Kevin Kallaugher by KAL for December 30, 2021

  1. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 2 years ago

    UnAmerican Republicans are outright evil.

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  2. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  over 2 years ago

    The folks running the GQP have absolutely NO interest in maintaining a democracy in this country. And a lot of the Qpublican voters think that’s perfectly fine with them, because “Pwning the Libs”!

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    B 8671  over 2 years ago

    You know,while in college, I acted in a play called, “It can’t happen here!” The sad thing is that, if the republigoons have their way, it WILL HAPPEN here and it will make the movie, " Red Dawn " look like a comedy!!!

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  4. 94885694 10222447190546871 888991267436888064 o
    944im Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Arrest Trump and his cronies for treason.

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  5. 94885694 10222447190546871 888991267436888064 o
    944im Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Arrest Trump and his cronies for Treason.

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  6. Dscn0307
    FrannieL Premium Member over 2 years ago

    It’s Sedition and Treason. It’s time for the DOJ to take action to hold Republicans accountable, or democracy will be gone in less than four years.

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    GiantShetlandPony  over 2 years ago

    I just don’t get the appeal. Trump’s the suit every working person hates. Yet some of the same people that absolutely loathe empty suits like Trump are so enamored with Trump that they are willing to kill democracy, and perhaps a few of us, for him.


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  8. 20211101 125120
    scote1379 Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Someday maybe these Trumpie the Clown supporters will realize that it was all a giant grift, but I Doubt it !

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  9. Missing large
    PraiseofFolly  over 2 years ago

    —) Unlike previous presidential political campaigns in which candidates expressed Positivism and Idealism, Donald Trump’s campaign consistently stressed Negativism and Demonizing at its core.

    The toxic environment of The Trump Years had increasingly directed the mutated evolution of his camp followers. In the beginning the Tea Party influence might have mellowed to allow pursuit of legitimate concerns and infused them into useful national policies.

    But Far Right factions within the Republican Party injected a purposed infection that spread gradually so that, once a suitably perverse candidate arose, followers would do anything to please him, no matter how unethical or even wicked. The stench of success would smell as sweet.

    It is a difference possibly exemplified by reference to once popular cartoon characters from “Li’l Abner” — the Shmoos. The Shmoos were gentle creatures that loved humanity to such a ridiculous extent that they would purposely drop dead in ecstasy to provide their own bodies as nourishment in a variety of delicious flavors.

    Those Shmoos have since been ridiculed to near extinction. (They languish in some charitable organizations.) The species has since branched off into “Shnooks.” And a variant sub-species seemingly now predominant is the “Shmuck.” Is that to be the “stable Genus” engendered by Trump?

    —) —)

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  10. Desron14
    Masterskrain Premium Member over 2 years ago

    So, how many of the Treasonous Trumpsuckers on here will be screaming “Fake News”? SillyBilly? Oh Pee Special? Guyjen??

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    The Nodding Head  over 2 years ago

    Stating the obvious.

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  12. John wick
    Redd Panda  over 2 years ago

    3 years to go folks. I don’t think the orange gob will run, we will have a neo-nazi.

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  13. Celtic tree of life
    mourdac Premium Member over 2 years ago

    The U.S. fought on 2 bloody fronts in WWII to defeat fascism. Now the Alt-Reich is inviting and welcoming it into this nation.

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  14. Purdue jet
    Sgt. Snorkle  over 2 years ago

    The worst and scary thing is 100 members of Congress thought it was a good idea!

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  15. Reading cat
    morningglory73 Premium Member over 2 years ago

    The Qpublicans may be grooming their next candidate in secret 100 times worse than #45 was/is. Watch and stay alert. tRump was a mean mouthed ignorant putz their next guy might be a real danger to democracy. He may be intelligent.

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  16. Lifi
    rossevrymn  over 2 years ago

    Yeah, that basically sums it up……………………………right-wing populists?:

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  17. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 2 years ago

    Noam Chomsky explains how the Republican Party is marching the world to destruction

    Well, it’s a fact that there has been a strain of anti-science sentiment in significant parts of the United States for a long time. This is the country that had the Scopes trial. There’s an unusual power in the United States of evangelical, anti-science extremism.

    The Republican Party, under Trump, and his minions — he basically owns the party — they have been in the lead of trying to destroy the prospects for organized human life on Earth, not just unilaterally pulling out of the Paris Agreement, but acting with enthusiasm to maximize fossil fuel use, to dismantle the systems that somewhat mitigated their effects, denial of what’s happening, reaching a huge number of loyal almost worshipers, partly through their media system, in other ways.

    When the United States is the most powerful, important country in world history, when it races to the precipice, has an impact on others. Other things that are happening are bad enough, but with the United States in the lead and marching to destruction, the future is very dim. And it’s our responsibility here to control it, to terminate it, to turn the country back to sanity — don’t even like to say “back” — turn it to sanity on these issues, before it’s too late.

    Well, we have been through a 40-year, 45-year assault on the general population within the framework of what’s called neoliberalism. And it’s had a very serious impact. There are even some measures of it. So, the RAND Corporation, super respectable, did a study recently of the, what they politely call, transfer of wealth from the lower 90% of the population — that’s working-class and middle-class — the transfer of wealth from them to the very rich during the last 40 years. Their estimate is on the order of $50 trillion. They call it transfer of wealth. We should call it robbery.

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  18. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 2 years ago

    Even trivial measures that exist everywhere are very hard to implement in this country. We’re seeing it in Congress right now, measures like maternity leave, which is everywhere. I think there are a couple of Pacific islands that join the United States in not having paid maternity leave. Go to the second-largest country in the hemisphere, hardly a site of enormous progress, Brazil, women have four months guaranteed paid maternity leave, which can be extended a couple of months, paid for by the Social Security system. In the United States, you can’t get a day. And it’s being — it’s right at Congress right now. The Republican Party is 100% rock-solid opposition to this and other measures, including some weak but at least existing measures to mitigate the climate crisis, 100% Republican opposition, joined by a couple of Democrats, the coal baron from West Virginia, Joe Manchin, the leading recipient in Congress of fossil fuel funding, dragging his feet on everything, joining the 100% Republican opposition, Kyrsten Sinema from my state, huge recipient of Big Pharma, other corporate funding, also dragging her feet. Even the simplest things, like what I mentioned, are very hard to get through in a country that’s been poisoned by right-wing propaganda, by corporate power. It goes way back, but it’s expanded enormously in the past 40 years.

    You look up “neoliberalism,” the word “neoliberalism,” in the dictionary, you find bromides about belief in the market, trust in the market, fair — everyone’s got a fair shake, and so on. You look at the reality, neoliberalism translates as bitter class war. That’s the meaning of it, everywhere you look, every component of it. The RAND, the $50 trillion robbery is just one sign of it.

    When Reagan and his associate Margaret Thatcher on the other side of the Atlantic, when they came in to power, their first acts were to attack and undermine, severely undermine, the labor movement.

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    Rodeo44 Premium Member over 2 years ago

    What ever the Qpublicans do away for one, they do away for all.

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  20. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 2 years ago

    The Republican strategy, which I described, has been successful: Do as much damage as you can to the country, blame it on the Democrats, develop all sorts of fanciful tales about the hideous things that the communists, the Democrats, are doing to your children, to the society, in a country which is subjected to social collapse, to atomization, to lack of organized ability to respond in ideas and actions that can be successful. And we’re seeing it right now. So, yes, it’s very possible that the denialist party will come back into power, that Trump will be back, or someone like him, and then we’ll be simply racing to the precipice.

    As far as fascism is concerned, there are some analysts, very astute and knowledgeable ones, who say we’re actually moving towards actual fascism. My own feeling is, I would prefer to call it a kind of proto-fascism, where many of the symptoms of fascism are quite apparent — resort to violence, the belief that violence is necessary. A large part of the Republican Party, I think maybe 30 or 40%, say that violence may be necessary to save our country from the people who are trying to destroy it, the Democrat villains who are doing all these hideous things that are fed into their ears. And we see it in armed militias.

    January 6th was an example of — these are people from basically petit bourgeois, moderately affluent Middle America circles, not — there were some militia types among them who really feel that it’s necessary to carry out a coup to save the country. They were trying to carry out a coup to undermine an elected government — it’s called a coup — and came unfortunately close. Luckily, the — and they’re now taking — the Republican Party is now taking sophisticated measures to try to ensure that the next time around, it will succeed.

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  21. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 2 years ago

    Notice they are treating the January 6th coup activists as heroes: “They were trying to save America.” These are signs of massive social collapse, which show up concretely in the fact that people literally do not have enough financial reserves to put themselves through a crisis. And, of course, it’s much worse when you go to really deprived communities. Like, household wealth among Blacks is almost nothing. They’re in severe problems. All of this in the richest, most powerful country in the world, in world history, with enormous advantages, unparalleled, could easily lead the way to a much better future.

    And it’s not a utopian dream. Let’s go back to the Depression. Happens to be my childhood, can remember it well. Severe crisis, poverty, suffering much worse than today, but a hopeful period. My own family, unemployed, at first immigrant, working-class, were living with hope. They had the unions. My aunts, unemployed seamstresses, had the International Ladies Garment Workers Union, cultural activities, mutual aid. You could go on a week’s vacation. A hope for the future, militant labor actions, other political actions, sympathetic administration led the way to social democracy, inspired what happened in Europe after the war. Meanwhile, Europe moved to fascism, literal, hideous fascism. The United States, under these pressures, moved to social democracy. Now, with supreme and bitter irony, we’re seeing something like the reverse: The United States is moving towards a form of fascism; Europe is barely holding on to functioning social democracy, got plenty of their own problems, but at least they’re holding onto it — almost the reverse of what happened in the past. And we can certainly go back not only to the ’30s, but something much better than that.

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  22. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 2 years ago

    As I said, the Republicans are 100% opposed to allowing what their own constituents very much approve of, and managing the propaganda system so that their constituents don’t even know about it. Remarkable results showing up in polls about the Build Back Better bill. If you ask people about their particular provisions, strong support. You ask about the bill, mixed feelings, often opposition, feeling the bill, which contains the provisions they want, are likely to hurt them. Furthermore, turns out they don’t know what’s in the bill. They don’t know that it contains the provisions that they approve of. All of this is a massive successful indoctrination campaign of the kind that Goebbels would have been impressed with. And the only way to overcome it, again, is by constant, dedicated activism.

    Take the climate program. Biden’s climate program was not what was needed, but it was better than anything that preceded it. And it didn’t come from above. It was the result of significant activist work. Young activists got to the point of occupying senatorial congressional offices, Nancy Pelosi’s office. Ordinarily, they’d be kicked out by Capitol Police. This time they got support from Ocasio-Cortez, joined them, made it impossible for the police to throw them out, got further support from, as I mentioned, Ed Markey. Soon they were able to press Biden to develop, to agree to a climate program that was a big improvement on anything from before it — in fact, even by world standards, one of the best. Well, the management of the Democratic Party didn’t like that, wasn’t having it. They actually cut it out of their webpage before the election and tried to block it. And it’s been reduced by them and by the solid Republican opposition demanding that we move as quickly as possible towards disaster. Well, it’s now cut sharply back.

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  23. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 2 years ago

    You go to Glasgow. Lots of nice words, including from President Biden. Take a look at what’s happening in the world outside of the halls in Glasgow. Different picture. Biden came home from Glasgow and opened for lease the largest giveaway in U.S. history of petroleum fields for exploitation by the energy corporations. Well, his defense is that his effort to stop it was blocked by a temporary court decision, so he had no choice. Actually, there were choices. There were other options. But the message that it sends, stark and clear, is that the institutions of the society, the federal institution, the executive branch, the legislative branch, the judiciary, those institutions are incapable of recognizing the severity of the crises that we face, and are committed to a course which leads to something like species suicide.

    The only force that can counter that was actually present at Glasgow. There were two events at Glasgow. There was the pleasant talk but meaningless verbiage inside the halls. There were the tens of thousands of demonstrators outside the buildings, young people mostly, calling for measures, real measures, to allow a decent, viable society to develop, not be destroyed. Those are the two events in Glasgow. The question of which one prevails will determine our future. Will it be heading towards disaster, or will it be moving towards a better, more livable world? Both are possible. The choice is in our hands.

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  24. Missing large
    jhayesd31  over 2 years ago

    One definition of Fascism is the unifying believe in that which is known not to be true.

    It works for fascists nations like Iran and North Korea, It works for Religion leaders like David Koresh and Jim Jones. Now it applies to The republican party.

    Lincoln would be so proud of you guys.

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  25. Missing large
    Rich Douglas  over 2 years ago

    Despite it all, the odds are America is going to hand both houses of Congress back to the party who did this. This is self-inflicted by a lazy, incurious, electorate with about half just going along for the ride. By the time they wake up it will be too late.

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  26. Ahl13 3x4
    Andylit Premium Member over 2 years ago

    If we had wanted to take over the Capitol, if we had wanted to remove some of the elected officials, it would have been done and over in 15 minutes.

    The “insurrection” is little more than a minor riot turned into a Dem talking point.

    If you want to see insurrection go to Seattle. Go to Portland. There are cities in the US in which local, State and federal government offices were attacked, essentially put under siege for weeks at a time. Cities in which so-called “autonomous zones” were set up by revolutionary terrorists.

    BLM, Antifa and anarchist groups have rioted, burned and looted and even murdered people pretty much at will for the last 6-7 years. Otherwise known as mostly peaceful demonstrations.

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  27. B3b2b771 4dd5 4067 bfef 5ade241cb8c2
    cdward  over 2 years ago

    AndyLit fills the space with more lies. First, we know that the January 6th terrorists EXPECTED to be successful in stopping the certification process. They did not expect to have to use much violence to overthrow our democracy. Their plans were all over the internet, and we even have their PowerPoint. Second, we know that there is a qualitative difference between an attempt to infiltrate Congress to stop the constitutionally required certification process and ANY mere riot, like, for example, the murderous rioters of Charlottesville. Third, we know that nearly all of the violence at the anti-police-violence protests was instigated by right-wing goons like the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers. Again, we have their communications on this not to mention some confessions.

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  28. Animals being weird
    wildthing  over 2 years ago

    Jan. 6 was just a practice run. They’ve spent the last year making election theft easier next time. Manchin and Sinema have been bought to ensure that voting rights legislation won’t get passed.

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  29. Missing large
    BB71  over 2 years ago

    First it was Russia and not it is Jan. 6. What is next?

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