Steve Breen for November 06, 2022

  1. P1000380
    A# 466  over 1 year ago

    Nothing like the 70’s. Yet. But if the GOP takes Congress … ?

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    cdward  over 1 year ago

    I can’t see how GOP can do anything but make things worse.

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    DangerMan  over 1 year ago

    We’re fixin’ to elect a bunch of people who talk about basic freedoms but want to take them away. There isn’t much they can do, especially in the short run, to fix the inflation problem.

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  4. Bbb
    NeoconMan  over 1 year ago

    The Republican Party is all about freedom and I support it to protect mine. My freedom to dictate to women what they can and cannot do with their own bodies. My freedom to tell people who they can and cannot marry. My freedom to require teenagers live the sex I tell them to. My freedom to tell teachers what they can and cannot teach in the classroom and librarians what books they can and cannot display on their shelves. My freedom to force others to follow the religion of my choosing. My freedoms to change voting laws so that I always win.

    Why are Democrats so opposed to freedom?

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    Stephen Runnels Premium Member over 1 year ago

    Paying attention to what is really happening with the positive momentum our economy is experiencing isn’t something Republicans want the American populace to concern themselves. Paying attention to right-wing fantasy tantrums in order to direct attention away from Republicans stripping women of their right to bodily autonomy is their goal.

    It’s not working, conservatives.

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  6. Sunimage
    Sun  over 1 year ago


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    hoot1  over 1 year ago

    How tragic it is that politics is all about blaming the Other Guy rather than cooperating and fixing things. Dammed politicians…

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    piper_gilbert  over 1 year ago

    Since inflation is a worldwide problem right now, are the Dems responsible for all that too?

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    Valiant1943 Premium Member over 1 year ago

    No Medicare, Medicaid, social security, or Obamacare, leave the Ukrainians out to dry as Trump did to the Kurds, I could go on but I need a shot of Pepto

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  10. Pine marten3
    martens  over 1 year ago

    What a Republican US Congress Would Mean

    Laura Tyson and Teresa Ghilarducci

    If Americans cast their midterm ballots for Republicans out of anger over inflation, they will not get lower inflation. Instead, they will see benefits, programs, and rights valued by the majority of Americans systematically gutted, as well as more threats to American democracy itself.

    Note: you will have to register with Project Syndicate to read the entire commentary. There is a limited free registration.

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  11. Tj
    • Thomas  over 1 year ago

    The Republicans know not what they do, but Putin does. Excerpt from The Times front page -

    Foreign Interference in U.S. Elections:

    As before, it may be hard to measure the exact impact of these accounts on voters come Tuesday. At a minimum, they contribute to what Edward P. Perez, a board member with the OSET Institute, a nonpartisan election security organization, called “manufactured chaos” in the country’s body politic.

    While Russians in the past sought to build large followings for their inauthentic accounts on the major platforms, today’s campaigns could be smaller and yet still achieve a desired effect — in part because the divisions in American society are already such fertile soil for disinformation, he said.

    “Since 2016, it appears that foreign states can afford to take some of the foot off the gas,” Mr. Perez, who previously worked at Twitter, said, “because they have already created such sufficient division that there are many domestic actors to carry the water of disinformation for them.”

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  12. Pat new 150
    Patjade  over 1 year ago

    Stagflation? With a 2.6% growth, over 250K jobs added, and corporations making record profits?

    The 70’s called and they want their term back, Breen. You certainly don’t know what it means.

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    WickWire64  over 1 year ago

    And Mr. Breen you too might want to give us the details of how you plan to end international inflation and as a matter of fact global inflation rather than and instead of simply attacking one party and not even the party who had every single member vote against stopping the price gouging of the oil industry alone. We are waiting Mr. Breen or can you not put your money where your mouth is?

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  14. Rabbit hat
    s49nav  over 1 year ago

    Rumors on the demise of Steve Breen’s brain seem to be greatly exaggerated!

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    Nantucket Premium Member over 1 year ago

    Republicans and Trump passed a tax cit bill mainly for the wealthy and corporations in 2017. This added trillions to the debt and deficit. The CEOs bought back stock, just like they said they would. Didn’t invest in their companies or their employees (e.g. training). Because interest rates were kept low artificially, companies borrowed more money to buy back more stock. Top execs paid in stock options borrowed against their stock options, so they didn’t even pay the capital gains rate, and they got exemptions for things like leasing planes This put companies and the U.S. in a more precarious position before the pandemic. As ALWAYS, the Dems are working on cleaning up the mess while they get blamed for it.

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    timbob2313 Premium Member over 1 year ago


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