Lisa Benson for June 21, 2012

  1. Bill   don
    derlehrer  almost 12 years ago

    ???Lisa, what is this? They’re buried in anthills, but who are the ants? Not the media. Not the politicians. Not the People. Not the Mexicans. You need to explain this one to me – it’s over my head.

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  2. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 12 years ago

    MItchell, Meese, Thornburgh, Aschroft, Gozales, yep, too much corruption to shake a stick at, but elephants stood by ’em, instead of stomping ’em!

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  3. Stitch icon
    hanmari  almost 12 years ago

    I think the point of this cartoon is that both are in deep trouble, and standing beside his A.G. isn’t gonna help much.

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    joe vignone  almost 12 years ago

    The Republicants are going to regret this political ploy to embarrass the AG.

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  5. Bill   don
    derlehrer  almost 12 years ago

    “The Republicants are going to regret this political ploy to embarrass the AG.”-—————————————————————-That helps me (a little) in my effort to understand this cartoon. But I seriously doubt there are that many individual ants involved in trying to get to the truth of the matter, and I really believe that it should be a bipartisan endeavor to punish those responsible in order to make certain that something like this never happens again. Had Congress pursued the Iran-Contra debacle, this “Fast and Furious” fiasco would not have happened. (Or am I "pie-in-the-sky dreaming?) At any rate, this will probably turn out to be “Hiss and Fizzle” because nobody will be held accountable.

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    disgustedtaxpayer  almost 12 years ago

    Fast & Furious has been a scandal since the 2010 murder of Border Agent Terry….(armed by 2009 order of Homeland Security sec’y with blanks and bean bags and murdered by drug criminals fully armed with live ammo)….brought out the ATF whistleblowers.-I doubt Obama tried executive privilege (intended for U.S. president and White House staff….not cabinet agencies and certainly not for 18 month investigations)…to protect himself..!-I hope the House GOP maintains a backbone and fights the abusive use of executive privilege into the courts….in the meantime, Obama should order the AG to turn over every document required by the Oversight Committee.-p.s. Lisa shows how both Obama and (with)Holder have DUG THEMSELVES INTO THE BORDER DESERT….-pps. Fast & Furious did not begin until Obama was Prez in 2009….Holder retracted his lie that claimed F&F was a “Bush administration program”…..gun programs before 2009 were nothing like Fast & Furious….and is there proof it was truly stopped????

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  7. Jollyroger
    pirate227  almost 12 years ago

    What a terrible drawing. That doesn’t resemble Dumbya or Gonzales… since Fast & Furious started under their watch.

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    ARodney  almost 12 years ago

    Yes, under Bush the program went bad, and no one was prosecuted. Under Holder, several people who biffed were fired, prosecuted, or reprimanded. Which I guess is why the Republicans are letting Michael Mukasey, who started the program, off the hook without even asking him any questions, and only going after the guy who actually stopped the program. It’s a political witch hunt.

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    disgustedtaxpayer  almost 12 years ago

    @Arodney….the pre-2009 program was different….the ATF tracked guns and ARRESTED the criminals…..a DIFFERENT program with a DIFFERENT name….it is the 2009 “FAST & FURIOUS program” that walked 2,000 plus assault weapons over the border to the drug cartels…..being investigated since Jan. 2011. Mukasey would have no answers for the investigators….he had nothing to do with F & F.

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    PlainBill  almost 12 years ago

    There are a number of possible explanations for operation ‘Fast and furious’, however the fact that it was identical to operation ‘Wide Receiver’ (during the Bush administration), run by the same Special Agent (William Newell), and suffered the same problems suggests the hearings are nothing more than a massive effort by the GOP to discredit Holder.

    Of course, Lisa doesn’t know all that, she gets her news from Faux.

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    disgustedtaxpayer  almost 12 years ago

    @eryxOn the evening of December 14, 2010, U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry and others were patrolling Peck Canyon, Santa Cruz County, Arizona, 11 miles from the Mexican border. The group came across five suspected illegal immigrants. When they fired non-lethal beanbag guns, the suspects responded with their own weapons, leading to a firefight. Agent Terry was shot and killed; four of the suspectswere arrested and two AK-pattern rifles were found nearby. The rifles were traced to Fast and Furious within hours of the shooting, but the bullet that killed Terry was too badly damaged to be linked to either gun.3……(copy/paste quote in article ATF Gunwalking scandal)- BORDER PATROL AMERICANS FACING ARMED CRIMINALS……………WHY ARE OUR AGENTS ARMED WITH NON-LETHAL BEANBAG GUNS?????

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    oneoldhat  almost 12 years ago

    under wide reciever only 5 conviction and 2 wanted fugitives in the USA names of of others were give to mexico =zip so program was closed

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  13. Bill   don
    derlehrer  almost 12 years ago

    “There was never a plan to track the guns because the purpose wasn’t to track the drug lords, the purpose was to create an incident that they could use to ram through anti gun laws.”-————————————————No offense intended, but this sound an awful lot like the conspiracy theories that claim the Bush Administration either instigated the Twin Towers attacks or allowed them to happen in order to justify war with Iraq & Afghanistan. There just isn’t any logic to it.

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  14. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 12 years ago

    The NRA does NOT want you to know how many guns are acquired “legally” in the U.S., then sold to “miscreants”. Also, they don’t want you to think about the FACT that solid gun registration laws, making owners responsible for “containing” their weapons, would greatly reduce illegal transactions, including unreported theft of firearms.

    Also, simply put, valid gun OWNERSHIP regulations long put in limbo by NRA actions, would have prevented “Fast and Furious” even being needed.

    POLICE OFFICERS, being killed around this nation by guns, didn’t CARE where they came from, only that they were out there, and easily obtained, through currently “legal” means.

    Track down where American made weapons, AND AMMUNITION go, and there’s a LOT more “trouble” than just Mexico.

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  15. Bill   don
    derlehrer  almost 12 years ago

    “Except that there are memos that explain that, when F&F failed, the folks in charge wanted to use the fact that guns had gone to criminals in Mexico as support for stronger gun laws. In other words, ATF set up a way around the gun laws, and then wanted to use their incompetence to justify stronger laws (which I guess they would also ignore if they felt like it).

    The ATF asked a gun dealer in Texas (Carter’s Country) to help them get guns into Mexico, and then tried to prosecute him for doing what they asked. Of course, this is all Bush’s fault, since Obama and Holder can do no wrong."-————————————————————-This is a distraction from the post I originally addressed:“There was never a plan to track the guns because the purpose wasn’t to track the drug lords, the purpose was to create an incident that they could use to ram through anti gun laws.”I simply compared this “purpose” to the “conspiracy theories” surrounding the Twin Towers attack.It appears that instead of addressing this comparison, you want to sidetrack the discussion and talk about something else. (I know nothing of the Carter’s Country episode, but might it have been a “sting”?)

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  16. Bill   don
    derlehrer  almost 12 years ago

    Why do people simply disappear from a discussion when you nail their @$$e$ to the wall? Is this a surrender?

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