Tom Toles for May 07, 2018

  1. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 6 years ago

    Rebuild of the X-Files?

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  2. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member about 6 years ago

    We’ll see what happens.


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  3. Rick o shay
    wiatr  about 6 years ago

    There was a book titled “The Gang That Couldn’t Shoot Straight.” I never read it but the title certainly fits this gang of incompetent crooks.

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  4. Picture
    Ontman  about 6 years ago

    This sounds like a Sarah Sanders WH press briefing.

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    Alardus12  about 6 years ago

    That something that this…thing…is saying contain some truth is probably more a desperate hope than based on evidence….

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    Old_Curmudgeon   about 6 years ago

    TRUMP IS A TSETSE FLY – {a rhyme and a ps}

    Trump is a perp we should vilify.

    He’s not just a stupidly silly guy,

    but incorrigibly Trump is a tsetse fly,

    as his performances clearly testify: -

    - He’s under our skin

    to our yuuge chagrin,

    laying eggs of BS and Lie.

    … PS:

    Hadn’t we {ought to} orter


    and dump this democracy-exploiter?


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    wolfiiig  about 6 years ago

    Rudy was more likeable when he was a has-been.

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  8. Desron14
    Masterskrain Premium Member about 6 years ago

    What’s scary is that people STILL believe that The Dumpsterfire is 100% honorable…

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    Old_Curmudgeon   about 6 years ago


    How assess Giuliani

    as lawyer for President Donnie?

    Does Rudy help or impair?

    {1} Giuliani’s The Donald’s crown jewel?

    Rudy’s the emperor’s ruby?

    Au contraire.

    {2} His talents are {minuscule} minuscu-el.

    He thinks like he’s smoking a doobie.

    Mostly hot air.


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  10. Wtp
    superposition  about 6 years ago

    Having an honest, stable, consistent leader is always good for business and the economy. So why do Trump supporters feel that a dishonest, unstable, inconsistent leader will work?

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    wcorvi  about 6 years ago

    Remember when Giuliani claimed there wasn’t a single incidence of domestic terrorism under GWB’s watch?

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    Jason Allen  about 6 years ago

    One has to wonder if it was Trump’s idea for Giuliani to say Trump could invoke the 5th Amendment to avoid answering Mueller’s questions. Whatever else he might be, Giuliani isn’t completely stupid. Surely he knows saying such things only makes thinking people even more convinced Trump is/was engaged in illegal activities.

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    Old_Curmudgeon   about 6 years ago

    {Off the cartoon’s topic:}

    PLUTOCRATS versus the SOCIAL CONTRACT – {rhyme}

    For Plutocrats, Trumpism’s quite okay,

    ‘cause EFFECTIVE governance would get in their way

    as they violate the “Social Contract” of Locke*,

    f’rinstance when democracy’s methods they block.

    Plutocrats don’t want our Constitution intact,

    the document our Founders had sought to enact.

    With Trump, this “Contract” they needn’t obey,

    as they step up their pace under Koch brothers’ sway.

    … * Footnote: Searchline something like “john locke social contract wikipedia”.


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  14. Coexist
    Bookworm  about 6 years ago

    Part of the issue is that for an attorney to competently do his job, he has to know the facts of the case. The real facts, that is. An acquaintance of mine is a lawyer. He said once at a dinner party that most criminal clients are not the brightest crayons in the box. When he first interviews a prospective client, he would tell the suspect, “Here’s the deal. The victim knows what really happened. The victim has told the police what really happened. The police are gathering evidence and have told the prosecutor what really happened. The prosecutor is going to present that evidence and tell the judge and jury what really happened. And you know what really happened. Now, do you want the only stupid S.O.B. in the courtroom who doesn’t know what really happened to be your lawyer?”

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  15. Dr coathanger abortions 150
    Teto85 Premium Member about 6 years ago

    I am really loving the various versions of Ghouliani that are showing up now.

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  16. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  about 6 years ago

    Its the Rump and Trudy show, its so funny to watch them say opposing things.

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  17. Kw eyecon 20190702 091103 r
    Kip W  about 6 years ago

    [Shatner voice]“May have… possible… to my recollection…” those are OUR weasel words too!"[/Shatner voice]

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    Old_Curmudgeon   about 6 years ago

    {Off the cartoon’s topic:}


    Trump is their teacher.

    In the White House his pupils

    get lessons which feature

    his acts without scruples.

    That they learn quite well

    an observer can tell

    when they mimic this creature

    such that corruption quadruples.


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    Striped Cat  about 6 years ago

    Sorry Rudy, there is nothing in there but a mish-mash of egotistical and paranoid thoughts. Oh and inappropriate thoughts about Ivanka.

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  20. Desron14
    Masterskrain Premium Member about 6 years ago

    Is it just me, or does Ruby look a LOT like Nosferatu?

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  21. Tumblr mbbz3vrusj1qdlmheo1 250
    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  about 6 years ago

    There was a cartoon in the 1960’s called “Groovy Ghoolies” only Ghouli Rudi isn’t so groovy. He gives Prosecuting Attorneys a badder name. But he is of that particular quality, kind of unsavory people that our Bandersnatch president Trump has an uncanny ability to sniff out. If you want people with dubious views on things, little empathy, a skewed view of reality, militant, against the New Deal, thinks laws are to be ignored as they see fit, and steal from our govt. Then Trump is the head hunter you want, Bandersnatch Trump has that nose to find such people to populate our govt with. And look at what they have done so far…

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  22. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  about 6 years ago

    Toxic Trump is more comfortable with lies.

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