Opus swivel 2

Jacob Mattingly Free

Long time comic strip enthusiast. Writer of popculturebuffet.tumblr.com.

Recent Comments

  1. 2 days ago on Gil Thorp

    Eh their good bribes. Plus give gil some blame he told her what bribes to buy.

  2. 2 days ago on Crabgrass

    Yeah. We really haven’t. It’s also nice she TRIES to figure him out. Like she hopes she can crack through the mopey cloud of body odor and bangs one day

  3. 2 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Awww. Meanwhile the rest of the cats are holding down Elvis and ora zella from rampaging their way to wesrlys house. Elvis because his friend crush and college is hurt and ora because poppas letting her break knees.

  4. 3 days ago on Gil Thorp

    It ..still is? The whole week was pretty inconsiquential training bits. Barjas issue is more transitions from one part of the plot to the next.

  5. 3 days ago on Crabgrass

    Yup. Looking at tahuid bondias Instagram (where he reposts the strips with what part of the arc this is) we have 13 strips left, i.e two more weeks.

    Ill say the second part of this arc has been better. The first was a tad confusing with the clothing swap

  6. 3 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Elvis is livid…which isn’t new but it’s about Sophie which gives me hope.

  7. 4 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    So someone finally steps up to at least try and break it to her. Hopefully.

  8. 5 days ago on Crankshaft

    Oh god I missed yesterday. So we’re back in hell. Also the village booksmith. I like a good pun title but this ain’t it.

  9. 5 days ago on Big Nate

    Okay didn’t see this coming. Well played. Still not great, but it’s something we rarely see.

  10. 5 days ago on Big Nate

    Not all convicts are murderers…that said dating Ted would make anyone into one