Matt Wuerker for February 03, 2018

  1. 098
    ajmsdca  over 6 years ago

    Like rats leaving a sinking ship ….

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  2. Guy fawkes
    Guy Fawkes  over 6 years ago


    Just vote this fall

    And you’ll hear a tale

    A tale of a fateful trip

    That started with a tycoon jerk

    Aboard this elephant’s ship

    The mate was a mighty praying man

    The skipper fat and dumb

    The pachyderms set sail that day

    For a 4-year tour, a 4-year tour

    The evidence started piling up

    His tiny hands were tossed

    If not for the courage of Mueller’s crew

    America would be lost, America would be lost

    The ship ran aground on the shore of this

    Unwanted elephant pile

    With Turtle-maaan

    The Tяumper too

    Some billionaires, and our strife

    A porno star

    Old Bannon and the Ku Klux Klan

    Here on history’s pile!


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  3. Desron14
    Masterskrain  over 6 years ago

    Just keep re-arranging those deck chairs. That’ll REALLY help…

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  4. Ssb icon gocomics
    SandShark Premium Member over 6 years ago

    …And there were no survivors.

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  5. Wtp
    superposition  over 6 years ago

    Is our ping-ping political system doing as good a job as the more collaborative nations are doing for their people?

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  6. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 6 years ago

    Top GOP people getting away before the dems take majority and the criminal indictments start getting handed out.

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    feverjr Premium Member over 6 years ago

    “The Watergate scandal resulted in 69 government officials being charged and 48 being found guilty” (Wiki)

    …. but unlike Watergate, where Nixon was pardoned, Trump will be indicted for crimes that occurred long before he ran for office and all those that conspired with him will not get the promised pardon for standing with him.

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    dogday Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Honestly, people? What y’all need to be lookin’ at is not the details, it’s the insanity of it all. Really. This fun house is toxic.

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    Kilrwat Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Ileana’s rowing away because she caved to releasing the ridiculous Nunes memo, which will completely blow up in her face when its blatant complicity in supporting the desperate republican coverup of Russia’s interference in our election is fully revealed.

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  10. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  over 6 years ago

    I don’t think any Republican members of Congress were involved with Russian collusion (whereas Trump definitely was), but I’m starting to wonder if some of them, like Trump, are involved in money laundering……..

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    buckman-j  over 6 years ago

    Kate and Leo in 2020

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    Jason Allen  over 6 years ago

    I will remind everyone not to get their hopes up. Democrats have lost elections that should have been no brainers for them to win. The Republicans might be able to rev up their supporters by badmouthing the opponents and fear mongering, but some of us aren’t that easily manipulated. The Dem candidates need to make a case why they’re the best for the job, not just less bad than the Republican. I want to know what that candidate is going to do to make voters’ lives better, not just make our lives worse more slowly than Republicans. This election needs to be about policies that will improve voters’ lives, not the same ol’ distractions. Your candidate doesn’t have to be pure as the driven snow to win my vote, but they have to be a whole lot better than the establishment status quo.

    Also, before anyone tries to bully me into backing the status quo with the same tired out argument that I owe my vote to a Democrat who’s only slightly less terrible than the Republican, remember that I consider your argument to be part of why the Dems keep running candidates who barely lose in elections that should have been won in a land slide. YOU are part of the problem, not me.

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    twclix  over 6 years ago

    Thank you Old Coal and Martens. The perfect is the enemy of the good.

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    wolfiiig  over 6 years ago

    Don’t worry! The captain is like, a stable genius.

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  15. Pine marten3
    martens  over 6 years ago

    After all the back and forth, may I present this commentary by Ezra Klein. The bottom line is that our democracy may be in danger (not for the first time), and what we do to preserve it will take more than bickering, either interpartisan bickering or intrapartisan bickering.

    The parties have become more distant ideologically, racially, religiously. They look over the divide and see a coalition that doesn’t look like them or think like them, that doesn’t like them, that actively fears them — indeed, a recent Pew survey found that 49 percent of Republicans, and 55 percent of Democrats, say they are “afraid” of the other party. Keep that in mind as you read this paragraph:

    “If the definition of “real Americans” is restricted to those who are native-born, English-speaking, white, and Christian, then it is easy to see how “real Americans” may view themselves as declining. As Ann Coulter chillingly put it, “The American electorate isn’t moving to the left — it’s shrinking.” The perception among many Tea Party Republicans that their America is disappearing helps us understand the appeal of such slogans as “Take Our Country Back” or “Make America Great Again.” The danger of such appeals is that casting Democrats as not real Americans is a frontal assault on mutual toleration.”

    I’ll end this with a paragraph from Levitsky and Ziblatt that I’ve not been able to get out of my head, a paragraph that I almost wish I hadn’t read:“The simple fact of the matter is that the world has never built a multiethnic democracy in which no particular ethnic group is in the majority and where political equality, social equality and economies that empower all have been achieved.”

    Perhaps we will be the first. But if we have learned nothing else from this era, it should be to take seriously the possibility that we could fail. That is the challenge of our immediate future. Nothing less is at stake than American democracy itself.

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    twclix  over 6 years ago

    Martens, Levistky andZiblatmay be right. Our species has a number of built-in problems stemming from our evolutionary roots. We may or may not thrive. The regressives hinder our chances. The species will survive, we are too clever for ALL of us to die. But just as we discovered the keys to the kingdom (the scientific method) we slip back into magical thinking.

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  17. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  over 6 years ago

    Orrin hatch is the longest serving Senate Republican, he will retire at the end of the year, paving the way for Mitt Romney to run for the seat.

    Ileana Ros-Lehtinen is the most senior US Representative from Florida, she was the first Cuban American and Latina elected to Congress. The inability to find top-shelf candidates to run for her seat has Republicans ready to write off the race and shift money and attention to more winnable contests.

    Darrell Issa will retire from the House of Representatives offering the Democrats an opportunity to pick up another seat in California.

    Trey Gowdy is not seeking re-election, most likely his retirement will not effect the balance of power to he House. Trey defended the Benghazi investigation and was one of the chief proponents of releasing the Nunes memo.

    34 Republicans in all are planning on retiring. Pence is aiming to secure congressional majorities. With a virtually endless stream of dark money at hand and a vice president ready to spend the next nine months on the campaign trail rallying his troops — and using administrative power and resources to do it — the Republican party very well could blunt, or even reverse, the potential blue wave expected this midterm. And considering how much damage the GOP has managed to do with just their small majorities, the idea of Republicans gaining more seats should terrify us all.

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