Lisa Benson for February 05, 2021

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    catmom1360  over 3 years ago

    Silence from the lefty posters.

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  2. Triumph
    Daeder  over 3 years ago

    Oh no! There’s a bunch of common sense and health safety blocking the road!

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    RAGs  over 3 years ago

    No Lisa, unions are NOT subsidiaries of the Democratic party, though many union members DO vote for Democrats since Democrats DO have a better tendency to work for the betterment of the Country.

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    Concretionist  over 3 years ago

    Of course Lisa is anti-union.

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    Kurtass Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Those children should be going to private for profit schools. How else are the republican legislators supposed to get their kick backs from the owners of those schools. Ask Betsy Devious. Here Indiana a for profit oneline school bilked the state out of 68 million. Of course they gave thousands in campaign (bribes) funds to key republican criminals.

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    LookingGlass Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Hey LIESA, your QTARD is showing!!


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    WittyWeasel  over 3 years ago

    Annnnnd, the Left is speechless on this one ( except for the usual snarky ad hominem attacks ) . . . IT’S A SIGN OF THE APOCALYPSE !!!! :-)

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    Zev   over 3 years ago

    Lisa doesn’t realize that senior citizen is still driving that bus is because there were no unions to protect their wages during their working years. The GOP’s idea of “fair” wages means no savings, no IRAs, and a crappy Social Security check for their retirement years. Then they slash backup programs like SNAP or energy assistance for the “freeloaders”.

    In fact, it’s the exact opposite. The same corporations that benefit the most from tax breaks are in fact freeloading off the backs of the workers toiling away in their factories and facilities by denying them a living wage.

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  9. Wtp
    superposition  over 3 years ago

    A Democratic governor is trying to reopen schools and unions are opposed.

    You might notice above that pediatricians are more likely to be liberal, but urologists and neurosurgeons are more likely to be conservative. Verdant Labs also points out that preschool teachers are twice as likely as high school teachers to be Republican, and economics professors are seven times as likely as English professors to be Republican.

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    gopher gofer  over 3 years ago

    catmom, never afraid to step up and dare to be stoopid…

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  11. Coexist
    Bookworm  over 3 years ago

    I noticed that the daily death toll topped 5,000 for the first time. I wonder how many of them were teachers.

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    docrucker Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Now do climate change!

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    Bendarling1  over 3 years ago

    Assigning blame to a natural, scientific phenomenon is silly. Like suggesting the best reason to get kids un safely back to school would free up workers for the capitalists

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    Alberta Oil Premium Member over 3 years ago

    That “union” is trying to create better/safer working conditions, don’t be hiding behind science to create unsafe working conditions.

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    guyjen2004 Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Fire them if they persist in this nonsense. If a teacher is unhealthy and at higher risk of becoming seriously ill or dying from covid, then obviously that person should not be in a classroom. Hire a sub. Otherwise, employ the usual safety protocols and get the kids back in school and stop pretending that their all going to die and stop ignoring the vast amount of negative consequences of not allowing in-person, classroom schooling. Another issue politicized and science, data and good old common sense go out the window.

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    JeanMeslier  over 3 years ago

    If it weren’t for Unions, these kids wouldn’t be going to school. They would be working in mines and factories.In textile manufactures in the South, children as young as 4 years old would be working in the looms.In England, boys and girls as young as 10 years old worked naked in coal mines.Unions brought the US 40 hour work weeks, overtime pay, a living wage, vacations, health benefits, and pensions.Before Social Security, Union pensions allowed old people to just live. My Grandmother drew a Union pension from her husband. Unions allowed people the ability to earn enough to buy the products they made.

    Companies had private militias, mainly to keep workers in line. Ford at one time had more armed guards than Michigan had National Guardsmen.State and Federal governors and presidents routinely sent troops in to break up strikes.

    The United States has had the bloodiest and most violent suppression of worker’s attempts to organize of any industrialized country. Since 1636. Slave deaths and suppressions are not included in statistics.

    Before I retired, the company where I worked had 4 strikes in my 35 years there. NONE were for higher wages. All were for working conditions or the company breaching the Union contract.All the news media ever focused on was wages, how much we made and how greedy and ungrateful we were. Never on the real issues.

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  17. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 3 years ago

    Right wingers are full of lies. Because republicans did not believe in science they let covid spread for a year and shut down the county.

    To blame the republican stupidity and death dealing on the Dems is a total lie.

    Right wingers specialize in Big Lies, did you know Trump is till president?

    Lying fool right wingers are only fooling themselves.

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    librarylady59  over 3 years ago

    Vaccinate the teachers and school personnel. That’ll fix the issue.

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    preacherman Premium Member over 3 years ago

    With not so intelligent school boards making the decisions to reopen the schools, the teacher unions need to help protect the vulnerable teachers lest even more of them leave the profession altogether.

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    MuddyUSA  Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Unionism at its worst!

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    WestNYC Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Good going from the cartoonist today, she struck a raw nerve.

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    ChristopherBurns  over 3 years ago

    Let’s get some facts here. First off it’s not just the Union. In states without unions (Florida, Georgia, Arizona, to name a few), teachers are fighting being back in the classroom. Unions just give teachers more power to resist.

    It’s not just teachers, it’s also school Superintendents, who have to figure out how to run a school system in this environment. The cost is not insignificant and they are not getting much is funding to help. The consequences of an outbreak entire schools can be closed down for weeks. Substitutes can be hard to find to replace sick teachers. My superintendent is very open about the obstacles to reopening. I’m glad it’s not my job.

    A lot of teachers are not youngsters. More than quarter of teachers are over and carry a greater risk if infected. There is not a large cadre of young teachers to replace them. Depending on the school district’s location it can be difficult to fill positions even in normal times.

    There are also a lot of parents who don’t want their kids in school until the crisis has abated.

    The disease is also changing in it’s ability to spread. Three new variants are more contagious. In Europe where they were opening schools, they are reversing course because of this.

    Finally, there is the community. What the science is saying is that schools are not the vectors of Covid that they feared they might be. That doesn’t mean that the chance of catching it in a classroom are less, just not any greater. And, the attitude towards Covid matter. If few in your community are masking or social distancing, following the guidelines set out by the doctors or calling all this a hoax, then there’s a problem. Parents send their kids to school sick all the time. I don’t want to catch Covid because some dad believes it’s all a Liberal hoax.

    I am NOT cannon fodder.

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    ibrooklyn  over 3 years ago

    Teachers have every right to be concerned about in class learning during a pandemic. The intelligent response was delivered last night by the Biden administration by stating that they will wait for a complete guideline to be issued by the CDC on this matter. Science will prevail.

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    Teto85 Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Teachers unions are preventing science from being taught in schools? Or is it Liesa’s junk science that is not being taught?

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    evanmarhews  over 3 years ago

    next Lisa will be on the jewish space laser theme

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    tims145  over 3 years ago

    Here’s someone from the party of holocaust, 9/11, moon landing, pandemic deniers claiming that unions are what’s blocking “Science”. This goes far beyond hypocrisy into the realm of clinical cluelessness.

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    jack666 Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Sure Lisa. Teacher’s unions, which have zero power here in the south, are wholly responsible for the existing situation with schools. Your beloved Donald Trump, who assured us that the almost nonexistent Covfefe-45 would be gone by April of last year, and who not only took no meaningful action to slow down the progress of the disease but also actively discouraged public health measures, has no responsibility, as he informed us, for anything.

    Who are you going to blame for “allowing you to believe” lies, not to mention to promote them?

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    critter19  over 3 years ago

    It’s a pandemic stupid!

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    casonia2  over 3 years ago

    I am but a simple country person — why not just vaccinate the teachers? Now. And those that don’t want to be vaccinated — that’s their choice.

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    stevek Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Teachers shouldn’t be force back into the class rooms without vaccinations first. I bet the administrators and the politicians pushing it have mostly been vaccinated.

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  31. Triumph
    Daeder  over 3 years ago

    Of course MuddyUSA thinks protecting childrens’ and teachers’ health is bad, while protecting criminal cops is good.

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    Kracklin Rosie - “Tolo Dan Nan Galad” Premium Member over 3 years ago

    The lefties here are conveniently ignoring the fact that normally union supporting Democrats in leadership positions, Governors and mayors, are in direct opposition to teachers unions on this issue. Primary case in point is Illinois Pritzker and especially Chicago’s Mayor Lori Lightfoot.

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    Andylit Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Chicago is a shining example of the power of the NEA and the other education unions.

    The city has invested hundreds of millions into ventilation and other health safety upgrades. The science clearly demonstrates that schools have a remarkably low infection transmission rate. The numbers coming out of private and parochial schools prove what we’ve known all along. Kids basically don’t get sick from Covid, even if they virus is present.

    In December the Union posted this to its official Twitter account. “The push to reopen schools is rooted in sexism, racism and misogyny.”

    Went over like a lead balloon and they finally deleted it after being immersed in scorn and ridicule.

    So now we have interpretive dance.

    Bottom line? The NEA and the other unions have stated for months that specific conditions must be met before the teachers return to work. In Chicago, those conditions were met. However, despite SCIENCE, the Chicago teachers refuse to return. They have now decided that a moving target is the new standard.

    The union position is so absurd that even the rabidly pro-union Mayor Lightfoot is outraged over the union intransigence.

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    cracker65  over 3 years ago

    The obvious solution is to just cancel the school year, but that would make too much sense. Remote learning is an obvious failure. I find it laughable that these anti science idiots like Lisa are now quoting science.

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    grumpypophobart  over 3 years ago

    It ain’t the unions blocking science. They are using the science to protect themselves and their loved ones. Many staff are still nervous about going into schools, especially if they have family members at risk of a severe reaction if they contract COVID-19. In a release on Sunday, the union said the school district is still denying these accommodations.

    Union leaders note that only a small percentage of parents are opting to send their children into schools so many staff are not needed. Just 19% of preschool school and special education students opted to return for the first week of in-person school.

    Now, let’s talk about how the party of Trump blocked science to the extent that the death toll is now, how many, Lisa?

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  36. The eye of god
    Woodstock Generation Premium Member over 3 years ago

    I think it’s Republicans who are anti Science! Do you remember Chlorox, Butt lasers, chloroquine and the whole pandemic (Democratic Hoax) would be over by the summer? China has a longer history of the pandemic with over 4 times the population, but actually let the scientists dictate the response with a much smaller effect on health and the economy.

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    wsedrel Premium Member over 3 years ago

    The usual from L B.

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    Kracklin Rosie - “Tolo Dan Nan Galad” Premium Member over 3 years ago

    So Dr. Fauci was just on the news saying that science indicates that the schools should reopen. The CDC says the schools should reopen. Most of the rest of the world have opened their schools long ago with no ill effects proving that it’s safe. But the Biden White House, kowtowing to the teachers unions says no. Whats that the lefties here keep clamoring about. Something about the science. But apparently not when it interferes with their internal politics.

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  39. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 3 years ago

    Republicans in 1956 were for unions, now they are against them.

    In my working life republicans were always against the working man.

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    MuddyUSA  Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Not really, you know the liberals think they have all the answers…….they think!

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  41. Catinma
    BeniHanna6 Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Got tired of individually quoting facts to the science deniers, so just going to address you all. Even your MSM and new government is saying public schools can open. You always claimed that the previous administration was science deniers, and now your guilty of it yourself.

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  42. Poncho icon
    Jimathai Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Yes… lets listen to the right on how to navigate this pandemic… it has worked out so well for us so far!

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    Jimathai Premium Member over 3 years ago

    And lets not cherry pick… The CDC says schools CAN open … WITH PRECAUTIONS. Not that schools SHOULD open. Now if the last administration had actually shown some leadership on the matter in particular making sure those safeguards and precautions are met, then yeah… we would be ready by now. Unfortunately the lack of leadership led to a nation in complete shambles and by far being the worst in handling this pandemic… So with the new stimulus passed by the DEMS hopefully those safeguards and precautions will finally get met, and with the vaccines rolling out hopefully things will get back to normal soon.

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    greyolddave  over 3 years ago

    So how many schools are closed as teachers and students are sick or quarantined? How many students and teachers have died?

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    359mxn  over 3 years ago

    No solution here.

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