John adams1

Motivemagus Free

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  1. 3 months ago on Drew Sheneman

    It’s clear he has nothing in him but ambition and racism – certainly not principles, since he referred to #45 as America’s Hitler before. He’s counting on taking over after #45 dies in office. The more fool he.

  2. 3 months ago on Ted Rall

    You raise a fair point in one issue obscuring the other, but when you ask, “These are insane rants. Are they Biden-level nuts? Maybe, maybe not. But they are too nuts for 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.” The latter is true, but the idea that somehow Biden is MORE nuts is nuts in itself.

    I agree that Biden needs to either step down, or commit to doing so after the election, or something, but there’s no doubt that the media are hiding the extent of #45’s dementia, right down to editing interviews and fixing text in speeches instead of quoting him directly.

    There are numerous psychologists and psychiatrists – expert clinicians who have said the evidence of #45’s dementing is actually quite clear. (I’m a research psychologist who assesses leaders, so I don’t qualify as such. I can tell you a lot about relative leadership capabilities, however!)

    The organization Duty to Warn was founded by a group of psychologists and psychiatrists specifically calling out #45’s issues back in 2017. Wherever Biden is now – and I agree he’s not where he should be – his opponent is far, far worse.

    And that’s leaving aside the actual political stands!

  3. 3 months ago on Ted Rall

    Not my point. More that Biden appears to be showing signs of ordinary age-related cognitive decline, whereas #45 is actively dementing, according to experts. Neither is good, but they’re definitely different. And, of course, you don’t seem to be doing cartoons about #45’s weird word-salad…

  4. 3 months ago on Steve Breen

    “I can’t reply to your information request until you submit your 200 page thesis that proves the climate models are accurate.”?

    Oh, please. There are THOUSANDS of climate researchers who have done the research. You’re just being deliberately ignorant.

    You can even go to realclimate dot org, which has actual data posted by actual climate researchers.

    Or you can go to skepticalscience dot com, which has everything laid out, with references, at basic, intermediate, and advanced levels of understanding.

    Until then, this kind of response is utterly nonsense, and you should know it. Especially since you have consistently ignored my posts with links. You’re just a liar.

  5. 3 months ago on Steve Breen

    He had better be careful if he wants to keep those rubles rolling in!

  6. 3 months ago on Ted Rall

    @Ted Rall – if anyone has Alzheimer’s, it’s #45, since his father did.

  7. 3 months ago on Steve Breen

    Ah yes, ignoring facts again. Including facts I have previously posted. I’ll just call a few out.

    - We changed the climate in the first place, why wouldn’t we be able to change it now?

    - Both internal combustion engines AND EVs are somewhat less effective in winter. EVs are estimated to lose about 20% efficiency in their electricity storage, which is a long, long way from “don’t work when it’s cold outside.” I see plenty here in Massachusetts, and the best-selling cars in Scandinavia are electrics. I haven’t heard of them stopping.

    - As for climate science, the US is the only industrialized nation in the entire world to have even ONE major party that rejects it, except one: Russia, which is dependent on oil revenues. Republicans are ignoring it – everyone else is paying attention, and a good thing, too.

    - It is increasingly hilarious to see you trying to claim human-caused climate change to be a “hoax.” Sure. Right. And gravity is just a state of mind…

  8. 3 months ago on Clay Bennett

    This is arguably a tempest in a teapot, and one designed to obscure the real issue here: the dementing felon. The Republicans have been trying to make Biden look senile for a while, because they know what they’re saddled with (by their own choice).

    At the end of the day, Biden WILL hand things over to Kamala if need be. #45 wouldn’t hand things over to his legitimate successor!

  9. 4 months ago on John Deering

    Emulating his lord and master, there!

  10. 4 months ago on John Deering

    We KNOW what #45 wants, because he has TOLD US. He wants to be dictator. He wants to be immune from prosecution. He wants to “take out” his political opponents, or anyone who annoys him by telling the truth. He approves of Putin’s policy towards journalists.

    On this aspect, I’m going to believe him, because any semi-decent person would be horrified to even hear this as a “joke,” which is isn’t, because #45 doesn’t have a sense of humor, either.