Jeff Danziger for April 29, 2024

  1. Killer
    bagholder5150  about 1 month ago

    MAGA paradise.

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    Kurtass Premium Member about 1 month ago

    The gov seems untrainable. Maybe someone should take her to the gravel pit.

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  3. Grimes
    SofaKing  about 1 month ago

    She didn’t have a choice, did she? The dog annoyed her, and the goat smelled bad. Self defence.

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    dotbup  about 1 month ago

    Kristi Noem’s dog story was a political calculation. MAGA puts great stock and value in being politically incorrect. What greater way to show how politically incorrect and tough you are than by admitting you shot your dog in the face?

    Noem included this story in her book because she believed there was a constituency for it. Noem believed the MAGAts of America would love this story of a rebel against conventional thinking and political correctness. In that calculation it appears that she might be wrong, but that was the calculation she made. She may have miscalculated, but it was a political calculation.

    Cricket died just sitting there as his master shot him in the face, still trusting and loving his master through the very end. In that, Cricket may be a metaphor for MAGAs everywhere. One can hope.

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    piper_gilbert  about 1 month ago

    Dog murderer. Forget about being V.P. Dog lovers will not forgive her for killing puppies. No unringing that bell.

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  6. Marx lennon
    charliekane  about 1 month ago

    What would Giovanni di Pietro di Bernardone do?

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    aristoclesplato9  about 1 month ago

    Thankfully she’s not a Democrat President or she would have eaten the dog.

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  8. Wtp
    superposition  about 1 month ago

    A good fit to the [Ayn] Randian, Q/MAGA, anti-democracy, anti-altruism, anti-equality, self-serving, chaotic, authoritarian ideology.

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  9. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  about 1 month ago

    Traitor Trump, among his many mental defects, is a lifelong misogynist. If he chose a woman for a running mate, she would attract far too much attention away from HIM, and he could never abide that. As for the troll above, just ignore it.

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    admiree2  about 1 month ago

    We know that serial killers who tortured their victims started with animals. Noem, like any loyal obedient wanting-to-please MAGAt, is just letting her master know that she is ready to do the same to any human who displeases the demented Fat Orange Clown (aka the FOCer).

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    Grandma Lea  about 1 month ago

    more like west 42d street

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    braindead Premium Member about 1 month ago

    What’s the big deal?

    It’s proof that she is ‘strong’. Like The Messiah.

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    Kurtass Premium Member about 1 month ago

    I can’t believe there are people defending this woman. They are as sick as she is.

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    lsnrchrd.1 Premium Member about 1 month ago

    A puppy that engages in killing chickens or attacking other farm animals may be trained not to do so. If this behavior persists after the puppy transitions to maturity, then it MAY be justifiable to execute it. But it could also be taken to an adoption place. And did you, Mr/Ms Owner, put forth adequate effort in training the puppy? If not, whose fault is it for that behavior?

    A puppy acquired as a hunting animal, but who does not meet its owners standards for that purpose, CAN be put down. But is failure to demonstrate an innate ability to serve as a hunting dog (to its owners satisfaction) justification for doing so? Certainly not in my opinion.

    Again, give the animal away.

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    librarylady59  about 1 month ago

    trump could indeed choose Noem. She’s as ruthless as he is; as vicious and as brutal as he is.

    In the book, Noem also writes that her family also owned a “nasty and mean” male goat that smelled bad and liked to chase her kids. She decided to go ahead and kill the goat, too. She writes that the goat survived the first shot, so she went back to the truck, got another shell, then shot him again, killing him.

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    rs0204 Premium Member about 1 month ago

    That woman is a sociopath, which will endear her to Magas and condemn her to the 70% who aren’t.

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    Chazz  about 1 month ago

    And NO ONE is looking into her for animal abuse.

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  18. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  about 1 month ago

    I wonder if she also arranges dog fights……….

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  19. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  about 1 month ago

    Bill Barr has claimed Donald Trump often suggested executing his political rivals during heated moments of his four-year tenure in the White House.

    Former White House communications director Alyssa Farah Griffin told The View back in December that Mr Trump once called for a staff member to be put to death for leaking a story about the then-president going down to a bunker during Black Lives Matter protests in summer 2020.

    Barr also says he will vote for murderous Trump again. Anti Constitution republicans are insane.

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    Tonto & Redd Panda  about 1 month ago

    Noem was born 60 years too late. She would have made a good guard at Treblinka.

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    Tonto & Redd Panda  about 1 month ago

    Boy, troll rustyplates 69 is one goofy bugger. If he was my kid and he went missing, well, you wouldn’t see his face on a milk carton, if you know what I mean.

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  22. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  about 1 month ago

    ‘Brutality is the point’: Conservative blames Kristi Noem’s horror story on modern day GOP

    Sykes told “Morning Joe” hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski, “I think that is the most extraordinary part about all of this — that she thought this would be a plus for her. Look, this book is a campaign book. It is a resume to be Donald Trump’s vice president. And she thought it was a good idea to include this story —let’s tell this short about myself, how I took this puppy and shot him in the gravel pit.”

    The conservative journalist continued, “So, why would she have done this? The obvious explanation is she thought that Donald Trump would like it. She thought that this would be a net-positive for her. I could imagine her buddy Corey Lewandowski saying, ’No, put it in, Kristi, because you know that Donald Trump wants the people who are willing to do the tough, dirty, nasty things that are necessary.”

    Sykes went on to say that, “This does say a lot, that Kristi Noem put this in the book and did not think it would be a net negative in the mind of Donald Trump.”

    Sykes argued, “Why would she have thought that? Well because, increasingly, brutality is the point — not just cruelty, but brutality. Donald Trump has a fetish for this. He talks about shooting shoplifters, extrajudicial murders of drug dealers.”

    Scarborough didn’t disagree with Sykes’ explanation. The former GOP congressman, also a Never Trump conservative, lamented that Noem’s anecdote underscores, “The grotesqueness of the conservative movement” in the age of Trump.

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    Zuhl's Wife  about 1 month ago

    Did she at least feed it a final meal, a hamberder, before its execution. Just morbidly curious, did the carcass go into a landfill or was left for the scavengers?

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  24. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  about 1 month ago

    Evangelical Pastor Rains Holy ’ell On Trump Bible: ‘Blasphemous’ And ‘Disgusting’

    Then he said, “When you don’t read and pray. You say, ‘Wow, there’s a Bible out now that includes the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, isn’t that wonderful?’ No, no. It’s disgusting. It’s blasphemous. It’s a ploy.”

    “Are you kidding me? Some of you are so encouraged by that. Let me tell you something. The gospel is not an American gospel. It is the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ,” Livingston added. He didn’t name the Trump Bible explicitly, but his references were apparent.

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    Walter Kocker Premium Member about 1 month ago

    South Dakota is a state with fewer people than Indianapolis, yet it has two senators, three members of Congress, and a dog-killer for a governor.

    And the goat smelt bad . . . have you been to a Trump rally?

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  26. Professor chaos
    countoftowergrove  about 1 month ago

    Jeff gives Trump way, way too much hair!

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    jacobsilverstin  about 1 month ago

    Trump jumpscared me as soon as I opened this, how funny lol.

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    AtomicForce91 Premium Member about 1 month ago

    Only Fauci is allowed to kill dogs.

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    fitzmagnus  about 1 month ago

    It should be as easy with the Loser-Man who murdered sleep, Made America Ridiculous Again, brought foul language into your newscast, befouled even the Bible …

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