional Representatives’ ears with money – a VERY effective earplug, indeed!

    Please note that with the passing down of the Citizens United judicial opinion, the idea that “Corporations are People” and “Money can Vote” became established principle here in America! If you don’t accept THAT – well, allow me to ‘refresh’ your memory.

    When the Republicans in Congress pushed through their “Tax Bill”, do you remember the procedure? They had just had delivered to them a very clear message from their “Donors” – pass a tax bill lining our pockets with lucre or suffer the consequences! Both Houses of Congress then proceeded to produce a document that was pushed so rapidly through the Hallowed Halls that the Congressional members barely had time to acknowledge it, let alone read it!

    The resultant bill was pure “cake and ice cream” for the Donor Class, and they will grow fat and happy with it! For the majority of Americans, the ones who THINK they control who gets sent to Congress, well, they got a candy-coated pile of “crap”! The coating will taste ‘sweet’ for a year or two but then will come the realization that what they’ve been left with is an increase in their taxes, a HUGE bill to pay, and absolutely no way to pay that bill without raising taxes or drastically cutting ‘entitlements’!

    But, by the time that happens, of course, the Democrats will be back in power and THEY will be forced to take the blame and fix the mess left by the Republicans (as usual), while the REAL controllers of the American Congress sit back and chuckle softly into their glasses of Dom Perignon and snack on Beluga caviar and Pate de foie gras in their penthouses.

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  13. Other7 brush
    Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr   about 6 years ago

    @ARGYTHREE It’s already happened.

    Texas police shoot man who disarmed possible church shooter

    The shooting happened shortly after 9 a.m. Feb. 14 (2018) at the Faith City Mission, a faith-based outreach organization. Police said Joshua Len Jones, 35, of Amarillo, barged into a church building at Faith City Mission, pulled out a gun and was holding about 100 congregants and church staff hostage.

    In the time between when police were dispatched and when officers arrived, a handful of churchgoers wrestled Jones to the ground. One of the congregants was able to grab Jones’ gun.Officers entered the building and saw the churchgoer holding the gun and opened fire, according to the Amarillo Police Department. The churchgoer was hospitalized in stable condition.

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  14. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  about 6 years ago

    Ban assault rifles, boycott the NRA, don’t vote for gun extremists.

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  15. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  about 6 years ago

    The NRA House thinks it is too soon to discuss changing their menu. But they think a sale on bullets would help – which are really the syrup on the gun waffle, aren’t they? Waffles don’t kill people, the assault rifles allowed by the GOP-NRA cabal do

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  16. Triumph
    Daeder  about 6 years ago

    Do you not understand what “gerrymandering” means? It means we don’t represent the people and we don’t have to do what they want us to!

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    Daniel Jacobson  about 6 years ago

    A “bottom line,” if you will, I have been to NYC, Chicago and the National Capitol area, near Washington, D.C. They have some of the nation’s strongest gun control laws. In those cities, the wealthy live in gated and guarded communities. If, police are called, they respond, immediately. Middle and lower income people cannot afford housing in such communities. If anyone is attacked by a “homeinvader or gang,”at home, the police will only respond “at their convenience, (think a half hour or more).”

    Yet, the wealthy are allowed to own “licensed” firearms. The non-wealthy have to go through an extremely elaborate licensing and approval process to even own something as small as a .22 caliber pistol for self-defense.

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