Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons by Al Goodwyn for May 13, 2024

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    fjblume2000  about 1 month ago

    Right on, Al — We don’t know what AI will do to creativity, e.g. Google and its ilk with the ease of “cut ‘n’ paste” makes pseudocreation very easy

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    braindead Premium Member about 1 month ago

    Just so we don’t get carried away and invoke some kind of government regulation, right Goodwyn?

    Maybe MAGAts’ have slightly less hatred of regulation when it’s to their benefit. Not that MAGAts are hypocritical or anything.

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    GOGOPOWERANGERS  about 1 month ago

    Stantis also did 1 on ai

    What is faux peddeling?

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    baroden Premium Member about 1 month ago

    Oh no! Old person afraid of new thing alert!!!!!!

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    boxspring  about 1 month ago

    AI is a tool. It can be used by creatives as such. I don’t see it taking away jobs of creatives. it does take a bit of skill to write a prompt in order to get the image you want. I’ve seen a lot of AI fails, photographic images with to many fingers or an extra limb. I’ve also seen a lot of deepfake images of celebrities, most recently regarding the Met Gala, an image of Katy Perry made by AI went Viral, even though she wasn’t in attendance. AI can be used as a way to jump start creativity or as proof of concept. I’m wondering if these cartoonist are worried about AI taking their jobs, I have yet to see an AI generated editorial cartoon.

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    Stephen Runnels Premium Member about 1 month ago

    Goodwyn fears AI will replace his rote christian conservative cartoons with rote christian conservative cartoons.

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  7. Homoerectus
    fusilier  about 1 month ago

    I have to agree with Mr. Goodwyn – even though he’s plagiarized the Apple ad.

    I know one or two artists who’ve lost commissions because a corporate drone decided MidJourney or Dall-E was cheaper.

    Makes me ask: when do you get replaced, Mr. Goodwyn?


    James 2:24

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    truthsocialol  about 1 month ago

    So people got upset and talking about inhumanity because apple crushed a bunch of stuff? That’s the big deal? Didn’t Apple own all the stuff that got crushed? Did they steal somebody’s piano, or somebody’s angry birds doll???

    Hue and cry over a TV commercial, but, sweatshop laborers building the products, not a dam word.

    Bunch of fake as hypocrites.

    Siddown and shuddup.

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    Ontman  about 1 month ago


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  10. Chimp
    Lou Nattic, né Stan C  about 1 month ago

    Artificial intelligence is a threat to creativity? Goodwyn has nothing to fear.

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  11. Boyknifeoutlet
    Retired engineer  about 1 month ago

    The problem with AI, IMO, is that it doesn’t create so much as it steals intellectual property. Its output is constructed by analyzing existing work and emulating it.

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    ChristopherBurns  about 1 month ago

    I wouldn’t worry. AI is the equivalent of putting a million monkeys in a room with a million typewriters and waiting for Shakespeare. Eventually it will happen be sheer chance. All AI does is shorten the time with algorithms built by people.

    Part of the alure of art is how difficult it is to create. Even if AI produces art of breath taking beauty, after a while people will be bored of it. There is not much point to great art if anyone cna push a button and produce it.

    On the plus side, AI could vastly improve mass media, such as TV. Have you seen the galactically stupid stuff that turns up on the boob toob? “Honey Booboo” is still there!

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    zendog13la  about 1 month ago

    Don’t worry Al. Your job is safe. Even Artificial Intelligence can’t distort reality as much as you do.

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  14. Giraffe cat
    I Play One On TV  about 1 month ago

    As usual, the powers that be have it backward. Instead of using AI to do our learning and our leisure and our art, leaving humans to do the actual work, we should be using AI to do actual work, leaving humans to do our learning and our leisure and our art.

    Sometimes it’s hard to admit to being a member of the human race.

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    ncorgbl  about 1 month ago

    Artificial Intelligence is creativity.

    If conservatives can’t hate it and can’t fear peddle it they would wither and die.

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  16. Cigar smoker
    Jack7528  about 1 month ago

    Creativity is dead. Where are the great works of Art today, where is the Mona Lisa, where is Jesus on the Sea of Galilee, where is the Coming through the Rye. Where is the inspiration in today’s art? No wonder kids today are so bummed.

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