Ted Rall for August 27, 2009

  1. Sugar
    bosco  almost 15 years ago

    ted rall is a narrow minded bigot and left wing nut who should keep his opinion to himself because it does nothing but promote hate and devision!

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  2. 8863814b f9b6 46ec 9f21 294d3e529c09
    mattro65  almost 15 years ago

    What is “devision?” Only a blind ignorant person, probably white, would not understand that racism is still a problem in this country. “White privilege” is not just two meaningless words.

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  3. Flamedragon
    Frodo59  almost 15 years ago

    The guy in Phoenix with the assault rifle was black, Ted.

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    YouWereWarned  almost 15 years ago

    It’s only in the US of A that someone who can hardly spell his name can buy a Genius title. Isn’t that a great country or what?

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  5. Cat
    Henrie  almost 15 years ago

    I had a different take on this. It was ok to use enhanced interrogation (torture) on SUPPOSED terrorists BUT militant, racist, American possible terrorists can not be touched. Not even at a place where the President was speaking. Racism is still here. Also it is bringing out the Oklahoma bombing types. That is scary.

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  6. And you wonder why
    Kylop  almost 15 years ago

    Rall, good one.

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  7. John adams1
    Motivemagus  almost 15 years ago

    I think Henrie’s got it. Note how resistant the previous administration was to discussing domestic terrorism. Oklahoma City had nothing to do with “foreigners,” it was home-grown right-wing terrorism. But I guess the NRA protects that.

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    ezdeb  almost 15 years ago

    Um, hold it. William Kostric is not black. He’s the yokel who appeared on conservative tv shows the day after the town hall meeting. I do believe he’s white.

    Isn’t promotion of hate and division just so…..icky when leftists draw cartoons like this?? When Asay draws a cartoon showing our president beating aborted fetuses with a club in a dumpster, that is promotion of hate and division, but TRUE!, right, Bosco? Frodo?

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    GoComics Moderator  almost 15 years ago

    The man who carried the rifle looks black in this photograph: http://www.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/08/17/obama.protest.rifle/index.html

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    ezdeb  almost 15 years ago

    Well, thanks Steve. I didn’t know there were two Phoenix gun issues at town halls. Only heard about the Kostric guy. What’s up w/Arizona, Senator McCain?

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  11. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    ezdeb, the “Obama-clubbing-fetuses” cartoon was Glenn McCoy, not Asay. I don’t care for Asay but he’s not the over-the-top, frothing-at-the-mouth lunatic McCoy is.

    Of course, that’s why I’ve stopped following Asay, but still check out McCoy every day. :-)

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  12. Marx lennon
    charliekane  almost 15 years ago

    I have a daughter in the Phoenix area. Her solid,midwestern, middle class upbringing leaves her thinking that the gun-totin’ demonstraters are nucking futs.

    BTW, these town hallers went nucking futs on ol’Johnny, too.

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  13. Img 0002
    ezdeb  almost 15 years ago

    Striper, please believe me when I say that if you truly do think you’ll go to heaven when you die, you might want to remove several huge beams from both your eyes.

    I find it hilarious that you say black people have their black groups, like the black panthers and gangs, if they want to hang out together.

    I’m very sorry you lived some kind of racial violence. At least you weren’t lynched, branded, run out of the state, not allowed to marry, not allowed to eat where you want, not allowed to pee with black folks, etc. Poor you. A little perspective will help you a lot. I don’t expect you’ll go look for it, though. Keep building your wall!

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  14. Drinkybird
    susanwobb  almost 15 years ago

    The puzzle has an answer: There were TWO guys with AR-15s at the Phoenix event. One was white. One was black. Such racial harmony we have in this country!

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  15. Vanilla ice cool as ice
    edmondd  almost 15 years ago

    That’s not the point churchillwasright, for even if Ted was making a direct reference, what the true issue is–what with the lack of oversight over the “intelligentsia”– that there is a very real possibility innocent people have been tortured physically, mentally, or even both.

    Not a real possibility. It’s a fact.

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    mikhorstman  almost 15 years ago

    Hey the black guy in Phoenix was a wacko, and prejudiced against his own race. Ted’s point was weak minded, mentally unstable people are succectible to this violent talk, and this guy fit the bill.

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    mikhorstman  almost 15 years ago

    Oh yeah Bosco definitely sounds like he fits the bill.

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  18. Campina 2
    deadheadzan  almost 15 years ago

    People who show up with guns at such events should be arrested for reckless endangerment and inciting to riot.

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  19. Selfportrait2013
    Ted Rall creator almost 15 years ago

    Frodo, Over two dozen armed men have shown up at Obama rallies on healthcare in Arizona and New Hampshire. To my knowledge, one was black and the others were white. Seems fair to draw this stand-in as white…not that cartoons need to be fair!

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    mtmccollough  almost 15 years ago

    striper77 said: ‘I would stand up and start punching multiple blacks until the teaches and coaches would break it up.’

    Yeah, sounds like you were terribly put upon you ignorant hick.

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  21. Don quixote 1955
    OmqR-IV.0  almost 15 years ago

    churchillwasright said: Is Rall talking about the youngest prisoner at Gitmo, who was 15 when he blew up one of our Marines with a grenade, or the 11 year old Afghan suicide bomber who was stopped before he could blow himself up?

    Can you understand the concept of “underage”? But let’s overlook that for the moment. Can you state the names of these underage prisoners and what they were charged, with sources?

    Was the 11 yr old perhaps Mohammad el-Gharani?

    The U.S. government had claimed that el-Gharani had been a member of an al-Qaeda cell based in London since the age of 11.

    Oh gosh! But wait…

    “…captured in Pakistan at 14 …” “The judge ruled Mohammad el-Gharani wasn’t an enemy combatant ” “…U.S. District Judge Richard Leon noted serious questions were raised about another detainee who implicated el-Gharani.”

    And the 15 yr old?

    “Another Guantanamo detainee, Canadian Omar Khadr, was 14 or 15 when he was captured six years ago. Military prosecutors formally charged him in April 2007 with killing Sgt. Christopher James Speer, a U.S. soldier whose reconnaissance patrol was ambushed in Afghanistan in 2002”

    Oh Gosh! Hang on a sec though, throwing a grenade in a battle isn’t terrorism…? But wait…

    In February 2008, the Pentagon accidentally released documents that revealed that although Khadr was present during the firefight, there was no other evidence that he had thrown the grenade. In fact, military officials had originally reported that another of the surviving militants had thrown the grenade just before being killed. Canadian authorities also determined that Khadr had little knowledge of his father’s alleged activities, since “he was out playing or simply not interested”

    A 2009 review determined that the Canadian Security Intelligence Service failed Khadr, by refusing to acknowledge his juvenile status or his repeated claims of being abused. It was also determined that Minister of Foreign Affairs Lawrence Cannon had lied when he claimed that Khadr had built bombs to kill Canadian soldiers.

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