Steve Breen for December 13, 2021

  1. 92131731 10214180593663282 3751105281048707072 n
    B 8671  over 2 years ago

    Refund the police and anarchy prevails! You will have more idiots like rittenhouse and o.j. getting away with murder!

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  2. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  over 2 years ago

    Worst. Slogan. Ever.

    Made / adopted by people who were recruiting hard among the black populace in cities where the cops were (and also still sometimes are ) the problem. But you do wonder whether they had anything in mind past the next couple of weeks. It’s been a boat anchor every time people try to get to the NEXT step.

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    GiantShetlandPony  over 2 years ago

    The only ones voting to defund the police have been Republicans.

    The people that really just wanted reform did not think through the defund slogan. If you need a long explanation for what you really mean about something, it’s best to reword it.

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  4. Rick and morty 91d86486 2737 4e8f a1ca 8e1b1ed1070d
    sevaar777  over 2 years ago

    Here, if you’re not white, police will search your car during a traffic stop and take your money for “evidence” of suspected drug activity. No receipt given even when requested. Going to the station doesn’t help with the sudden amnesia of what happened to your cash or drug charges, at least until the next "random* traffic stop. Yeah, the police fund themselves just fine.

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  5. 9dmn
    GOGOPOWERANGERS  over 2 years ago

    Whatever happened to making police more liable for murder

    Guess nothing will change and more black/People of colour will continue to die or be bullied

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    Display  over 2 years ago

    Breen again misses the point and this time feeds the racists.

    Yes, “Defunding the police” is a horrible way to phrase what might be beneficial to law enforcement and some people they now end up dealing with but rarely want to or are properly trained to.

    But what if law enforcement no longer had to respond to calls for reasons like agitated people, children acting out, domestic situations, landlord/tenant disputes, etc? They would be better assigned to calls they are trained and prepared for. Law enforcement could be better and more uniformly trained and held to national standards. Meanwhile those persons and agencies who are already trained and designated to handle cases that LEO’s are not and do not want to be called for could be better funded and put to better usage for all concerned.

    Law enforcement would be relieved of tasks and situations that often end badly for all concerned. Professionals who are better trained would be better funded to do their jobs to the betterment of those they are aiding.

    Agitated people (for whatever reason – medical conditions, emotional conditions, etc) would get help and should not be abused, arrested, or killed. Nine year old girls acting out would get counseling, not handcuffs. Hopefully the need for families to have “The Talk” would go away. Police could do their jobs better, be better trained on how to do things, including when to leave the task to those better equipped to handle it. Money could be better allocated to reach the purposes for which it is most needed.

    It’s not about removing police departments – unless those departments are completely flawed and need to be replaced by better trained personnel held to higher and more uniform, indeed what should be national standards that are similar to most other nations. It’s about getting the money better spend and getting the appropriate response from the appropriate people to those who need the appropriate aid or action.

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    alex Coke Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Irony would have him wearing an NRA t shirt.

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    lovelandclay Premium Member over 2 years ago

    BWAAAAAA HAAAAAAA HAAAAAAA!!!!! I love it when the left eventually turns and eats its own. And they do it. Every. Time.

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    FrankErnesto  over 2 years ago

    Most of the stealing is done by politicians, and they don’t use guns.

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    akachman Premium Member over 2 years ago

    One of history’s dumbest political slogans. it will live on for longer than we want. Unforced error by “progressives”.

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    Patjade  over 2 years ago

    Same old mislabeled trope. Time to give it a rest.

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  12. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Ho. And hum.

    How many tshirts like that have you actually seen, Breen?

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  13. Lifi
    rossevrymn  over 2 years ago

    Depresso Breen catering to the right-wing populists; it’s how he makes his quiche.

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    cdward  over 2 years ago

    Mr. Breen, let us go for a little education, shall we? The Progressives have said over and over that they do not want to defund the police. It is a bad slogan NOT created by the Democratic Party.

    However, it is helpful to understand the frustration that spawned that unhelpful slogan. In many if not most black neighborhoods, they actually would be safer with no police at all. Why? The police do not stop gang violence or even try in many cases. Rather, the harass, arrest, shake down, and kill black people who are doing nothing wrong. In a daily basis. For them, this cartoon is laughable. They truly feel that if the police went away, they would be safer.

    For the rest of us, we believe that police forces around the country have forgotten they are our employees. They are supposed to be here to protect and serve, yet too often they protect and serve only the richest and best connected. They throw their power around far too much, they protect their own even when they are bad apples. The entire policing system in this country needs a complete overhaul. Funds need to be directed toward mental health, and trained mental health professionals need to be the first responders in mental health crises. The whole system of using cops as revenue collectors (ie., speeding tickets) is also abhorrent to cops and citizens alike.

    Policing CAN be a positive for ALL Americans, but today it is being used as a wedge issue to divide Americans and keep far too many innocent people living in fear while not stopping the guilty from committing crimes — or even bringing them to justice.

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    walfishj  over 2 years ago

    Trouble is, nobody defunded the police, so this is not happening. Yes, crime is rising, especially murder. But tell me how more police would prevent that? I’ll wait.

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    The Nodding Head  over 2 years ago

    “Defund the police” was (note past tense) supported by 18% of Democrats.

    “Stop the steal” is (note present tense) supported by 68% of Republicans.

    Which is a clearer and more present danger?

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  17. Desron14
    Masterskrain  over 2 years ago

    Poor Breen. Caught in ANOTHER lie….

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    littleann  over 2 years ago

    Some “woke” liberals have woken to reality. They see that law enforcement is not the problem; it’s the solution. After partially defunding the Minneapolis police department this summer, many now think it was not such a good idea after all.

    “Defund and abolish the police” was a leftist mantra that shocked law-abiding citizens everywhere. It delighted anarchists and spread like wildfire nationwide in 2020 thanks to leftist media, liberal politicians and corrupt universities.

    The Minneapolis City Council not only sought to defund the police but officially petitioned the Minneapolis Charter Commission to disband the police on June 26, 2020. A referendum must approve the radical move.

    In less than twelve months, the Minneapolis City Council has been mugged by reality. Council members now admit that their defunding of the police has been “misinterpreted” by almost everyone, including its own members. It is destroying the security of the community. They have now resolved to return $6.4 million to the police department’s budget.

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  19. The eye of god
    Woodstock Generation Premium Member over 2 years ago

    The original concept was not to “Defund the Police” but to provide social services support in domestic violence cases. Unfortunately with tight municipal budgets, the opponents suggested all the funding must come out of police budgets.

    The Republicans are promoting that they are the party of Law and Order and have co-opted this slogan in their propaganda against the Democrats. Look at the indictments against Republican administrations and you will see that the Rule of Law is not something that they support. The prior administration won’t even accept subpoenas from Congress.

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    DrDon1  over 2 years ago

    In general, where police were "defunded,’ the rates were 5% or less [ even in Portland ]! In Democrat-led cities like Houston and Nashville, there was an increase in police funding. Overall, major crime rates are down.

    High murder rates might be connected to high rates of gun ownership in USA — Not a problem in any other “advanced” country!

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    Nantucket Premium Member over 2 years ago

    The slogan should have been to de-MILITARIZE the police. But small towns like Keene, NH need things like tanks.

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    Rich Douglas  over 2 years ago

    The term “defund the police” is unfortunate because it allows people to deal out misinformation like this.

    The purpose of the movement is to restructure how we respond to emergencies, especially those that are not criminal, taking the police out of it and using other, more-fitting, responses.

    But cartoons like this skew that picture, substituting a cheap political dig for an effort to truly reform policing in a way that benefits us all.

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    Ammosexual is no Cheap Fake Premium Member over 2 years ago

    That mugger looks in the words of juicy smolett to be a little tan.

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    XtopherSD  over 2 years ago

    No serious person with any power literally wants to do this. Please stop beating this dead horse.

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    ndblackirish97  over 2 years ago

    Wouldn’t it be awesome if funding was reallocated so law enforcement can focus on violent crimes like muggings and leave domestic disturbances and other social issues with armed trained professionals? Yeah, I know. Unless there’s a cop on every corner, there’s still going to be a crime. Funding has little to do with it.

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    randolini Premium Member over 2 years ago

    I seldom carry my phone or bill fold and you obviously don’t understand what “Defund the police” really means.

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    syzygy47  over 2 years ago

    It’s a term that’s open to different interpretations in a blind interview. I think the intent was to demilitarize the police as a posse comitatas, where full lethal force becomes the default. But taken literally, it could be taken as a revenge response to eliminate a police presence totally in favor of social workers. Which ain’t gonna work.

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    Kracklin Rosie - “Tolo Dan Nan Galad” Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Typical leftist Orwellian double think/speech. “DEFUND – THE – POLICE”. “WORDS – HAVE – MEANING”! You lefties have zero cred on this when your own Democrat politicians like AOC and Tlaib are still calling for defunding in specific detail. Seriously listen to yourselves. Duhhhh…defund the police doesn’t reeealy mean defund the police. BLM, AntiFa, anarchists believed it and Blue state and city politicians ACTED on it and actually did defund their police. You guys are starting to believe your own propaganda and are perfectly mimicking Marxist techniques of lies and disinformation. Most of America sees the reality of the left’s disastrous policies and are not buying it.

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    Eclectic Wanderer  over 2 years ago

    No irony; when’t the last time you’ve heard of someone getting mugged in a big city? Compare that with how many times there has been terrorist cops murdering American citizens in cold blood for no reason.

    I’ll take my chance on the petty crooks to get rid of the Stormtrooper Terrorists in Uniform.

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    moondog42 Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Police won’t end up solving the crime, or catching the robber. But police fans sure do like to pretend the police are a whole bunch of things they are not, like being good at their jobs.

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  31. Ignatz
    Up Your's  over 2 years ago

    Good one.

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