Bob Gorrell for May 06, 2019

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    DrDon1  almost 5 years ago

    Yeah, that’s why Warren says she believes in a regulated Free Market!

    [ Gorrell’s cartoon shows the depth of his analytical skills! /s ]]

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  2. Gradinggorrell 01
    GradingGorrell  almost 5 years ago

    you just flipped the cartoon from 1/16/19 horizontally

    the national minimum wage is $7.25 an hour. Wages have increased 3.2% from last year, which would mean 23 cents an hour raise to $7.48 an hour. Poverty is solved!

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  3. Bbb
    NeoconMan  almost 5 years ago

    Would some Right-Winger explain this, please?

    The economy is booming, wages are up, unemployment is down, yada, yada, yada, yet tens of millions of Americans are living paycheque to paycheque, one emergency away from bankruptcy, no savings, nutritionally deprived and on food stamps, can’t afford medical care, bereft of life’s necessities. So which is it?

    It is not the happy, rich, and well-fed that are calling for socialism.

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    Judge Magney  almost 5 years ago

    Most of what Gorrell ignorantly labels “socialism” are policies which were generally centrist, if not center-right espoused, for decades. By his current standards, Dwight D. Eisenhower ran a government nearly as socialistic as Marie’s Venezuela.

    Meanwhile, Donald Trump openly espouses socialist economic powers, as with his attempts to force GM to make production decisions based on governmental choices rather than responding to market forces. And he openly espouses the rhetoric of socialist authoritarians, like the Stalinist mantra “enemy of the people”. Who should be condemned as the real “socialist”?

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  5. Erroll for ror
    celeconecca  almost 5 years ago

    If your boy, Trumpy, would stop tweeting, maybe the stock market wouldn’t plunge. Doesn’t help anything else that’s wrong, but he could just stop shooting his fingers/mouth off.

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  6. Image
    Seriously?? Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    How much of the increase in wages was the blues states raising the minimum wage? Which I believe was supposed to bring about the end of the world as we knew it?

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  7. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  almost 5 years ago

    Greedy republicans haven’t stolen everything yet, they are so disappointed.

    Stock market down on Trump Trade Wars, Minnesota milk production suffers.

    Younger people take more than one part time job while older people are being forced out of the market.

    CEO pay has risen 400% over workers pay since Reagan’s Trickle Down began.

    Republicans promise to destroy our public health care and education system so billionaires can have bigger tax breaks.

    Republicans tax breaks do nothing but put the country further in debt.

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    mikemck  almost 5 years ago

    Please stop calling this the Trump economy just because he hasn’t managed to kill it yet.

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  9. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  almost 5 years ago

    The “economy” measures things that we thought were a reasonable stand in for everyone in the economy. But there’s a bias: The measurement averages_ but the effect is almost exclusively felt by the extremely rich.

    Ditto the stock market

    Unemployment is down, says AOC, because so many people have to work two jobs to survive.

    Wages are in fact higher than about 10 years ago. On average. Alas, that means the very well paid are being very very well paid, while the rest of us are seeing a stagnating pay situation: I’m retired, but my son is making significantly less (after accounting for inflation) than he made 10 years ago, despite earning a slightly higher hourly wage.

    And then the big lie: that Democrats want to try Socialism. What the liberals want is for the extremely rich to pay a bigger (fairer imo) share of the costs of supporting the government that so strongly supports them; and for our government to look out for the legitimate needs of all the people: The need for an education, health care, safety from the crazy and dangerous, bridges that don’t collapse, etc… And what we do not want is for the government to pump more money into fewer hands by building a bigger armed services, incarcerating a huge proportion of our citizens, engaging in foreign military adventures at the cost of $Trillions as well as too many lives, and putting in place strictures that make it harder for voters to have a real say. None of that is “socialism”.

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  10. Z76yv737q
    mysterysciencefreezer  almost 5 years ago

    The economy and unemployment are improving. And have been since 2010 and a steady rate. I find it interesting that Trump has to strike down every corporate limit, statute and consumer protection he can to keep that momentum going.

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  11. Ahl13 3x4
    Andylit Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    Amazing analysis here.

    Half of you think the economy was doing great under Obama and the other half think it took 8 years for Obama’s policies to finally take effect.

    Completely ignoring the premise of this cartoon. The economy is doing well. Most of the major factors that impact the people (as opposed to the stock market) are on the rise. Job openings in excess of unemployed, wages rising, etc, etc.

    And nearly all of the the Dem candidates for POTUS are endorsing the GND, increased regulation, higher taxes, government healthcare, etc, etc, etc. As capitalism makes life better for MOST people, the Dems seek a shift towards Socialism.

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    FrancisFigliola  almost 5 years ago

    Every society has those who live check to check. They need counseling! And so do you!

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    randolini Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    10% of Americans are in the stock market, It’s no indicator of a growing economy. Wages for the rich are the highest in years, for the poor, not so much. Tax the rich, they can afford it.

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  14. Triumph
    Daeder  almost 5 years ago

    And Bob Gorrell and many other like-minded idiots are dumb enough to believe that only a compulsive lying, delusional, thieving con man could ever make any of these things possible! We couldn’t possibly get public servants who behave like decent human beings to support the exact same policies! No, sir-ie!

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