
FrannieL Premium

Recent Comments

  1. about 1 hour ago on Breaking Cat News

    Will the Tidy Woman punish Sophie? The drama continues…

  2. 1 day ago on Breaking Cat News

    I love the new lyrics to the song.

  3. 1 day ago on FurBabies

    I know who Floof is; I was expressing poorly that Floof displays the same attitude that Katie, my cat, does.

  4. 2 days ago on FurBabies

    I’m trying to figure out why Ms Beiman drew Katie in black and white instead of gray and white. LOL

  5. 3 days ago on For Better or For Worse

    I just looked at a Canadian map and thought, no, at 14, I wouldn’t want to do this either.

  6. 4 days ago on FurBabies

    Mrs. Oldman has the spiffiest outfits ever. I’d love to have her as a neighbor.

  7. 5 days ago on FurBabies

    There are enough snakes at my house and yard to go around. Ribbon and garters, take your pick.

  8. 5 days ago on FurBabies

    Where is Buster? Ha, my cats don’t work the night shift. They are too busy sleeping. LOL

  9. 6 days ago on Ten Cats

    Wonderful poem Graham. Thanks.

  10. 8 days ago on For Better or For Worse

    You know, sometimes I do too. But then I’m 84, so I forget what it was like. LOL