Bob Gorrell for February 16, 2022

  1. Sammy on gocomics
    Say What Now‽ Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Benghazi! (again)

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  2. Tf 117
    RAGs  over 2 years ago

    Gorrell LOVES alternative facts.

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  3. Triumph
    Daeder  over 2 years ago

    Gee, Bob, isn’t it funny how all the non-alt-right media isn’t jumping at the change to publish all the hearsay speculative BS which is attempting to excuse idiots like you and justify your support for the Tangerine Traitor?

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    B 8671  over 2 years ago

    Once again republigoon owned servant/slave gorrell IGNORES all the damage that his republigoon president has caused the last four years.

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  5. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  over 2 years ago

    That would be because, as usual, there isn’t anything substantive. Right wing snowflakes!

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    Patjade  over 2 years ago

    That’s because there was nothing to see about it, Goofy Gorrell. stop watching Fox to get your facts, since they don’t do that there.

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    baroden Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Do conservatives have a box labeled “Hillary stuff” that they go to every time Trump breaks the law? You must be at the bottom of it because nothing new has come out in 5 years. And if it was so bad, why didn’t you prosecute during the Trump Dark Ages? You held all the power.

    Oh yeah, HRC deep-state.

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  8. Sammy on gocomics
    Say What Now‽ Premium Member over 2 years ago

    The conserves are cooking up a diversion from the impending charges against the Rump.

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    scote1379 Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Do not feed the ke/weird symbol Troll ,

    Got this to say , This crap is old !

    Like anybody really cares !

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    FJB  Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Don’t worry about these posters, Bob. When confronted with actual facts, like the sky is blue, they would debate you on it and throw in some Trump Derangement Syndrome. The people that matter know what’s going on.

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  11. Sunimage
    Sun  over 2 years ago

    Unethical Traitor Hillary would look nice in a prison outfit.

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    FrankErnesto  over 2 years ago

    What about Tasmania, Gorrell?

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    Valiant1943 Premium Member over 2 years ago

    No media? Isn’t that what happens in totalitarian governments?

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  14. Blm
    1BlackLivesMatter Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Great ’toon! The Lamestream Media will never investigate one of their own.

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    suzalee  over 2 years ago

    They are dragging out Hillary to beat up on (without basis) because Trump is in so much trouble, for real.

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  16. Gradinggorrell 01
    GradingGorrell  over 2 years ago


    Gorrell continues his ‘no drawing 2022’ streak with a copy/pasted newspaper from:

    what is the difference between this and the thousands of memes people do for free? is it the signature in the corner? it’s devaluing the work of every other editorial cartoonist who put actual time and effort into their work.

    “Yes, as you’ve probably heard, on Saturday the former president released a statement claiming “Special Counsel Robert Durham”—he meant to say “John Durham” but was apparently too angry to keep his Johns and his Roberts straight—had uncovered “indisputable evidence that my campaign and presidency were spied on by operatives paid by the Hillary Clinton Campaign in an effort to develop a completely fabricated connection to Russia,” a “scandal far greater in scope and magnitude than Watergate” for which Trump suggested those involved should be executed but would settle for criminal prosecution. The problem? Neither Robert Durham nor John Durham nor anyone else for that matter had actually provided evidence of any such crime, let alone even suggested it.”

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    SirThomas  over 2 years ago

    Is this a re-run from 2016? Seems kinda old news rather than a editorial cartoon related to current events.

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    davidthoms1  over 2 years ago

    Biggest nothing-burger in months. Pretend there was something there and run with it! Beats having any constructive programs or ideas.

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    brit-ed  over 2 years ago

    Re: Trump accountants and handling of Top Secret info; absolutely nothing to see; look over there at Hillary, not more recent idiocy right here.

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    Ontman  over 2 years ago

    Gorrell Times…all the news that’s unfit to print.

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  21. Tor johnson
    William Bednar Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Heard that the Dems were wearing denture implants, with a mini camera in each hollow tooth, using them to “spy” on Trump as he went to the bathroom! Then passing the resulting video footage on to their “alien” overlords.

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    walfishj  over 2 years ago

    A meaningless post by a meaningless cartoonist about a meaningless report.

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    guyjen2004 Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Prior to this latest filing, Durham had already indicted Michael Sussman, one of Hillary’s lawyers working for her and her 2016 campaign, for lying to the FBI. The indictment charged that Sussmann told the FBI that he was not working on behalf of any client, when, according to the indictment, Sussmann was actually acting on behalf of “a U.S. technology industry executive at a U.S. Internet company”.

    This latest filing by Durham now identifies the internet company and executive at a U.S, internet company as Rodney Joffe and further indicates that Sussman was working on behalf of Joffe and “the Hillary Clinton Presidential Campaign.” They hacked servers at the Trump Tower during the campaign and later when his transition team was set up in Trump Tower. After Trump was in the White House, the mining continued. They were hacking the White House! Sussman was pushing the now debunked Russian Collusion narrative in general, and more specifically the Alfa Bank myth. Obviously, the hacking found no connection between Trump or his campaign and Russia. But it’s illegal as hell to do what they did. Spying on the President should land somebody in jail. It won’t be Hillary – Like with organized crime, too many buffers between her and the minions like Sussman.

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    tamrich59  over 2 years ago

    We have a sad excuse for mainstream “media” today….they also refused to report on Hunter Biden laptop story until after the election!

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    ChristopherBurns  over 2 years ago

    Thanks for acknowledging that.

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  26. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 2 years ago

    That’s right! More right wing lies, traitor anti democracy Trump just wants to execute his political opposition.

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    robcarroll1213  over 2 years ago

    “Hi! I’m Bob Gorrell and I’m hard at work making up some more baseless #%@! for tomorrow’s exciting strip! Stay tuned!”

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  28. Bbb
    NeoconMan  over 2 years ago

    Quite right, Gorrell; every single news outlet in the whole entire world is lying except Fox News.

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    brit-ed  over 2 years ago

    For the Right-wing idiots above, they did not hack trump tower servers. They used DNS records from the ISP to connect IP addresses from the Trump organization to alleged Russian servers. No access was gained to Trump servers; IP address ownership is a matter of public record.

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    ve6rgp  over 2 years ago

    You folks need to remove your blinders and get in touch with reality.

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    red6235  over 2 years ago

    WOW first time you were right since I started reading your comic. CONGRATULATIONS

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    preacherman  over 2 years ago

    Well, sure, I can’t imagine a scene in the Clinton or Trump campaign planning room where some spying wasn’t involved. But, most campaign’s involve themselves with sizing up the voting public, the polls of the issues, and how best to get out the word about their candidate. But, no doubt, sizing up the opposition plays into the planning, too. All this hype about spying is so much about nothing.

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  33. Sparrow
    kennnyp  over 2 years ago

    yep…your headline is telling the truth….

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    Walter Kocker Premium Member over 2 years ago

    And what’s their comeback when WATERGATE is mentioned?


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    Rich Douglas  over 2 years ago

    Your followers won’t (or can’t) read it anyway. It would be harmful to their myths.

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  36. Daffy duck
    walkingmancomics  over 2 years ago

    from another poster, similar cartoon:“This has certainly separated the SUCKERS from the sane right wingers.

    “Here ya go SUCKERS a link to the actual filing:

    “Show us where it says anything remotely resembling “Hillary hired people to spy on the Trump White House”. Please, show me that! Here’s your chance to make the old coal miner eat all kinds of crow – ROFLMAO!

    “While you’re at it, you can explain how Trump managed to be IN THE WHITE HOUSE in 2015, which is specified as the year when Neustar actually had access to the White House servers. So you’re actually claiming that “somehow” Neustar was spying on Trump by spying on Obama when they secured the White House servers.”

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    AndrewSihler  over 2 years ago

    The mainstream media has plenty to say about it, about whatever is actually news. Which does not in fact (ahem) include “Clinton campaign” spying on anyone.

    Those curious to know what really is at stake might want to read the following piece in “mainstream news”:

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  38. Marx lennon
    charliekane  over 2 years ago

    Strangely, there wasn’t a lot of fact-checking going on down at Mar-a-Lago, but the actual reason that the “LameStream” media hadn’t covered the story was likely because, as the Times notes: (1) Sussmann’s conversation with the CIA had already been reported last October (2) Durham never once said anything about the White House being “infiltrate[d]” (3) the special counsel also never claimed the Clinton campaign had paid Joffe’s company and (4) perhaps most importantly, “the filing never said the White House data that came under scrutiny was from the Trump era.” In fact, lawyers for the data scientist who helped develop the data analysis in question, say this happened during— wait for it—Barack Obama’s presidency.

    What Trump and some news outlets are saying is wrong,” attorneys Jody Westby and Mark Rasch told the Times. “The cybersecurity researchers were investigating malware in the White House, not spying on the Trump campaign, and to our knowledge all of the data they used was nonprivate DNS data from before Trump took office.”

    From Vanity Fair

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    rs0204 Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Nothing. The Durham story truly is nothing.

    This narrative is the tail wagging the dog to change the subject of the trump family and company being in deep trouble. The Accounting firm trump uses came out and said the last ten years of financial statements are worthless. Contracts, tax returns, everything to do with the financial state of trump or his business has been based on lies for the decade. Trump was probably notified that his Accounting firm was dropping him over the weekend and panicked. They need something to distract the cult.

    In steps right-wing media to help change the narrative. They begin beating the drum and dancing around the totem pole of Durham. However, The New York Times said it best:

    “But the entire narrative appeared to be mostly wrong or old news — the latest example of the challenge created by a barrage of similar conspiracy theories from Mr. Trump and his allies.

    Upon close inspection, these narratives are often based on a misleading presentation of the facts or outright misinformation. They also tend to involve dense and obscure issues, so dissecting them requires asking readers to expend significant mental energy and time — raising the question of whether news outlets should even cover such claims. Yet Trump allies portray the news media as engaged in a cover-up if they don’t."

    This post will not convince the people out of their trolling for trump or the poor people who look upon this charlatan as the answer to their problems. They are lost. However, this post will mean something to the 95% who read these cartoons and comments and who will do their own research, as I have.


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    PatheticRat  over 2 years ago

    uh what is this supposed to even mean???

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    GiantShetlandPony  over 2 years ago

    So many like you Bob owe Hillary a huge apology. She was and still is right about everything.

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    schaefer jim  over 2 years ago

    Amen bro!

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    Stephen Runnels Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Court filing from a Trump-appointed “special” counsel John Durham and his imaginary investigations into distracting away from Trump and his increasing number of felonies.

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    Gary Williams Premium Member over 2 years ago

    So What? Why is this important now? Where is the toon about Trump shredding paper?

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    schaefer jim  over 2 years ago

    A fool like him will never stop watching Fox!

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    Eclectic Wanderer  over 2 years ago

    You are correct, because it didn’t spy on the Grump at all.

    You’re talking pure insanity, psychosis and paranoia here, Mr. Gorrell

    You do realize that Donald Judas Trump has never, ever been a well man, mentally or emotionally. The only reason he didn’t grow up in psychiatric custody was because his daddy was rich and constantly covered up and “fixed” Donny Doofus’s constant failures and screwups.

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    Rich Douglas  over 2 years ago

    Please feel free to report the “facts” yourself, Bob.

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  48. Girlyman throw
    359mxn  over 2 years ago

    Nothing to see about the Republican Party coup either.

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