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Recent Comments

  1. 10 days ago on Dana Summers

    There’s a sucker born every minute.

  2. 10 days ago on Mike Lester

    Please cancel my comment. Lester is a threat to society.

  3. 13 days ago on Clay Jones

    Hillbilly Himmler! Brilliant!!!

  4. 14 days ago on Lisa Benson

    Oh my… Lisa is particularly full of $#!† today.

  5. 14 days ago on Dana Summers

    Okay, Einstein. (Or should I say “Comrade” Einstein?) Why don’t you give us examples of her policies or positions that you disagree with and indicate that she’s an idiot?

    I’ll wait.

  6. 15 days ago on Marshall Ramsey

    No more than your delusion about Biden’s condition should embarrass you. The fact that you’re ignoring that at the risk of our democracy is a warning sign about your cognitive abilities and judgment.

  7. 15 days ago on Marshall Ramsey

    Well, I won’t make that mistake (attempted civility) again. Perhaps your own senility prevents you from recognizing the truth.

  8. 15 days ago on Gary Varvel

    …speaking of “little substance.”

  9. 15 days ago on Dana Summers

    It’s the first two items. She is a woman of color. That’s enough for them (MAGA) to hate her.

  10. 15 days ago on Marshall Ramsey

    My friend, I LOVE Joe Biden. But just like my 89-year-old father, he IS senile. Wake up.