Gary Varvel for February 07, 2024

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    DrDon1  4 months ago

    What planet is Varvel marooned on?

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    dotbup  4 months ago

    Dark Brandon: Recession Slayer! My god, it’s almost like President Biden knows what he’s doing or something—like all those years of public service as a senator and vice president gave him knowledge, perspective, experience, and the managerial chops to capably lead our nation where others have failed. This is why the other countries (and the American MAGA-Russia party) remain jealous of us:

    The economy grew at a much more rapid pace than expected in the final three months of 2023, as the U.S. easily skirted a recession that many forecasters had thought was inevitable, the Commerce Department reported Thursday.

    Dark Brandon is in yer United States fixin’ yer economy.

    Gross domestic product, a measure of all the goods and services produced, increased at a 3.3% annualized rate in the fourth quarter of 2023, according to data adjusted seasonally and for inflation.

    That compared with the Wall Street consensus estimate for a gain of 2% in the final three months of the year. The third quarter grew at a 4.9% pace. […]

    The U.S. economy for all of 2023 accelerated at a 2.5% annualized pace, well ahead of the Wall Street outlook at the beginning of the year for few if any gains and better than the 1.9% increase in 2022.

    And on the jobs front, unemployment claims remain the lowest since 1970.

    14.8 million new jobs.

    Unemployment below 4% for two full years.

    Wages, wealth, and employment are higher than before the pandemic.

    It’s called Bidenomics.

    Amazingly, none of the newly-unemployed included incompetent economic forecasters or hack cartoon propagandists.

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    ChristopherBurns  4 months ago

    That’s a scene that has been around long before “Bidenomics”. It dates back to the time Bush Jr. Crashed the US Economy in 2008.

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    Kurtass Premium Member 4 months ago

    My daughter lives with me. She has a full time job and 10s of thousands of dollars in the bank. Why would or should she pay high rent when I have a four bedroom house?

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    Union Man  4 months ago

    You’re blaming this on Biden? Gary, you need to retire.

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    Ontman  4 months ago

    Varvel won’t take the truth for an answer.

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    Sun  4 months ago


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    Dani Rice  4 months ago

    I was quite serious about a certain young man back in 1960. When he asked ME that question, I handed him his hat.

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    Alberta Oil Premium Member 4 months ago

    Does anyone think this scenario won’t happen with trump at the helm. Already youth is suffering from trump induced debt, and you can bet a doughnut if he gets elected that dept will increase.. a lot.

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    Stephen Runnels Premium Member 4 months ago

    You have to laugh at Republicans like Varvel who spend all their time and effort trying to convince other Republicans that President Biden hasn’t been the best and valued leader of our country.

    Those of us (the majority of voters) who voted for President Biden will certainly do so again. And we will have all those first-time Gen-Z voters joining us. And, of course, all those educated conservatives who realize the GOP don’t represent them.

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    Radish the wordsmith  4 months ago

    Goodnight Irene I’ll see you in my dreams.

    How many children will the republicans force you to have?

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    FJB  Premium Member 4 months ago

    Biden wasted 3 months traveling around telling us how Bidenomics was helping to make our lives better. Fail. If our lives were made better, we’d know it. It’s not. Every time we go to the grocery store, or car dealer, or Target we are reminded of what Bidenflation has done to us. We will punish those responsible on Election Day 2024. You can bet on that.

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    JackReecher  4 months ago

    Now THAT’S reality!

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    sterref05  4 months ago

    Yep, seems about right!

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    David P. McLaughlin  4 months ago

    I read the replies. It’s astonishing to read what people thought about “Obama’s roaring economy” then saying how “bad Trump’s was”. Exactly opposite reality, as is everything Democrats say about the economy they hear from CNN and MSNBC which IS exactly opposite reality. CNN and MSNBC KNOW they are lying to help pathetic Biden [just as they lied to help Obama!] They are sure their audience of Democrats will never check any other sources, and KEEP voting for leftist Democrats who think flooding the USA with illegals is a GOOD idea. [Some Democrats in Chicago, New York city and elsewhere that are “sanctuary cities” have noticed the reality of what happens when border states ‘share’ the hordes of illegals with them!]

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    ncorgbl  4 months ago

    ‘Bidenomics’ is working, with wages growing faster than the low inflation. Young people were buying homes under Obama, and that slowed under tRump. Mortgage rates have come down even without a rate cut by the Fed. The housing market is set for a huge growth coming.

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    Another Take  4 months ago

    HEY GARY! Just tell your kids to get a better job. There’s plenty of them out there thanks to Bidenomics!

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    2AndFour  4 months ago

    If the guy is a Democrat then he should move to his own house and work the 5 jobs required to sustain a family with his precious “Bidenomics”.

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    tpcox928  4 months ago

    Remember that MAGA-GOP hates facts.

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    DrDon1  4 months ago

    ^ “2AndFour” Are you on the same asteroid as ‘GV?’

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    jjhouten  4 months ago


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    Moore 1  4 months ago

    If that happens, and my daughter and her husband want to move into my house, I will move far away.

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