Pluggers by Rick McKee for September 08, 2021

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  over 2 years ago

    bless you, international postal services

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  2. Ann margaret
    Caldonia  over 2 years ago

    Geez, I guess my dad was a plugger. There was a lot of mail, but I don’t think it was worth his trips.

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  3. Rick o shay
    wiatr  over 2 years ago

    First you have to get them to stop and deliver the mail. We got two packages today but the outgoing mail in the door was ignored. I’m glad it wasn’t carrying a check to pay a bill. This jerk Joy is making the Post Office a laughingstock.

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  4. 2006 afl collingwood
    nosirrom  over 2 years ago

    Guilty. I try to time my errands so that when I return the mail has just been delivered.

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    kelloggs2066  over 2 years ago

    Well, maybe if the Plugger isn’t working until sundown…

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    some idiot from R'lyeh Premium Member over 2 years ago

    “Pluggers still get mail”.

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  7. Familyreunion2009
    Pocosdad  over 2 years ago

    And heaven forbid that the Post Office should change the time that they deliver the mail. Our condo community has a large number of older residents, and when the delivery time was changed, it was a major topic of conversation for months. And then last week, the garbage collection company changed the pick up day. Oh, the humanity!

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    juicebruce  over 2 years ago

    Just another daily chore …..

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    david_42  over 2 years ago

    Home owners still get mail. Mostly bills from small companies, but the trash collector isn’t small and still uses paper bills. I can, however, use EFT to pay them. My power company sends an ebill, but my credit union has to send them a paper check.

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    guy42  over 2 years ago

    No reason to go to the mailbox, it’s empty. If there was something in the mailbox the flag would be up.

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    ctolson  over 2 years ago

    That’s because the Grandkids aren’t visiting.

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    raybarb44  over 2 years ago

    Sometimes it’s a tie though…..

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    CynthiaLeigh  over 2 years ago

    I use the Informed Delivery feature on the USPS site to see if I have any mail.

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  14. Spooky
    unca jim  over 2 years ago

    My Major Credit Card with “auto-pay” kept missing withdrawals from my bank acc’t, thus kicking off Late Payment fines, which took lotsa time on their 1-800 number to get them straight, thus I get their bill in the roadside mailbox, payable by check and a ‘forever stamp’..At 86, I’m gettin’ too dam old to play internet games and financial finaglings with twenty-somethings who think “It’s all so easy and CONVENIENT, too !!”

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    Sailor46 USN 65-95  over 2 years ago

    That would be my wife

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    William Robbins Premium Member over 2 years ago

    once a week, i transfer the junk from the mailbox to the trash. occasionally i’m surprised there’s something to open.

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    mafastore  over 2 years ago

    I love getting mail! This is something my husband does not understand. If it snowed 10 ft (which does not happen here) I still would be trying to go out and bring in the mail. When husband was still working my big excitement for the day was to go out to the PO and check the mail in the box we had there. He does not understand this love of getting mail. I finally was able to explain it – like in the movie "The Music Man ’ when they sing about the Wells Fargo Wagon – it could be something exciting!

    No, it rarely is – most exciting is one of the few magazines I get, mostly monthly or less often.

    These days we have the mail coming to the house (gave up trying to get it forwarded from the box during Covid and did not want to go out to get it at the PO). We get up, get dressed eat lunch, I wash the dishes, and then I get to go out to the mailbox in front of the house and check for mail – the highlight of the day!

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