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  1. about 5 hours ago on Bloom County

    We’re going to have to disagree on this one. Although I do agree that one side “started it” (at least this time around), it was Donnie who labelled immigrants rapists and drug dealers (statistics do not back that up, BTW) and, more recently, flatly states that immigrants “are animals”. Who claims that Democrats hate America and want to abort babies after birth, that anyone who wants to let others live as they choose (cis, bi, trans, etc.) is somehow a Godless “woke” traitor, etc. etc. etc. There is no way you or anyone else will ever convince me that all this hate came from the left. The right loves to talk about “Trump Derangement Syndrome” as if the simple act of disagreeing with the GQP Chosen One is some sort of criminal act, all while saying that even if Little Donnie is convicted of a felony they will still vote for him. “Innocent until proven guilty” is one thing, but the real TDS is saying “Innocent even when proven guilty.” Sorry, but I am more than proud to wave my liberal Democratic flag, you are free to do whatever you choose.

  2. 11 days ago on Clay Bennett

    I’m sure they figure “it’s just women, what can they do?” Just wait until November a$$holes…

  3. 12 days ago on Jeff Danziger


  4. 12 days ago on Clay Bennett

    Ever noticed how republic*nts never get anything right? You’ve really got to admire their consistency…

  5. 12 days ago on B.C.

    You sure got that right!

  6. 12 days ago on B.C.
    You just made my day! ;)
  7. 13 days ago on B.C.

    Ha! Confused bots are always a good thing! And it’s healthy to know what the other guys are talking about. Come to that, if I want the “crazy GQP” perspective I can always call my whack-a-doodle brother living in Arizona (although, TBH, I’m not THAT interested).

  8. 14 days ago on B.C.

    I try to read news from a variety of sources, both left and right-leaning: the NY Times, the Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, as well as many online sources. IMO, the problem with online news sources is that 1. they are often not vetted and can be wildly inaccurate, and 2. it takes serious discipline to seek out “the other side”. Most people I talk to only go to those sites that confirm their already held opinions. I actually look at Fox News, just to see what’s going on there. I am, admittedly, a far-left liberal and the garbage I hear from them makes me puke, but I have had similar thoughts on some of the far-left sites I visit. It’s darn difficult to find a good balance, that’s for sure!

  9. 14 days ago on Bloom County

    Personally, I agree with you completely. I’m a far-left Democrat, and I’m heartily sick of being told how I hate America and God, how I want to abort babies after they’ve been born, how accepting people different to me make we a terrorist threat, etc. My parents were both Republicans and they taught me that people on both sides of the aisle were equally intelligent, loyal, and patriotic – we just saw things a little differently, and we should always be willing to work with “the other side”. Shelby Foote (author of "The Civil War trilogy and many other wonderful books, and a great part of Ken Burns’ Civil War documentary) made the comment that we Americans like to think of ourselves as uncompromising but that, in reality, that’s always been one of our greatest strengths. We run into trouble when we refused to compromise, and the Civil War was a perfect example of that. We are clearly in that situation now and it’s doing incredible damage to our country.

  10. 15 days ago on Nick Anderson

    She is a disgrace and a partisan hack. She should be removed from this case, and from the bench. Of course, Little Donnie would want to make her the next Extreme Court Justice…