Steve Benson for October 17, 2018

  1. Tumblr m8cvuqinuu1r0mvk8o9 250
    jimmjonzz Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Yep. Blood on his hands.

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    gammaguy  over 5 years ago

    Fake cartoon: Trump himself would never stoop to such manual labor. He would direct others to do it.

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    Display  over 5 years ago

    Build a wall. Your friends can hide bodies in it. It’ll be yuuugge!

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  4. Desron14
    Masterskrain Premium Member over 5 years ago

    In 1991, as Mr. Trump was teetering on personal bankruptcy and scrambling to raise cash, he sold his 282-foot yacht “Princess” to Saudi billionaire Prince Alwaleed bin-Talal for $20 million, a third less than what he reportedly paid for it.Four years later, the prince came to his rescue again, joining other investors in a $325 million deal for Mr. Trump’s money-losing Plaza Hotel.In 2001, Mr. Trump sold the entire 45th floor of the Trump World Tower across from the U.N. in New York for $12 million, the biggest purchase in that building to that point, according to the brokerage site Streeteasy. The buyer: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.Shortly after he announced his run for president, Mr. Trump began laying the groundwork for possible new business in the kingdom. He registered eight companies with names tied to the country, such as “THC Jeddah Hotel Advisor LLC” and “DT Jeddah Technical Services,” according to a 2016 financial disclosure report to the federal government. Jeddah is a major city in the country.“Saudi Arabia, I get along with all of them. They buy apartments from me. They spend $40 million, $50 million,” Trump told a crowd at an Alabama rally on Aug. 21, 2015, the same day he created four of the entities. “Am I supposed to dislike them? I like them very much.”

    $o much for even the $lighte$t attempt to look like he’$ not $ucking up to his Ca$h Daddie$!!

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  5. Anim chromosomes
    chromosome Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Get out one of your rolls of paper towels, Mr. Trump.

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  6. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 5 years ago

    I guess Trump’s dictator friends took his unconstitutional phrase,

    ‘the press is the enemy of the people’ a little too seriously.

    Vote out every republican, put the adults and patriots back in power.

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  7. Desron14
    Masterskrain Premium Member over 5 years ago

    I’m surprised he isn’t down licking it up…

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  8. Pine marten3
    martens  over 5 years ago

    Strange how Trump is making excuses for the Saudis that they then echo back…

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    Ally2005  over 5 years ago

    Trump: Hey Pompeo, We need more Bounty towels. Call PR and tell them I need those rolls back.

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    Richard S Russell Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Who are the world leaders most admired by our own wannabe dictator? Duterte, Xi, Putin, Kim, Salman, Erdogan, el-Sisi, Netanyahu, al-Assad … anyone detect a trend here? And the only reason he doesn’t have framed photos of Saddam Hussein, Idi Amin, Reza Pahlavi, and Muammar Gaddafi hanging on the walls of the Oval Office is because they were losers!

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    braindead Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Good thing we have a president who won’t bow to the Saudis.

    “Saudi Arabia, I get along with all of them. They buy apartments from me. They spend $40 million, $50 million,”

    “I love the Saudis. Many are in this building.”



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  12. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  over 5 years ago

    Trump is bowing to the Saudis – he knows which hands are feeding him.

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    ellens0411  over 5 years ago

    He announced yesterday that he does NO personal business with the Saudis. Then Stephen Colbert showed the time he said I like the Saudis – I like rich people – they buy property from me. It is Trump, himself, in both videos - but he never lies!!!

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    Jujeebean  over 5 years ago

    Great image, a man who I thought bowed to no one, on his knees cleaning up someone else’s mess.

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  15. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 5 years ago

    President-elect Donald Trump registered eight companies during his presidential campaign that appear to be tied to hotel interests in Saudi Arabia, according to a report in The Washington Post.

    Trump registered the companies in August 2015, shortly after launching his presidential bid, according to The Post.

    The companies were registered under names such as THC Jeddah Hotel and DT Jeddah Technical Services, according to financial disclosure filings.

    The names of the companies registered appeared similar in pattern to how Trump named other companies connected to hotel deals registered in foreign cities, according to the Post. Trump names companies after cities in the state in which he is dealing with. Jiddah, also spelled Jeddah, is the second-largest city in Saudi Arabia, located on the Red Sea coast about 60 miles west of Mecca.

    The Post reported that by the time of Trump’s May financial filing, four of those companies in which Trump was the president or director were still active. Trump has in the past said he wants to protect the oil-rich Arab kingdom.

    During a rally on August 21, the day Trump created four of those companies, he said he gets along well with Saudi Arabia.

    “They buy apartments from me,” Trump said during the Alabama rally. "They spend $40 million, $50 million. Am I supposed to dislike them? I like them very much.”

    In January of this year, Trump said on Fox News he "would want to protect Saudi Arabia.

    “I would want to protect Saudi Arabia,” he said during the interview. "But Saudi Arabia is going to have to help us economically. They were making, before the oil went down … they were making $1 billion a day.”

    During his presidential campaign, the president-elect often called out his Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton, for accepting money from Saudi Arabia for the Clinton Foundation.

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    David Riedel Premium Member over 5 years ago

    One question: if all they planned to do was interview the guy, what did they need a bone-saw for?

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    Andylit Premium Member over 5 years ago

    They will claim it was an unauthorized act, execute a few people and we will accept that explanation.

    I suspect that it really was an kidnap/interrogation gone wrong. Probably wanted to pop him in a big box and smuggle him back to SA for trial and public execution. His “title” of journalist was a very thin cover for his role as a major shill and possibly even an “operative” for the Muslim Brotherhood.

    It is hardly surprising that the Saudi’s grabbed him. But at their own consulate? Wow. Very stupid.

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    Ontman  over 5 years ago

    His whole administration is a bloody mess.

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    parkerinthehouse  over 5 years ago

    And oddly Saudi Arabia sent ONE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS to U.S. as Pompeo arrives. How soon will this counterfeit be indicted for treason.

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  20. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 5 years ago

    Nevada brothel owner Dennis Hof gained fame after HBO featured his brothel (and the people in it) in the long-running series, Cathouse. Seeing the success of con man and fellow deplorable Donald Trump, Hof decided it was his time to enter politics and he threw his hat in the ring, running as a Republican for Nevada’s state assembly. Hof even called himself “Trump from Pahrump,” a nod to the small-ish Nevada town outside Las Vegas where his brothel was housed. Like Trump, Hof was facing accusations of multiple sexual assaults, including an accusation he raped a woman in 2005.

    Hof died in his sleep after a night of celebrating his 72nd birthday. Porn actor Ron Jeremy, a longtime friend, found him in his bed after he failed to show for a morning meet-up. The porn star and pimp were headed to a senior center to campaign. Only in Nevada, folks!

    What’s remarkable is that the rising Republican pimp had quite the guest list at his party the night before, including several big name Republican stars. According to Chuck Muth, Dennis Hof’s campaign spokesman, former law man (and current racist) Joe Arpaio was there.

    As was Grover Norquist, the founder of Americans for Tax Reform, a Reagan-Bush-GWB era conservative who once said, “My goal is to cut government in half in twenty-five years, to get it down to the size where we can drown it in the bathtub.” Nice guy, huh? Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan have been doing their best to carry out Norquist’s longtime dream.

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  21. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 5 years ago

    100 million, he’s lapping it up all right.

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    Satchel,Koko,LDL,Kenny  over 5 years ago

    We all know tRump would never touch blood himself. He’s more Monkish that Monk was.

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