Clay Jones for January 07, 2022

  1. Sammy on gocomics
    Say What Now‽ Premium Member over 2 years ago

    It would be interesting to hear what he has to say, but they are delirious if they think he’ll volunteer any information.

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  2. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  over 2 years ago


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  3. Tf 117
    RAGs  over 2 years ago

    I think that all of those texts he sent on Jan6 were the ones who subpoenaed him.

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    LookingGlass Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Sean HAMnnity – a failed construction laborer that thinks that he’s a “journalist!!”


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    admiree2  over 2 years ago

    The Fat Orange Clown is upset with the Ham about his text to Meadows and others on the fascist staff. He may have to fight on his knees with Pence and McCarthy for the best position to kiss the FOCer’s royal…

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    cdward  over 2 years ago

    Not a real journalist. Just pretends to be one on TV.

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    ibFrank  over 2 years ago

    He should be glad to talk, since he will want them to get to truth about Jan 6. They say the truth will set you free.

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    GiantShetlandPony  over 2 years ago

    Hannity is not a journalist, he is a commentator, and not a very good one. Unless, lying nonstop counts.

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    akachman Premium Member over 2 years ago

    That’s no journalist. That is a propaganda puppet. An anti-American a******.

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  10. Lifi
    rossevrymn  over 2 years ago

    hee hee

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    Stephen Runnels Premium Member over 2 years ago

    The journalistic credentials of those people related to foxnews and right-wing white nationalist radio consist of a small square of soiled toilet paper.

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    The Nodding Head  over 2 years ago

    My aversion to insanity

    Does not permit Hannity

    He is just another putz

    Afflicting the viewers of Fox Nuts

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  13. John wick
    Redd Panda  over 2 years ago

    Just a technical note here. Deleting your texts, doesn’t guarantee they’ve been erased. It means you can’t access then from your mobile. They’re probably sitting on a server somewhere. That’s why, when i’m committing a felonious act, i never use texts.

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    Comics fan Premium Member over 2 years ago

    So true.

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  15. Desron14
    Masterskrain Premium Member over 2 years ago

    There is NOTHING in the Constitution about not questioning a low-life rabble-rouser like Lumpy the Liar!!

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    Zebrastripes  over 2 years ago

    There’s enough evidence to charge the orange Sir lies a Lot…get this shit over with… he’s a detriment to our country and democracy! All his Liars- in -Cahoots need to be charged also! Treason is the reason!

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  17. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  over 2 years ago

    Hannity has always been pretty damn stupid in addition to being completely dishonest. No, it doesn’t take brains to be a successful con artist: a person merely has to be slightly less of an imbecile than his victims. Hannity is slightly less of an imbecile than his followers are. (Same thing, obviously, with con artist and cult leader Traitor Trump.)

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    hfelder7219  over 2 years ago

    I tuned in Faux last night just to see their spin on January 6. They all called the commemoration “ hysteria” and showed highly selected clips of the few non-violent moments to “prove” it was a peaceful event.

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    john_chubb  over 2 years ago

    FOX News can’t have it both ways.

    They have already used the “FOX News isn’t news, it’s entertainment” as a legal defense in court to defend against all the lies and slander they promulgate every night.

    Fine – they are entertainment. And entertainers can be subpoenaed and don’t get special 1st Amendment protection afforded to real journalists!

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  20. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 2 years ago

    Hannity is a confederate republican traitor who is part of the right wing conspiracy to over throw the United States.

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    IndyW  over 2 years ago

    Hannity is an American talk show host and conservative political commentator, not a reporter and should do what he preaches, and testify. Liz Cheney said it best, the sooner we get all the information, the sooner we can get this done, and learn from it so it doesn’t happen again, we can then move on.

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  22. 3 stooges
    tee929  over 2 years ago

    I think, in this case, the subpoenaed is considered a “urinalist”…….

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  23. Bunway
    RabbitDad  over 2 years ago

    A Journalist will expose what he knows in the reporting. If what Hannity said on his show is the opposite of what he knows, he’s definitely NOT a journalist and shouldn’t get the protections thereof.

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    S&C = Dismayed&Depressed   over 2 years ago


    Well done!!! Best zinger!! On target!!! Standing ovation!!!


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    Rich Douglas  over 2 years ago

    Neither Hannity nor Rachel Maddow—or Tucker or Lawrence…—are journalists. They’re political commentators who do almost no original news reporting. That’s fine. That means that they draw assessments (opinions, judgments, etc.) on others’ assertions of fact. So, I don’t hold them to the same standard as journalists, nor should they be given the same First Amendment deferential treatment.

    Subpoena him if he doesn’t appear voluntarily.

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  26. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 2 years ago

    Lying Fox News calling creepy crawly Ted Cruz on the carpet for telling the truth shows who is really running the fascist republican party.

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    pamela welch Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Exactly so, Clay!

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  28. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 2 years ago

    Tucker Carlson’s beatdown of Ted Cruz revealed something sinister about the right: columnist

    Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) was forced to beg forgiveness from Tucker Carlson for referring to the Jan. 6 insurrection as an act of terror, and his debasement reveals the dark heart of the current conservative movement.

    The Texas Republican endured a ritual humiliation as penance, but Washington Post columnist Greg Sargent explained that the “absurd saga” revealed how far away from reality and democratic norms the Republican Party had been pulled by right-wing extremists.

    “The valorization and mythologizing of Jan. 6, which Carlson traffics heavily in — indeed, this led to the resignation of two Fox contributors — require erasing the degree to which it constituted a genuine effort to thwart a legitimately elected Democratic government from taking power, an effort to fundamentally subvert our constitutional arrangements,” Sargent wrote. “Cruz’s real sin in Carlson’s eyes appears to be that he lent support to that broader narrative.”

    “This is the landing point Carlson really wanted: Not that it’s wrong to generally call people who assault police officers ‘terrorists,’ but that it’s wrong to call right-wingers who assault police officers ‘terrorists,’” Sargent wrote. “The latter, after all, serves those who would depict Jan. 6, and the procedural election subversion leading up to it, as at bottom an effort to overturn our political order.”

    GOP lawmakers and conservative media valorize the Capitol rioters as patriots while portraying Black Lives Matter and other leftist demonstrators as threats to civilization itself, and Carlson’s public abuse of a sitting senator revealed the right’s true agenda.

    “As long as Cruz is calling the left ‘terrorists’ in service of this broader ideological project, he’ll remain in Carlson’s good graces,” Sargent wrote. "But when Cruz starts applying this label to the alleged right-wing attackers of police officers on Jan. 6, he must be disciplined.

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  29. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 2 years ago

    MAGA rioter wants to subpoena Trump, Giuliani and Bannon and asks for US Marshals’ help if needed

    Via Politico’s Kyle Cheney, an attorney representing January 6th defendant Dustin Thompson revealed on Friday that his client “intends to subpoena numerous witnesses involved in the planning and execution of the attempt to disrupt the certification of the 2020 presidential election.”

    Included among those were the aforementioned Trump, Giuliani, and Bannon, as well as attorneys including John Eastman, Sidney Powell, and Lin Wood.

    “Considering the significant roles these witnesses play in the legal and political communities, and the evasiveness that some have historically shown in the face of court orders, Defendant submits that appointment of the U.S. Marshals Service is necessary in order to effectuate his right to compulsory process and ensure that the same is accomplished expeditiously,” the filing states.

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