Matt Davies for October 25, 2019

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    Monchoxyz  over 4 years ago

    The golden rule. He who has the gold make the rule.

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    ncorgbl  over 4 years ago

    Graham is the “scum” tRump refers to. He’s a leading conservative hypocrite.

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    brwydave Premium Member over 4 years ago

    So elegant in prosecution, in defense not so much.

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    Ally2005  over 4 years ago

    Donny loves his scum dog, I mean his South Carolina lap dog Lindsey. Here boy. Daddy needs his slippers and to humiliate yourself on tv to defend me.

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  5. Tj
    • Thomas  over 4 years ago

    Every single Trumpaholic will tell you that one of the things that will Make America Great Again is for everybody to stop complaining and claiming discrimination all the time.

    From day 1 all we have heard from Trump & the Republicans is a constant whine about how unfair it all is — how he is discriminated against. Every single tweet & statement seems to complain and gripe about someone else.

    I think we can do better for President of the United States than a whiny crybaby.

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  6. Coexist
    Bookworm  over 4 years ago

    Mr. Trump playing the victim card is beyond laughable. In theory, he’s a billionaire several times over. He ran for the presidency, he says, as a joke – he never thought he’d win. And he wouldn’t have won without Russian interference, and a skewed electoral college process. When some right-thinking people, pointed this out, his vanity kicked in. As a CEO, he surrounded himself with despotic and sycophantic people who “followed orders.” When he tried to do this in government, it exploded in his face. Most had to resign, were indicted, or simply quit. For two years, with no Democratic opposition to speak of, he accomplished one, one, significant piece of legislation; a massive tax break for the ultra wealthy (such as himself). Healthcare fell by the wayside (“Who knew health care could be so complicated?”) derailed by his own party. His Wall would not be paid for by Mexico as he had boasted (“I never meant Mexico would pay directly for the wall”) and he had to pillage the military budget to get available funds. Understandably, the pentagon was not pleased with this. And his deranged tweets and tantrums on camera require constant “explanation” and “clarification.” After the midterms, his paranoia took complete control. And now, he labels the emoluments clause “phony,” and he and his toadies complain of the rules of Congress his own party enacted as “unfair” is sickening! Yes, he is a victim. He is a victim of his own hubris, ignorance, and inability to either lead or govern.

    Cry me a river, Mr. Trump.

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  7. Rhonda
    tigerave Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Woohoo!! That’s the best comment I’ve read in a long time!

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    Concretionist  over 4 years ago

    I am perfectly aware that liberals including myself tend to cut other liberals some slack. But the GOP doesn’t do that. As far as I can tell, they not only denigrate liberals (which I’m doing in the opposite direction, so… fair enough) but they also just ignore rules that they don’t like, and make rules that limit the ability of others to do anything… then complain when those rules are used “against” them. I really pine for the days when our elected officials were largely about actually honoring their oaths of of office and hardly at all about the other party being “the enemy”.

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    Kip W  over 4 years ago

    “Politics is a game of inches.”

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    jhroos  over 4 years ago

    Leningrad Lindsey has lost all credibility! He’s a trump stooge, who deserves to go down with the ship!

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  11. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 4 years ago

    Republicans think they’re modern Judge Roy Bean, “law west of Portsmouth, Maine”.

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