Rob Rogers for June 21, 2023

  1. Ddwiz avatar
    DD Wiz Premium Member 12 months ago

    Hunter Biden … case closed, nothing to see here, still over-charged compared to what any defendant not named Biden would have faced.

    Republicans got what they’ve been demanding. So are they happy now? No! The reality-reversed whiny Republican gaslighters are as gassy as they have ever been.

    The whiny Republicans are boo-hooing because the guy they have been demanding for years that Hunter Biden be charged not only got charged, he plead guilty and settled his case (something Trump would have been wise to do earlier on).

    The whiny Republicans, who had numerous script options ready for how to respond no matter how it turned out, are of course whining and crying about unfairness, when the only unfairness is what favored them.

    Whiny Republicans are calling it a “sweetheart deal” and “two-tiered justice.” The only two-tiered justice is that Hunter Biden has been treated far more aggressively than a first-time offender for the same offenses would have been if his name had been Hunter Smith.

    The whiny Republicans who are calling to “defund” and terminate all IRS tax evasion enforcement are now whining that the IRS isn’t enforcing tax laws. Hunter Biden had to pay back all the missed tax payments with penalties and interest, take a diversionary course. Biden also gets a lengthy probation, which a Hunter Smith as a first-time offender likely would not have gotten. Likely no other first offenders in his diversionary course will get any probation at all. And the gun charge? Dropped, but Hunter gets a lifetime ban on owning a firearm. Who thinks the gun-rights whiny Republicans will call for gun rights for Hunter? Hunter’s mistake was that he answered one question wrong on a form. It is unlikely any other person in the same situation would get charged at all.

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  2. Th marvin da martian
    Flashaaway  12 months ago

    I hope that opens the door for investigations into the Trump offspring.

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  3. Question 63916 960 720
    knutdl  12 months ago

    1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9 is Moby Dick? (OMG)

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  4. Missing large
    hoot1  12 months ago

    RR…great toon! Timely, observant, ironic and great symbolic artwork. Very nice. What political tooning should be.

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  5. Great view up here
    comixbomix  12 months ago

    The GOP’s gonna need a bigger Pequod…

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  6. Direwolf 1
    Direwolf  12 months ago

    desperate to find ANY whatabout to distract from trumps felonious, corrupt, treasonous acts they have finally scored…a tax cheat. Wait…didn’t trump say cheating on your taxes PROVES you’re smart?

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  7. Missing large
    tpcox928  12 months ago

    Kevin McCarthy v. Any Black adult in the country, live on national TV, discussing “two-tiered justice system.”

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  8. Johnny w 2
    Tarzan & Redd Panda  12 months ago

    Let’s all hope that Hunter stays clean. His pop has been through hell. That’s what having a kid on dope is, hell.

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  9. Marx lennon
    charliekane  12 months ago

    Thought they was whalin’. Instead they was shrimpin’.

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  10. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  12 months ago

    The traitor Trump whale is trying to rise which will sink the GOP ship of fools.

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  11. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  12 months ago

    ‘Trump is not a victim’: Dem congressman slaps down John Durham’s claims to his face

    On Wednesday, Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee held a hearing with former special counsel John Durham, who was appointed by Donald Trump’s one-time attorney general William Barr to investigate the origins of the FBI’s investigation into Russian ties to Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign.Ultimately, the Durham investigation — long hyped by Trump, Republican House leaders like Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH), and their allies as ironclad proof that the earlier Robert Mueller probe was corrupt and political — was a flop, securing only one plea deal, a couple indictments that led to exoneration, and a recommendation of some minor process changes at the FBI, while failing to find any systemic bias or false conclusions in the Mueller investigation.

    Dem congressman brutally reviews John Durham’s record: ‘You lost all the cases you brought to trial’

    Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) delivered a brutal review of former special counsel John Durham’s record over the four years that he worked on investigating the origins of the FBI’s probe into the 2016 Trump campaign’s contacts with Russian agents.In questioning Durham, Nadler highlighted not just the length of time that Durham had to complete his probe but also the lack of success he had in pursuing criminal charges.

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  12. 20200319 192925
    IndyW  12 months ago

    “Whiny Republicans”!!?? Good grief, that’s all democrats have done from day one since Trump rode down the escalator, and they’re still at it. That’s your double standards for you.

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  13. Missing large
    sandflea  12 months ago

    Such a tiny prick for a huge whale.

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  14. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  12 months ago

    Donald Trump was left speechless during his latest interview with Fox News journalist Bret Baier when the host pointed out that, had Mr Trump’s proposed policy of executing convicted drug dealers been active during his presidency, among its victims would have been Alice Johnson, a woman to whom Mr Trump granted clemency after being persuaded to do so by a campaign led by Kim Kardashian protesting her innocence.

    “No, no. No. Under my pl…. Under that? UHHHHHHHHHHH…” Mr Trump flubbed, subsequently accusing the host of being “hostile” to him.

    Meanwhile, a new CNN poll has recorded a six point drop in support for the former president among conservatives, his approval rating down from 53 per cent in mid-May to 47 per cent in mid-June in the wake of his 37 criminal count federal indictment over the classified documents scandal.

    All of which follows Trump-appointed Judge Aileen Cannon moving on Tuesday to set a trial date of 14 August 2023 to hear that case in Fort Pierce, Florida.

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  15. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  12 months ago

    The right believes the FBI is obsessed with jailing Trump. The opposite is true

    Far from being persecuted, Trump has been handled with vastly more deference than anyone else would be

    Merrick Garland and the FBI have approached their investigations of Trump much too cautiously. Far from being persecuted because of who he is, Trump’s status as a former president and as the unofficial leader of the Republican party have led to him being handled with vastly more deference than anyone else would be. The result has been a series of delays and missteps which may allow Trump to escape accountability once again.

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  16. 2738179 1920x1080 34826
    Ally2005  12 months ago

    Aaargh! Me thinks I see’s Hunter’s laptop off the larboard bow. Full speed ahead.

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  17. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  12 months ago

    Orca rams into yacht off Shetland in first such incident in northern waters

    Cetacean exhibits same behaviour towards vessel in North Sea that has been seen in Iberian orca population

    “We know that many boats use fishing lines from the stern to fish and it is a motivation for orcas, they come to examine them.” But the focus on boats’ rudders may come from adult whales who have developed an aversion towards boats, perhaps because they “had a bad experience and try to stop the boat so as not to repeat it”.

    Most surprising is the fact that this learned behaviour should have appeared nearly 3,000 miles (4,800km) from Gibraltar. Dr Conor Ryan, a scientific adviser to the Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust, who has studied orca pods off the Scottish coast, said: “I’d be reluctant to say it cannot be learned from [the southern population]. It’s possible that this ‘fad’ is leapfrogging through the various pods/communities.”

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  18. Froggy with cat ears
    willie_mctell  12 months ago

    Yup, it’s the Billy Carter, Neil Bush level.

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  19. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  12 months ago

    Fox News’ Bret Baier slaps down Trump fan who asked if he’s part of DOJ ‘entrapment’ plot

    As fans of former President Donald Trump increasingly turn against Fox News, anchor Bret Baier has become a particular target of their ire after he thoroughly grilled the former president on a wide array of topics earlier this week. One Trump supporter on Wednesday took to Twitter to ask Baier if he were part of a nefarious deep-state plot to put the former president in jail by getting him to incriminate himself on national television.

    “First of all, I won in 2020 by a lot,” Trump told Baier when challenged on how he plans to attract independent votes in 2024, before repeating various unfounded claims about voter fraud and stuffed ballots.

    “You lost the 2020 election,” Baier pushed back, citing recounts and failed lawsuits to challenge the election’s outcome.

    “I’m no great fan of Fox,” Trump said later in the interview.

    “You’re sitting here…” Baier said.

    Baier read out a list of former allies who are now running against Trump, including his former Vice President, Mike Pence, and Nikki Haley, his former ambassador to the United Nations. Former national security advisor John Bolton and former attorney general Bill Barr were also former allies added to the list. Last week, Barr called Trump a “a consummate narcissist” who “constantly engages in reckless conduct” in an appearance on CBS. In response Trump called Barr a “gutless pig.”

    “Why did you hire all of them in the first place?” Baier asked.

    “Because I hired ten to one that were fantastic,” Trump responded.

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    Rich Douglas  12 months ago

    Nancy Pelosi handed Trump’s head on a platter TWICE to McConnell and the Republicans, and they failed to get rid of him both times. He’s going to be their nominee again in 2024. Nice work, GOP. See you then!

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  21. Avt freyjaw nurse48
    FreyjaRN Premium Member 12 months ago

    The QOP doesn’t think. They just react irrationally.

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  22. Thumbnail the uninformed opinion ideajones
    HoundGal Premium Member 12 months ago

    Oh good, they got Hunter Biden. What’s funny is that the same people who’ve yelped about him and ignored Trump, who has (allegedly) committed far worse crimes (treason, anyone?) aren’t happy they got Hunter. Why? Deprives them of one of their “whataboutism” talking points to distract from Mr. January 6. No matter how much evidence comes out about Trump, boy, what he did isn’t worth pursuing for them. He (allegedly) put our troops in danger. Who cares? He (allegedly) caused a coup attempt that mocked our Constitution and caused the death of a cop (so much for “back the blue”). So many (alleged) crimes and they aren’t even interested.

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