Matt Bors for April 28, 2020

  1. Photo
    S&C = Dismayed&Depressed   about 4 years ago

    True or not true, but why now?

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  2. Mooseguy
    moosemin  about 4 years ago

    “….But the GOP will make hay out of it and Biden will lose,….” . . . This is what repubs, under Newt Gingrich and Ken Starr did to Clinton: Just keep throwing mud (accusations) until something sticks. Keep the voters eye on the “scandal”, keep your opponent on the defensive.

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    ferddo  about 4 years ago

    But but but… it’s not fair to use the Republican playbook to anybody’s benefit if they are not Republican!

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  4. Coexist
    Bookworm  about 4 years ago

    I’m all for a complete and thorough investigation of these claims – provided it’s the same “complete and thorough” investigation of the claims against Brett Kavanaugh. That’s seems fair and reasonable, doesn’t it?

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    6.6TA  about 4 years ago

    Let’s see …… wasn’t that the investigation that was limited to 47.2 seconds? On Sunday morning?

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  6. John adams1
    Motivemagus  about 4 years ago

    Fine. I’d be happy to vote for Sanders or Warren instead of Biden. Republicans seem to falsely believe that Democrats aren’t willing to accept this, but we are!

    Even if this is true, Biden’s STILL better than Mr. “cheat on your wife with a porn star” #45. Sad, but true. The GOP will do their best to equate the two, but Biden is two wives and untold amounts of prostitutes behind on #45’s record.

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  7. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  about 4 years ago

    25 women have accused Trump, I’m voting for Biden.

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  8. Ahl13 3x4
    Andylit Premium Member about 4 years ago

    The issue is not Reade. The issue is why the majority of the media are treating her differently than they treated the accusers of Kavanaugh and Trump.

    If they were to approach the Reade accusation with the same standard she would be getting sympathetic air time every single day. Joe and his potential running mates would be deluged with questions…every day. Hillary and Obama would be attacked for endorsing Joe.

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  9. Rick and morty 91d86486 2737 4e8f a1ca 8e1b1ed1070d
    sevaar777  about 4 years ago

    Y’know, the mask does not help if you don’t wear it…

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  10. Lp
    LizardPriest  about 4 years ago

    If you think I am going to stay home on election day and help flush this country down the toilet under another 4 years of Trump because one woman makes an accusation that can’t be proven, you are out of your mind.

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  11. Im age
    garcalej  about 4 years ago

    In a sane and rational world, both Trump and Biden would be held accountable for their actions, and judged accordingly.

    But we do not live in that world. We live in a world where our personal interests, safety and fates are tied to the political fortunes of candidates we had little say in choosing. The so-called ‘democracy’ we have is a mirage at best; these men, they are the choices presented to us. How we choose will decide our fates; whether we keep our jobs or lose them, whether our family members are deported or get to stay, whether we have affordable healthcare or are forced to continue going without. Whether our civil rights and freedoms are upheld or disappear, possibly forever.

    We have been forced into a situation where to give Tara Reade justice (if she’s telling the truth); we’d have to deny that same justice to the many millions of women who are being disenfranchised and abused under this administration, including the ones Trump sexually abused for decades without so much as a slap on the wrist.

    A better question to ask is how did we come to this? How is that we keep ending up with candidates like Trump and Biden when there are people who are clearly more qualified for the job? Why are we always choosing the lesser of two evils instead of the best and brightest?

    Why is it that for us to win, others have to lose?

    I’m sorry, your Honor, but this jury pool is clearly tainted. Half of them have a gun to their head.

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    mitchkeos Premium Member about 4 years ago

    Sorry. Speaking as someone who has been falsely accused, I don’t buy it.

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