Gary Varvel for January 28, 2021

  1. Aoh14gia4oixdeens96wynqdg4a8vq1zmnm1mxw zlrqqg
    dfrost1  over 3 years ago

    First comment, I don’t get it.

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    suzalee  over 3 years ago

    No complaints when Trump issued executive orders.

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    Judge Magney  over 3 years ago

    Another painfully lame Keystone pipeline cartoon. Just tightening up the safety and environmental standards on the oil transport business would create more jobs and do more good. But as usual, Very Garbled won’t let basic facts get in the way of a lazy meme.

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    Nantucket Premium Member over 3 years ago

    The jobs that will be created when the U.S. shifts to renewable energy will more than offset the mostly temporary pipeline jobs. Infrastructure is in dire shape – maintenance is neglected in favor of new projects and improving bridges, roads and water systems (pipe expertise required) will create LOTS of jobs. Higher education support will allow those that prefer coding to pursue that as well.

    Eliminate fossil fuel subsidies and ag support for corporate farms. Reinstate higher tax rates and get rid of corporate deductions that allow a company like Amazon to continue to skirt federal taxes.

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    JoeBabbs  over 3 years ago

    does varvel still lament the fate of ice house workers since the advent of refrigeration?

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    walfishj  over 3 years ago

    If there is one screaming evil queen around DC, look to the office of the minority leader, or if you can’t find him, go find the Senators from TX and MO. Should you want to go further afield, like say FL, try the governor’s mansion or Mar A Largo.

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    Tzinger   over 3 years ago

    So GV, are you going to be disappointed when the economy generates 2 million jobs over the next 18 months?

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    DonnyTwoScoops  over 3 years ago

    800-900,000 Americans have been filing for unemployment each week for months under Trump, but Varvel is afraid the loss of Keystone is the problem. LOL.

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  9. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 3 years ago

    Stinky lying right wing cartoon.

    The idiot lying Trump admin finished his term with 2 million fewer jobs than it inherited from the Obama admin.

    The only thing right wingers have is lies.

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    Tralfaz Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Learning new skills to make oneself more marketable is apparently verboten in Varvelville.

    It’s a shame that the work that went into drawing such a pretty dress is wasted on this cartoon.

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  11. Pilgrim
    Newenglandah  over 3 years ago

    Years ago there was a slogan “You can’t get tomorrow’s jobs with yesterday’s skills”.

    Sorry, Varvel. Oil and coal jobs are yesterday’s skills.

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    cdward  over 3 years ago

    A stupid cartoon — as usual — with no understanding of the situation on the ground.

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  13. Tor johnson
    William Bednar Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Gary must be smoking, or shooting up, that bad stuff, again. Come on, Gary, slowly put down the bong, and step away.

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    jader3rd  over 3 years ago

    Installing solar panels and windmills isn’t coding. Assembling electric cars isn’t coding.

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    lonecat  over 3 years ago

    We are well into the climate crisis. It’s not going to be pleasant. The US can afford to support workers as they move into the new economy. The US can’t afford not to move into the new economy.

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    StackableContainers  over 3 years ago

    In the context of factually portraying information, is it ironic Varvel made this comparison since the attribution of the “Let them eat cake” to Marie Antoinette is considered apocryphal and there is no actual record of her ever saying that?

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    ferddo  over 3 years ago

    A quick way to make a MAGAt mad is to suggest that he make some effort in a positive way…

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    casonia2  over 3 years ago

    I am an old fart, but somehow even back in the day I understood that I would not be able to make a living wage with acceptable benefits unless I was willing to learn new things as the available jobs changed. I made sure to learn marketable skills and keep them tuned up. Maybe people need help recognizing this fact of life? Probably would help if training came to them, and with the internet, it can.

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    DrDon1  over 3 years ago

    Varvel continuing his loyalty to the COVID-19 Denier-in-Chief!

    [ Not vile like Stiglich, but not helpful in promoting America’s future…. ]

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    Patjade  over 3 years ago

    Varvel’s delusion hasn’t been treated yet, I see.

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    rhonda Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Is this about the secret source code job posting?

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    Zev   over 3 years ago

    It’s good to plan ahead. We are in that transitional period from industry to technology, just as the mid- nineteenth century went from agriculture to industry. As manufacturing gets automated and/or moved to other countries, there needs to be something to replace it. India is an interesting example. Thirty years ago there was virtually no middle class. But the government developed mass training programs in the tech industry and customer service. Now there is a brand new middle class that pays taxes, purchases homes, and hard goods which has improved their economy greatly. It will take visionary leaders to see us through. The Republicans’ backward attitude is one of the main reasons the U.S. has fallen behind.

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    davidthoms1  over 3 years ago

    Are those Canadian jobs you’re worried about? Or Chinese jobs? Keystone only had about 20 jobs and green energy will create 10,000 times that in the first year or two. Stop lying to the gullible Gary!

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  24. The eye of god
    Woodstock Generation Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Trump never said “Let them play golf” because he would hate it if the MAGA crowd showed up at one of his courses. Hopefully they will visit him at Mar a Lago.

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  25. Missing large  over 3 years ago

    Even if you had a valid criticism of Biden, which you don’t, the fact that you’ve ignored Donald Trumps ineptitude and outright criminality is astounding. Remember January 6th? Remember Trump saying Covid would “magically disappear”? 400,000 dead. And stupid cartoonist is mad at Biden. What a no-talent dunce.

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    gcottay  over 3 years ago

    Once again an awkward Varvel lie. Is the guy diseased?

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    grumpypophobart  over 3 years ago

    More correctly, Gary would be the Republicans telling the impoverished who lost their jobs during the Trump fiasco of the pandemic to literally, ‘’Let them eat cake,’’ when stimulus was discussed. Short term memory loss much, Gary?

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  28. Sulky chatin
    cwg  over 3 years ago

    To quote someone who is an expert: “At a time when our nation desperately needs an economic recovery, the last thing we need are costly policies from Washington. Unfortunately, that’s exactly what we’ve seen in the early days of this new administration. First, with a stroke of a pen, President Biden took away the jobs of thousands of jobs by canceling the ‘Keystone X-L’ pipeline. This is a project that would have created 10-thousand jobs and was set to be fully powered by renewable energy, by 2030. Now, the Biden-administration is delivering a second blow to American energy, by suspending new oil- and gas-leasing for federal lands and waters which is critical to the development of our energy-security. Let’s be clear: This is nothing more than an ‘import oil’ policy. Energy-demand will continue to rise especially as the economy recovers. And, we can choose to produce that energy here, in the United States with American jobs or rely on foreign countries, with lower environmental standards. Energy-development on federal lands and waters is a lifeline to local economies, governments, and schools. Take that away, and billions in tax-revenue and hundreds-of-thousands of jobs go right with it. Without development on federal lands and waters, billions of dollars in local-government revenue will be at risk including critical funding for our public schools, and conservation-programs. It’s clear [that] a federal-leasing ban should be off the table. We stand ready to engage with the Biden-administration on ways to address America’s energy-challenges. But, impeding American energy will only serve to hurt local communities, and hamper the nation’s economic recovery all at a time when the country can least afford it.”

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    Concretionist  over 3 years ago

    Or, maybe, let them build infrastructure! Or let them work in health care! Or let them get a job drawing cartoons! (There is clearly a VERY low bar to working in that field…)

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    kentmarx36  over 3 years ago


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  31. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 3 years ago

    Republicans are busy overthrowing the government of the USA.

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    evanmarhews  over 3 years ago

    poor demented old man !!

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    The Love of Money is . . .  over 3 years ago

    Someday children won’t understand the meaning of getting a lump of coal in their Christmas stocking without looking on their computer, iPhone or whatever they have in the not too distant future. Probably have to find what a Christmas stocking was as well.

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    j260 Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Somebody has to make something, not just sit in an office and monitor others.

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    lsnrchrd.1 Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Wind-turbine technicians and solar panel installers are the fastest-growing jobs in the country. Here are the 25 fastest-growing jobs within the renewable-energy sector:

    Visit Business Insider’s homepage for this and more green energy sector stories.

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