Clay Jones for October 12, 2021

  1. Triumph
    Daeder  over 2 years ago

    According to Mike Pence, it would have been less of a distraction of the angry terrorist mob had actually hanged him.

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  2. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  over 2 years ago

    UNfortunately, that pseudo-christian liar is still not in jail. Too bad.

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  3. Tf 117
    RAGs  over 2 years ago

    ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

    KE wants to hold a parade to honor the insurgents.

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  4. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 2 years ago

    GOP sadism is out of control — when will respectable white people wake up?

    To much depends on respectable white people. Those are white people who care about appearing respectable to other white people, who themselves care about appearing respectable to other white people. They are the great globular middle of American politics that determines electoral outcomes in this country. For the longest time, they sided with the Republican Party on account of tax cuts and other goodies. My hope is that, for the foreseeable future, they will side with the Democrats on account of tax cuts and other goodies being a banner for hiding the fact that sadism is the GOP’s point.

    The Republicans have no policy goals. Their only goal is creating legal and political conditions in which the in-group is protected while the out-group is punished.

    It is sadism. It is not cruelty. Cruelty is not the point. Sadism is. You can be cruel without meaning to. You can be cruel without taking pleasure in pain. You can be cruel because you can’t help it (on account of repeating past traumas, for instance). But sadism takes intention. It takes the desire to set aside priorities, like tax cuts and other goodies. It is its own cause. It is its own effect. This is another thing I want respectable white people to understand. Sadism isn’t an unintended consequence. It’s the point. When you vote for the Republican Party, when you give money to Republican candidates, you are joining a concerted effort to bring more suffering to more people, and you are complicit in the derivation of pleasure from suffering. You have become a sadist.

    This sounds extreme. That’s because sadism cancels equality. If the Republicans had some degree of commitment to equality, they might seek conditions in which the in-group feels free regardless of whether the out-group feels pain. But there is no equality. Therefore, there is no equal protection under law.

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  5. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 2 years ago

    ’It’s an embarrassment to watch grown men so emasculated’: GOP leaders roasted on CNN for sticking with Trump

    They are leaders in the Republican Party," said anchor John Berman. “Scalise is perpetuating the Big Lie. And Grassley is kind of coming up with this new lie that Trump was somehow the victim in the insurrection. What does this do to the party? And what does this do to the country?”

    “It’s an embarrassment to the country to watch two grown men so emasculated, so afraid of losing Donald Trump’s support and supporters,” said Cupp. “It’s deeply disappointing. But I actually think it’s worse. In some ways, people like Steve Scalise, lawmakers like Chuck Grassley leaning into this and really giving it their full weight is, I think, worse than Trump doing it.”

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  6. Mate1 9
    imagenesis  over 2 years ago

    That little fly must have a crush on Pence!

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  7. Wtp
    superposition  over 2 years ago

    There’s an alt-reality pseudo-country within the USA (Q’s ‘Murica) whose inhabitants — white, masculine, European-descent, pseudo-christian, sympathizers/defenders — pretend that their shrinking minority is the only valid electorate and that the votes of real-world US voters [non-’Muricans] that ousted their anointed leader 45 should not be counted.

    Karl Rove, Fox News, et al have nurtured this wannabe alt-reality and some power-seekers have taken it to heart and see no harm in redistricting, gerrymandering, voter suppression, disinformation, innuendo, gossip, and outright obvious lies to defend their views. Democracy – especially equality – is their nemesis in their delusional quest for an authoritarian “strong leader” that will disenfranchise the “other” voters.

    This group – then identified as Dixiecrats – meandered from the Democratic party to the Republican party after the Civil/Voters Rights Acts were passed under LBJ and were welcomed by a party desperate to find a new direction after the Nixon debacle. Now, with the aid of social media, they have become a traitorous threat to freedom-loving US citizens.

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    FrankErnesto  over 2 years ago

    They would like to erect a statue of Trump in D.C., but the building material attracts too many flies.

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    wellis1947 Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Actually, I found the Jan 6th insurrectionist chant of “Hang Mike Pence” quite the catchy little jingle

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    Zebrastripes  over 2 years ago

    Dumb and dumber….sucking up …politics have a grip on these imbeciles! God help us all!

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  11. Scout 3a
    Redd Panda  over 2 years ago

    What’s the big deal? All they wanted, was to lynch him.

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    Display  over 2 years ago

    The Turd Reich ends up turning on even its own sychophants. And they do that a lot.

    Hey! So did the Nazis. Woah… That might be more than a coincidence. Hmm…

    Let’s see… Follows Hitler’s & Goebbels’ propaganda strategy of The Big Lie… check!

    Spreads hate and fear mongering, using other groups to blame for their own lives and deceptions… check!

    Blames other groups for the sad lives of their own members that are in fact caused by their own policies and hatred… check!

    Turns on their own members for the slightest variation from Hair Gropenfuror’s plan… check!

    Gets their followers to believe their claims so they think the oligarchy of hate has to be “Just like me!” when they are really rich people sucking the middle class and the poor dry with their grifting and “campaign funds” for things like the Wall and the Recount (money that for the most part never got used for those but instead was spend on the oligarchy itself for travel and luxury hotels, not to mention siphoned off to “election funds” that get spent anyway the Turd Reich leaders want)…. check!

    Hey! If it looks like a Nazi, talks like a Nazi, follows the plans of a Nazi, acts like a Nazi… check yet again!

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  13. Dr coathanger abortions 150
    Teto85 Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Is Pence hanging from a gallows? One can hope.

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    WestNYC Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Pence is still afraid of the MAGA mobs as he may need their votes for a future run for office.

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  15. Reading cat
    morningglory73 Premium Member over 2 years ago

    One bad day?

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    The Love of Money is . . .  over 2 years ago

    Did any of the G.Q.P. know that Nancy Pelosi is third in line for President? What if Pence had been hung and Trump had dropped dead from Covid, obesity, etc. Just the thought I’m sure makes many people smile.

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    PraiseofFolly  over 2 years ago

    —) I hate to make reference to Puccini’s beautiful sentimental opera, but — All these Republican January 6th apologists remind me of just so many “Madame Butterflies” yearning for the return of their true love, Pinkerton (Donald Trump) “One Fine Day.”

    Note the lyrics to this aria in the link. Can you imagine sycophants like pathetic Pence or Grassley singing a parody of it:ì,_vedremo

    YouTube clip:

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  18. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 2 years ago

    ‘Relentless attack on the truth’: Adam Schiff says he caught Kevin McCarthy in a blatant lie

    The California Democrat said his Republican counterpart’s willingness to lie without shame was part of the broader problem afflicting U.S. democracy since Donald Trump entered politics, and he told MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” that rooting out that threat was the purpose of the House investigation of the Jan. 6 insurrection.

    “On this select committee, we are of one mind. anyone who does not comply [with subpoenas] we will refer for criminal prosecution, and there needs to be accountability,” Schiff said. “It really is essential for us to bring our democracy back from the brink, that we once again have our rules applied equally to everyone.”

    “One of the things that terrifies me about the upcoming midterms is we need to make sure that the party in power believes in the rule of law,” he added. “One of the stories I tell about Kevin McCarthy is, I was sitting next to him on a plane having a private conversation and then him going to the press and telling the press the exact opposite of our conversation, and when I confronted him on the House floor about this and said, ‘Kevin, you know I said the exact opposite of what you told the press,’ his answer was to me, ‘Yeah, I know, Adam, but you know how it goes.’”

    “We cannot have a leadership in Congress that has no commitment to the truth, that shares Donald Trump’s willingness to falsify and lie about everything and so this, too, is what puts us in peril,” he said. “I think of all the damage that Donald Trump did to our democracy, the most corrosive was this relentless attack on the truth.”

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    NatureBatsLast  over 2 years ago

    Well the Brit’s did make Guy Fawkes Day a thing and he was a traitor.

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    tatra1233  over 2 years ago

    The farcical attempts at controlling and punishing the “demonstrators” of January could have been worse. 1968, 100,000 demonstrators in D.C… Machine gun on Supreme Court steps, about all of them crossing the Potomac to storm the Pentagon (they were stopped by 500 MP’s, without any weapons but sticks, no body armor or face shield, or shields of any kind, outnumbered 200 to 1). 3,000 were arrested, on both sides of the Potomac. What followed the arrests showed an ugly truth…following normal police procedures when there is a faceless chaotic swarm of 100,000, with all “due process” followed, is simply impossible. What sort of punishment did the arrested receive? They were all given $10,000 in cash in compensation for the violation of their rights to storm federal buildings. $10,000 in 1968, was enough for a very substantial down payment on a nice home. The only non-bullet way (tear gas fired into a crowd that huge guarantees fatalities in the crush) is to activate the habeas corpus provision of the Constitution. “In the event of invasion or insurrection, habeas corpus may be suspended” This suspension can be limited to the area affected. It’s the nuclear weapon of mass disruption or disorder or terrorist control, and it scares anyone who considers using it. This time, at least, the demonstrators weren’t richly rewarded for their behavior…they just had practically nothing done to them at all, except for a tiny handful that could be identified…if the swarm had been as big as 1968, not even that much could have been done.

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  21. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 2 years ago

    ^ hey mister mod, he is spelling out obscene words.

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    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  over 2 years ago

    Two counter-measures must be taken immediately. First, no Chinese money can be ever be allowed into the states to finance their subversive efforts. Second, no U.S. funds may be given to pro-communist organizations like 90 percent of our colleges and universities. Third, we need entirely new social networks. And fourth, we must understand that any donation to the Democrat Party is a donation to communist China. L. Neil Smith 2020

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