Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons by Al Goodwyn for September 12, 2021

  1. Pat new 150
    Patjade  over 2 years ago

    In Al’s alternate universe, the US doesn’t own several times this because of things like tax cuts and handouts to billionaires and corporations.

    Al can’t tell the difference between a giveaway and an investment. The US has been ignoring basic infrastructure repairs for decades, the longer it was ignore, the more it costs to fix it.

    That doesn’t even come close to trying to elevate the US to compete with other nations in the future. For that you need to invest in modern technology and innovation.

    Countries like South Korea are covered with WiFi and broadband, and it’s cheap. My 1.5Gb internet costs about $25/month with no limits, and that’s only one of four cable-modem accounts I have that totals less than $100/month. I have a WiFi puck in my car that turns cellular into portable WiFi internet for about $40/month. Buses, subways, and trains all have free WiFi for passengers. It’s everywhere. There are places in the US you need a satellite dish to get barely above dial-up speeds, and it costs an arm and a leg.

    It’s hard to compete at such levels when you quibble about every nickel invested and whine about the cost while throwing $Trillions at Corporations and Billionaires in order to keep them sending money to keep your party in power.

    Goodwyn’s Law™.

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  2. Yin yang
    Havel  over 2 years ago

    These type of visuals are a cheap, lazy way to make an argument. An attempt to impress the innumerate/unaware. It’s a “perspective” certainly. Narrow in scope. What could we add to broaden the horizon? Context? History of debt/deficit? Services rendered for said $$$? Population size for whom its the service are intended? To whom is the debt owed (anybody have bonds, t-bills, etc.)? Current lending rates-is it a wise investment? Future economic growth (for whatever reason) that would increase tax revenues?

    I’ve been seeing cartoons/graphics (stacking dollars to the moon and the like) similar to this for 40 years or so; I suspect the doom and gloom this one implies is as true as for all those I’ve previously seen.

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    baroden Premium Member over 2 years ago

    How about the 2017 tax cuts to the top 1%? How many gallons would that equal. Lest you forget: that was funded completely by debt. I didn’t see this cartoon back then. Hmmmm. Makes me think this is more politically motivated.

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    Zebrastripes  over 2 years ago

    If it were to GOP, they would bring us back to before the Industrial Age…dirt roads, no bridges, etc. this money is for WE THE PEOPLE and the country’s roads, bridges, grids which are in need of dire repair. It helps citizens, which GOP knows nothing about! If it doesn’t benefit them and or their agendas they won’t pass it. They can’t win anything unless they cheat, deceive, lie and manipulate.

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    Kurtass Premium Member over 2 years ago

    If one dollar equaled one gallon of red blood. You would have 3.5 trillion gallons of blood, wasted in Afghanistan and Iraq.

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    loridobson Premium Member over 2 years ago

    It’s just another Repugnican scare tactic. And just in case they start whining how socialist the left is, not all socialism is bad. “Beijing has launched anti-monopoly and data security crackdowns to tighten its control over internet giants, including e-commerce platform Alibaba Group and games and social media operator Tencent Holdings Ltd., that looked too big and potentially independent. In response, their billionaire founders have scrambled to show loyalty by promising to share their wealth under Xi’s vaguely defined “common prosperity” initiative to narrow the income gap in a country with more billionaires than the United States.” We need to enforce and update our abandoned antitrust laws, raise the cap on social security, and stop funding the bottomless pit of obstruction politics.

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    walfishj  over 2 years ago

    1. As a true conservative, Goodwyn cannot tell the difference be and expense and an investment. He should go back to third grade and take a crash economics class. 2. Did Goodwyn rage against the red ink caused by DJT for-the rich tax cut? I think not. 3. Biden tried to submit a budget that balanced the costs with income, the GOP and Joe Manchin wouldn’t let him. 4. Did Al Goodwyn pay for his covid shot, or did he let the socialist government do it for him?

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    Random Nick Premium Member over 2 years ago

    I can’t believe you guys are seriously considering tripe from a nimrod who thinks one can purchase a gallon of ink for 1 USD.

    In any case, the whole argument is ephemeral; it goes away as soon as a Qpublican is elected.

    Have a nice day all.

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  9. Celtic tree of life
    mourdac Premium Member over 2 years ago

    It’s to be spent over a 10 year period, it’s not a one year cost. But Mr. Goodwyn isn’t known for drawing situations as they accurately are, only as he can distort them.

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    MaryBethJavorek1  over 2 years ago

    Mr Goodwyn, seeing you are so good at visuals, could you let us know what this costs the US? These are just a few little messes that your trump got us into.

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    preacherman  over 2 years ago

    So, and all your corporate friends will benefit, too. They’ll make even more money to put in your coffers to further defeat the American dream. In time, your party, whatever you decide to call it, will elect another Trumplike demigod, and change the constitution letting him become a monarch.

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    T Smith  over 2 years ago

    OR… it would nearly fill the vacuum between Goodwyn’s ears.

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  13. Lord flasheart
    Same2Ubuddy  over 2 years ago

    Liberals love spending other people’s money.

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    Iseau  over 2 years ago

    A Trillion here aTrillion there. A hundred Trillion whatever. All it is is paper and ink you need more you print more. The USA is in debt up to its neck. Will we ever be out of debt? NO. Will we ever pay back the debt? NO. Does anybody really care? NO. Our biggest asset is food. As long as we can supply the world with food we will survive. So it comes too this, replace the red ink in the cartoon with food. Problem solved we are out of debt.

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    Dirtfarmer  over 2 years ago

    Why would one dollar require a gallon of red ink? It probably takes less than 0.01cc of red ink to write one dollar. 1 cc is 0.00026 gallons so we’re only talking about 0.03 Empire State Buildings. Since the Empire State Building is 102 stories high, it would only fill a couple floors and since the base of the building is larger than the upper floors in area, it would probably only fill the lowest floors to a depth of 12-15 feet (maybe a bit less than two floors).

    The US GDP is around 22 trillion, which is more than 6 times the 3.5 trillion. That’s an annual figure, and the 3.5 trillion is probably over 10 years (which seems to be a standard way of inflating numbers) so the US GDP is 60 times what we’re talking about, so that would fill most of the Empire State Building with black ink.

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  16. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 2 years ago

    That should all be tax breaks for republican donors, according to the lying cheating republican thieves.

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    grange Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Does Goodwin really get his ink at a buck a gallon?

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    DrDon1  over 2 years ago

    @ S2uB — Obviously, since “Liberals” don’t pay taxes(!)

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    DrDon1  over 2 years ago

    This illustrates that hardly anything that Goodwyn states should be taken seriously!

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    freshmeet2030  over 2 years ago

    You pay for everything in cash, Al? Your house, your car? Tell me … do you make more in a year than your house cost?

    If not, then stop pandering to the stupid … unless you are one of them.

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    GiantShetlandPony  over 2 years ago

    Probably not the first time this has been said in the comments of this cartoon, but worth repeating:

    Why do Republicans only bitch about the deficit when they are not in power?

    When in power it’s cut taxes for the rich (who make most of their money in portfolios) and spend, spend, spend finding new creative ways to tax those that actually earn their money?

    Stopping the war in Afghanistan, pretty much pays for the infrastructure plan in the USA. I remember the orange guy saying America first a lot. This president actually is putting America first, and you complain about that?

    Simple internet searches will show that since Nixon, and maybe even before, deficits go up under Republican Policies, and deficits go down under Democratic Policies.

    Hell, Clinton had a surplus that W. Bush put into a huge deficit in his first year of office, that grew and grew under his ill planned war in Afghanistan and his illegal war against Iraq. Deficit spending we are only just getting out of.

    So, Republicans can just shut up about deficit spending.

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    GiantShetlandPony  over 2 years ago

    The USA doesn’t need to raise the taxes on the rich, they just need to get rid of the more ridiculous tax write offs. Like write offs for the use of their private jets, yachts, and other luxury items, and luxury hobbies like Mitt Romney’s dressage horses.

    Sadly, whenever Republicans talk about getting rid of tax write offs, they talk about the ones that normal people can actually take advantage of like mortgage interest. Really, rich people rarely pay mortgages. Just before I got my first credit card, Reagan’s administration got rid of being able to write of credit card interest. Something, that helped and would have helped millions of people working paycheck to paycheck have a few more dollars in their pocket at the end of the year.

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    calliarcale  over 2 years ago

    A gallon of ink, incidentally, costs a great deal more than a dollar. A cartoonist ought to be at least passingly familiar with this fact, so why did he choose such a large quantity? Is it possibly to inflate the result as much as possible?

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