Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons by Al Goodwyn for July 24, 2022

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    M2MM  almost 2 years ago

    and that’s just the celebrities…. :P

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    knutdl  almost 2 years ago


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  3. Badass uncle sam
    hawgowar  almost 2 years ago

    Coming from China through Mexico and dispersed by Mexican cartels. Open borders.

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    Nantucket Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    The Sackler family should be prosecuted for their part in this crisis. Their company Purdue Pharma, heavily promoted opioids, including giving doctors “premiums” for promoting OxyContin. They had to pay a fine and apologize, but now are protected from civil lawsuits.

    When I had a burn on my leg, the doctors asked me over and over again if I wanted a pain killer; I can’t even take Vicodin because it actually makes me feel worse. There was always the theme in pop culture of “illicit drug dealers” getting people hooked, but the “legitimate” ones are more scary.

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    casonia2  almost 2 years ago

    Gee, Mr. Goodwyn, maybe if the Trump administration hadn’t teed up some many problems and the spineless Trump worshiping Senate could bring itself to do things in the interests of the American people instead of keeping themselves in office, there’d be some energy to work on this problem.

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    GiantShetlandPony  almost 2 years ago

    Going to guess Al’s scale isn’t to scale.

    Boarder Patrol under the current president is breaking records on stopping it from crossing the boarder. Good job Boarder Patrol!

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    ChristopherBurns  almost 2 years ago

    Now that drug deaths are affecting white people, maybe the Republicans can get on board with some help.

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    Display  almost 2 years ago

    Well, well, well. The Nazis forget to mention that the large amounts being stopped at the border means (duh!) that the drugs were prevented from coming in. Gee, go figure that they’d ignore that!

    They neglect to mention all of the healthcare and mental heathcare, as well as efforts to make life better for all Americans that the hypocritical theocratic obstructionist Türd Reich blocked to preserve the <1% oligarchy. All of the efforts to make life better for the vast majority of the population would decrease the demand for drugs. Gee, go figure that they’d ignore that!

    They neglect to mention the highest rates of crime are in Red states. Gee, go figure that they’d ignore that.

    Try using sites like World Population Review instead of Hannity, Breitbart, or podcasts/YouTube.

    Adolph and the Türd Reich try to divide the nation and provide scapegoats while distracting from the things they themselves are guilty of (want to be whether or not Red states have higher levels of addiction to heroin/fentanyl, meth, crack, etc per 100,000?) just like ol’ Adolph and Goebbels taught ’em in The Big Lie playbook of propaganda.

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  9. Frank
    Frankfreak  almost 2 years ago

    And this, Give people a goal and activities and worth, which is the opposite of much of the Conservative groupthink and what will one have,

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  10. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  almost 2 years ago

    So, quite aside from WHAT is going on, what can we DO about fentanyl overdose deaths? Note that ol’ Al doesn’t try to suggest there is a solution. His job is to sow FUD and make non-GQPists look foolish.

    However, if you DO want to fix the problem, there are three basic logic branches:

    1: Interdict all illegal drugs. (but:) We have tried that with very little good result. LOTS of bad drugs continue to flow into the nation.

    2: Convince people not to take illegal drugs in the first place. (but:) We have tried that with very little good result. Note that imo, this is the only choice that stands any chance of actually solving the problem in the long run.

    . . .  2a: Maybe by making such drugs legal AND keeping the legal drugs as inexpensive as the illegal ones. (but:) This makes conservatives bats‍hit crazy (see also “needle exchange” and Oregon’s attempt to decriminalize small amounts)… and it doesn’t work very well anyway because, apparently, illegal drug users average to “stupid”. Of course, mostly they’re young which in terms of experience IS stupid. Not entirely because the really stupid / unlucky ones die, leaving only luckier/smarter ones to be counted in the “older” category.

    3: Make Narcan readily available to all comers and very inexpensive, so every potential (ab)user can have a friend who is equipped to reverse ON THE SPOT. (but:) Not only does this make conservatives crazy, it is palliative at best and far from adequate if everyone in the room / area is having the same problems from the same bad batch. However it will at least somewhat reduce the number of deaths. Conservatives should love it, since it is exactly the same pitch they’re making for needing “a good man with a gun” in gunfire situations.

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