2005 christmas pictures 037

Zuhl's Wife Free

Recent Comments

  1. 10 days ago on Clay Jones

    GC will rescind_ it’s policy, perhaps after the election. Meanwhile, maybe we can comment on “non-political” comics, perhaps a niche struggling artist?

    Nominations? Clay? What / Who would you suggest? (our voices will not be silenced!)

  2. 10 days ago on Clay Jones

    And Radish! And Library Lady! And Zebra! And Alberta! And our long-missing Aussie friend (I suspect deceased, now), and all our over-educated friends…

    ♪ (music plays) ♫


  3. 10 days ago on Clay Jones

    We’ll miss you, our small-town Canadian friend. I hope after GC rescinds it’s policy (due to lost revenues) we’ll see you again!

  4. 10 days ago on Clay Jones

    “Woot, Woot”

  5. 10 days ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons

    Follow-up: in his FOX “News” rant, and flanked by two AR-15 rifles imagery, he screamed he wants a “full investigation” be made by the MAGA Congress of Kimberly Cheatie as “an unqualified DEI person”. You know, following the current MAGA pogrom against “DEI” people, along with other non-white minorities.

    “I know she was a former Secret Service agent, but this is what happens when you don’t put the best players in.”

    And, of course, he screeched that It “was all the Democrat’s fault!”

    BLUF: “It’s all your fault! LOOK what you made us do!”

    “Unity”, huh?

  6. 10 days ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons

    MAGA Rep Tim Burchett (R-TN) claims that the assassination attempt was because the director of is Secret Service detail was “A DEI person”, their current be-enraged target boogey man.

    C’mon, MAGAs, tell us why this isn’t just another (expletive) dog whistle against “the Blacks”.

  7. 10 days ago on Mike Lester

    Among all the various MAGA “leaders” blaming “Biden” for the assassination attempt, Vladimir Putin is having a great time citing and quoting them.

    Hilariously, Ron Johnson even blamed Critical Race Theory (CRT).

  8. 10 days ago on Clay Jones

    I guess it gives a new meaning to the “Premium Member” ad-free priv, specifically “Thanks for nuthin’, suckah!”

  9. 10 days ago on Clay Jones

    While I can still comment, here’s an oldie but a goodie from Zhul’s archives:

    During the 2000 Republican Convention, Jon Stewart had “Senior Convention Correspondent” Stephen Colbert to report on what he saw, and I think his comments are entirely germane for Trumps’ hankering for a MAGAt-crammed RNC hate parade convention 24 years later:

    “As a journalist I have to maintain my objectivity, but I would say the feeling down here was one of a pervasive and palpable evil. A thick demonic stench that rolls over you and clings like hot black tar, a nightmare from which you cannot awaken, a nameless fear that lives in the dark spaces beyond your peripheral vision and drives you toward inhuman cruelties and unspeakable perversions. The Republicans’ bloated, pustulent bodies twisting from one obscene form to another, giant spider-shaped and ravenous wolf-headed creatures who feast upon the flesh of the innocent and suck the marrow from the bones of the poor. And all of them driven like goats to the slaughter of their infernal master at the podium, known by many names: Beelzebub, Mammon, Abaddon, Epheritus, Asmodius, Satan, Lucifer, Nick, Old Scratch, the Ancient Enemy, and He Who Must Not Be Named. This is He11, John, where the da mned languish forever in a black flame that gives no heat, sheds no light, yet consumes the flesh forever and will not go out.”

  10. 10 days ago on Clay Jones

    If Octogenarian Alfred is deemed too old to run the Wayne mansion and the Bat Cave, it doesn’t mean we put the (expletive) Joker in charge!