Matt Wuerker for February 05, 2019

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    mattro65  about 5 years ago

    A new meaning for the term “Deep South” . Unfortunately, the problem lives on everywhere. When will humankind ever drag that other foot out of the cave?

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    Yontrop  about 5 years ago

    I understand why “those people are so sensitive”, but shouldn’t we be more concerned about what this man has done lately and what he can do in the future? Republicans love this distraction.

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    pamela welch Premium Member about 5 years ago

    Well done, Matt ♥ The shallowness of that burial shows how deep it really is.

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    Andylit Premium Member about 5 years ago

    We could have gotten so far were it not for the race mongers on both sides. There are groups who gain great amounts of money and power by stoking the flames of racism. And the press is getting rich broadcasting the fight.

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    ED CANTWELL  about 5 years ago

    Demanding life long perfection from perspective candidates will severely limit the pool of capable people. It allows the perfect to be the enemy of the good. A lot of people make bad decisions when they’re young. The point should be how they lived their lives and what has been the total contribution they’ve made to society.

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    COL Crash  about 5 years ago

    We haven’t buried racism! Everyone is still in denial over the impacts it has on behavior at the subconscious level. The most recent development that I find totally disgusting is the way Liam Neeson has come under attack for having the personal courage to openly discuss his own racial failure and the turn around he made on his own. He didn’t wait for some Internet troll to out him before revealing it either and for that he should be applauded. We’ll never solve the problem until we can have open discussions without retribution.

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    wellis1947 Premium Member about 5 years ago

    Here’s the problem with the gentleman’s comment from the “park bench”. As usual, no substantiation is offered in support of his claim. Racism and bigotry is endemic to the United States and will continue to be as long as the issue is glossed over and/or ignored.

    I grew up in a Southern household and have lived in the west (Washington) and in what’s referred to as the mid-west (Minnesota and Iowa) and currently live in the Southwest (New Mexico). In every local I have encountered racism and bigotry – sometimes subtle, sometimes blatant, but ALWAYS THERE!

    It was supposedly “cured” by the civil rights laws of the 60s and 70s, and ultimately “killed” by the election of our first “black” president. The only thing that actually occurred is racism and bigotry was “glossed over” and hidden – we were still racists and bigots but we collectively learned to “hide” our true colors under a facade of comity and civility. Racist and bigoted parents simple passed on to their children the need to “hide” their true feelings from the population at large!.

    Until the racist bigot named Donald John Trump ripped the mask from of a sizable segment of the American populace. Donnie John showed his followers that it was no longer necessary to hide their true feelings under a bushel basket. Foul language and hurtful speech was once again, acceptable in America

    The veneer of “civilization” was always exceedingly thin in parts of America, and Donnie John single handedly destroyed the work of decades if not centuries. Large portions of American parenthood now blanch at the thought of their child “growing up” to be President – that is rapidly turning from an aspiration, to a threat.

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