Lisa Benson for August 02, 2023

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    tjteixeira Premium Member 10 months ago

    Lisa gets one thing right — most of the money collected by Trump’s PAC is going to his legal fees.

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    old1953  10 months ago

    Yes, yes he is.

    Although, in all honesty, he’d get a better deal right now by avoiding trial and simply copping a plea.

    Hoping for a faithless juror in all these trials is just a bit much. Especially given the JD will just start the trial over again.

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  3. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  10 months ago

    Save the traitor!

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  4. Unnamed
    Another Take  10 months ago

    WHAT THE…? Is Lisa pointing out how Trump is scamming political donations for the sole purpose of paying his legal fees? Her eyes have been opened! Glory be!

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  5. Blm
    1BlackLivesMatter Premium Member 10 months ago

    Unlike the Biden Crime Family, Trump doesn’t have China, Russia, and Ukraine to pay his legal bills.

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  6. 3holycow
    cbgoldeneagle2  10 months ago

    nailed it

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    cdbro  10 months ago

    They can borrow that bigger basket that Killery had to get for the 80+ million deplorables.

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    cdbro  10 months ago

    This pattern of indicting Trump a day after Biden gets bad news is becoming increasingly apparent, and it has not gone unnoticed by many.

    Fox host Will Cain had this to say: Free speech has been indicted. Read this section of the indictment. It acknowledges that Trump has the right to say, even falsely, the results were fraudulent and claim he won the election. That’s protected by the First Amendment. But the indictment says he can’t lie about election fraud. So they must prove Trump didn’t believe his speech. And then, I would think, they’d need to indict every politician who lies (need to build more jails) about election results (Clinton, Kerry, Abrams). The DOJ has criminalized politics. And because, who is to decide the truth, criminalized free speech.

    Guy Benson wrote this tweet yesterday, literally predicting what would happen today, and he was right. if the writers really stick to the plot arch this season, the Biden DOJ is totally going to indict Trump again tomorrow, aren’t they?

    @JackPosobiecDevon Archer corroborates the laptop and the next day Trump is indicted again. Not hard to see what is going on here

    Mike Davis: Yesterday: Clear evidence President Biden is compromised by his active participation—as the Vice President—in Hunter Biden ’s corrupt foreign business dealings.

    Today: Garland orders Jack Smith to indict Trump again? “January 6th!” “Insurrection!” “Democracy!”

    Jesse Watters reading through the newest Trump indictment LIVE is pure gold: “Lastly, they’re saying that lying about an election is illegal. Well then Hillary, LOCK HER UP!”

    DANA PERINO: “John Kerry Too.”

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    ncorgbl  10 months ago

    Lisa, is tRump’s con-job scam doing that much better than expected?

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    cdbro  10 months ago

    Jonathan Turley: “When I take red pen through the indictment that is protected by the first amendment it reduces to a haiku…many of the things that are being charged here are protected speech”

    Even anti-Trump independent journalist Michael Tracey is calling this indictment “insane.”@mtraceyThis latest indictment is completely insane. They have literally charged Trump under the Civil Rights Act of 1866

    A blind person could see that this is election interference on a level that we never imagined. It’s hard to believe that this sort of corruption is happening in America, but that’s how desperate these communist ghouls are to hold onto power, and how much President Trump threatens them.

    Everything about this feels very forced and rigged. It’s clear by now, that the last thing the bad guys want is Trump back in the White House.

    How we can allow this to go on in a country that is supposed to be the “land of the free” and the “home of the brave” is a questions many people must be asking themselves right now.

    Dark times in Joe Biden’s America, and getting darker by the minute.-Revolver News

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    Ramblin' Rose  10 months ago

    Every once in a while, Lisa gets it right.

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  12. Marx lennon
    charliekane  10 months ago

    How bigly sad. The great billioniare gotta have your money to pay his lawyers.

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    librarylady59  10 months ago

    Colorado House GOP is bankrupt. No debate.Arizona GOP Party is close to bankruptcy – $23,000 on hand.Michigan Republican Party – $93,000 on hand.Georgia GOP’s legal bills for ‘alternate’ Trump electors top $500K.Minnesota GOP $53 on hand with $335,000 unpaid bills.

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    Gnork  10 months ago

    Cdbro provides a succinct recap from Fox, the station admittedly committed to feeding the distortions and lies its audience craves…court costs be dammed! [sic]

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    cdbro  10 months ago

    Well of course she did…Trump’s D.C. Judge Worked For Law Firm That Employed Hunter Biden, Lobbied For Burisma Story by James Lynch U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan of Washington, D.C., the judge overseeing former President Donald Trump’s case in the district, previously worked at a law firm that once employed Hunter Biden and worked closely with Ukrainian energy firm Burisma.Chutkan spent 12 years working for Boies, Schiller, & Flexner LLP (BSF) before she was nominated to her current position by former President Obama, her official bio states.Hunter Biden worked for BSF in the same year he was appointed to Burisma’s board in April 2014. Hunter quickly brought BSF partners into the fold to assist Burisma with its efforts to influence U.S. officials, according to emails on Hunter Biden’s laptop.In April 2014, Hunter Biden and business associate Devon Archer spoke about how BSF could give them “protection” and work with government officials on Burisma’s behalf. “BSF can actually have direct discussions at state, energy and NSC. They can devise a media plan and arrange for legal protections and mitigate US domestic negative press regarding the current leadership if need be,” Biden told Archer. “The contract should begin now- not after the upcoming visit of my guy. That should include a retainer in the range of 25k p/m w/ additional fees where appropriate for more in depth work to go to BSF for our protection. Complete separate from our respective deals re board participation,” Biden added.Shortly after his correspondence with Archer, Biden set up a call with BSF partners including Christopher Boies and Heather King, the emails show. King communicated with the State Department on behalf of Burisma founder Mykola Zlochevsky and strategized with Burisma on how to handle the press and influence government officials, emails from May 2014 indicate. She suggested Burisma hire professional lobbyists, a PR firm and an investigative research firm to bolster its influenc

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    Gnork  10 months ago

    Proof positive that the right wing deep state manufacturing business knows how to play Kevin Bacon.

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    Gnork  10 months ago

    True confession – – my friend Jay had dinner with Yevtushenko, who knew Vladimir Putin.

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  18. Freeradical
    Free Radical  10 months ago

    It is in actuality the “america save trump” PAC

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    studiotyler  10 months ago

    Calling all suckers! Calling all suckers! Send money to make Donald more comfortable in prison!

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  20. Missing large  10 months ago

    Hunter Biden wins billion dollar powerball.

    Buys Mar-Al-Lego by paying off back property taxes Florida would never see otherwise.

    Police evict elderly squatter who keeps yelling “Do you know who I am?”

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    Rich Douglas  10 months ago

    I am not at all surprised that (a) Trump is grifting rubes to pay his bills and (b) that they’re doing it. Why does a billionaire need contributions to pay his legal bills? He doesn’t. He’s an opportunistic con man who will take their money. But they’re fine with that since they equate contributing to his legal fight is the same as contributing to his election—and contributing to their desperate need for White supremacy and to “own the libs.”

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  22. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member 10 months ago


    Lisa has finally acknowledged that Her Messiah has been indicted. Not only that, but all the money supposedly going to “save America” is really only going to Trump’s legal costs.

    Will she or any other right wing cartoonist admit his guilt? Probably not, but at least one of them has at least admitted he’s been indicted.

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    dpatrickryan Premium Member 10 months ago

    Whoa… that comes perilously close to criticizing Mar-A-Lardo. Is Lisa feeling OK?

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