Steve Benson for August 10, 2021

  1. L1060241
    siddiqqi44  almost 3 years ago

    Maybe the anti-vaxxers will fix the problem ! s/

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  2. 2002 at saratoga springs oct 2013
    FaustoCoppi  almost 3 years ago

    Well, I guess it’s time to ‘fess up. As someone born during WWII, I grew up thinking economic prosperity was our destiny – something devoutly to be deserved, especially after the Allies defeated the Axis powers. Our biggest worry, most of us thought, was Russia having nuclear weapons (I remember drills in school when we all crawled under our desks – as if that would have done any good had the Russians launched a strike aimed in our general direction). Then came some inflation in the mid- and late-1970’s and worries seemed to move toward having too much federal debt – a minor issue with which the Republican party seems unduly concerned even today.

    While both a Russian nuclear strike and the national debt were perceived at the time as incredibly serious problems, neither was then nor is today truly an existential threat to the whole world. That’s what we now face – and it’s due largely to the decisions made/actions not taken by those of us who were born in the 1940’s and 1950’s. The situation in which we now find ourselves is one of paying the piper for our lack of foresight (and subsequent lack of willingness to follow climate science as it evolved). And, as was feared with the rather benign issue of excess federal debt, the piper will be paid by our children and grandchildren because we’re all getting old enough that if COVID doesn’t get us, something else will – and probably within the next 20 or 30 years at most. We’ll live only long enough to see the front end of catastrophe.

    I guess I’m glad I won’t be here to see the worst of the results from global warming, but I’m also (unfortunately, too late) genuinely sorry to have been part of what has caused the problem.

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  3. Tf 117
    RAGs  almost 3 years ago

    Did “Code Red” get it’s name from the republican input?

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  4. Lord flasheart
    Same2Ubuddy  almost 3 years ago

    The sun doesn’t really look like that.

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  5. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  almost 3 years ago

    I don’t think the majority will wake up in time.

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  6. Large 20220612 082448
    Wirepuncher   almost 3 years ago

    @Sam2: That ain’t the sun bub.

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  7. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  almost 3 years ago

    This is the most sobering report card yet on climate change and Earth’s future. Here’s what you need to know

    Earth has warmed 1.09℃ since pre-industrial times and many changes such as sea-level rise and glacier melt are now virtually irreversible, according to the most sobering report yet by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

    The report also found escape from human-caused climate change is no longer possible. Climate change is now affecting every continent, region and ocean on Earth, and every facet of the weather.

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  8. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  almost 3 years ago

    Complaining is pointless unless you’re complaining to an elected official who’s not working on the problem.

    Publicizing it: Slightly useful

    DOING SOMETHING: Absolutely necessary. Anything from canceling a plane trip to composting your left overs. From ride sharing to consciously using glass or wax paper instead of plastic. From zooming to work instead of driving to helping kids learn math…

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  9. Chileguy
    andacar  almost 3 years ago

    Climate change is a perfect example of “The Tragedy of the Commons.” Everyone assumed The Earth was an unlimited resource and trash heap. It isn’t.

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  10. Missing large
    Susan00100  almost 3 years ago

    Here in Florida, the rate of children with COVID-19 has skyrocketed, yet that idiotic governor STILL plans to cut funding to schools with mask mandates!

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  11. Hot beverage 2615
    More Coffee Please! Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    What will it take for politicians to FINALLY listen?

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  12. Plsa button
    Richard S Russell Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Anthropologist Jared Diamond’s book Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed detailed how half a dozen historical cultures met their ends. And clearly they must have seen it coming, yet did nothing (or too little) to prevent it. But those were isolated groups — on islands, in valleys, in remote states — and the rest of the planet survived. The same cannot be said about climate change.

    Wikipedia also mentions the common factor in most of those collapses: “The root problem in all but one of Diamond’s factors leading to collapse is overpopulation relative to the practicable (as opposed to the ideal theoretical) carrying capacity of the environment. One environmental problem not related to overpopulation is the harmful effect of accidental or intentional introduction of non-native species to a region.”

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  13. Unnamed
    Another Take  almost 3 years ago

    Just don’t blame it on Climate Change. I have it on good authority that Hell is taking up residence on the surface of the planet. Makes sense since a lot of Hell’s residents apparently moved here some time ago to sort of pave the way. Originally they preferred Florida and Arizona until things started heating up everywhere.

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  14. Anarcho syndicalismvnnb   copy
    gigagrouch  almost 3 years ago

    Nature bats last.

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  15. Missing large
    [Unnamed Reader - 8bb645]  almost 3 years ago

    Who would have thought Arthur Brown was prophetic?

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  16. Frank gifford
    nyg16  almost 3 years ago

    the GOP aka the gas and oil party, doesn’t see a probably as long as money from the oil industry keep flowing in.

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