Robert Ariail for December 10, 2018

  1. Picture
    Ontman  over 5 years ago

    Here’s hoping.

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  2. Missing large
    crgigoux  over 5 years ago

    The first stage of a self mummification process.

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  3. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 5 years ago

    The Felony President

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  4. Wtp
    superposition  over 5 years ago

    Again, I’m more worried by those who see nothing wrong with the resident’s behavior and defend him.

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  5. Guy fawkes
    Guy Fawkes  over 5 years ago


    Doland J. Tяump‏❽ @realDolandTrump

    8h5 hours ago

    Ѕmockin’ in the Вoys’ Яoom

    How you doin’ out there? Ya ever seem to have one of those days

    Where it just seems like everybody’s gettin’ on your case?

    From your lawyer all the way down to your best pornstar?

    Well, ya know, I tend to have ’em just about all the time

    But I found a way to get out of ’em

    Let me tweet you about it:


    Sitting in the blue room, thinking it’s a drag

    Listening to the lawyer rap, just ain’t my bag

    The hotline rings, you know that’s my cue

    I’m gonna meet the Russian boys on floor number two!


    Smockin’ in the boys’ яoom

    Smockin’ in the boys’ яoom

    Now, Mueller, don’t you fill me up with your rules

    But everybody knows that smockin’ ain’t allowed for tools

    Checkin’ out the Я.T., makin’ sure the coast is clear

    Lookin’ in the stalls, “No, there ain’t nobody here!”

    Oh, my buddy Ѵlad, and me and Ҏaul

    To get caught would surely be the death of us all


    Smockin’ in the boys’ яoom

    Smockin’ in the boys’ яoom

    Now, Mueller, don’t you fill me up with your rules

    But everybody knows that smockin’ ain’t allowed for tools

    Alt яight!


    Oh, put me to work, in the oval office store

    Sell out counter and I got bored

    Lawyer was lookin’ for me all around

    Two hours later, you know where I was found…


    Smockin’ in the boys’ яoom

    Smockin’ in the boys’ яoom

    Now, Mueller, don’t you fill me up with your rules

    But everybody knows that smockin’ ain’t allowed for tools


    One mo’!

    Smockin’ in the boys’ яoom

    Oh, Smockin’ in the boys’ яoom

    Smockin’ in the boys’ яoom

    Smockin’ in the boys’ яoom

    Now, Mueller, I am fully aware of the rules

    And everybody knows that smockin’ ain’t allowed for tools


    (Koda / Lutz)

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    wellis1947 Premium Member over 5 years ago

    We must be aware that the Attorney General nominee, William Barr, shares many of the same opinions held by the “acting” Attorney general, Matt Whitaker, on a broad range of issues ranging from the sanctity of the office of President to the unconstitutionally of “Roe vs. Wade”!

    And why would a “Roe/Wade” position matter to an A.G.? Who do you think is responsible for defending “Roe/Wade” before the courts? Kavanaugh and Gorsuch MAY decide the outcome of the attack on “Roe/Wade” but it will be the United States Attorney General who will be charged with “defending” it! Can you envision “fox & chicken coop”?

    The entire Federalist Society plot for the American Judiciary (and that DOES include the Department of Justice) is to roll American Jurisprudence AT LEAST back to the halcyon days of Dwight David Eisenhower, if not before!

    They would DEARLY LOVE to see a rescinding of the 19th Amendment as well as the 14th – but they realize that that’s a bridge too far – at the moment. Their ‘mantra’ is “baby steps, people”, “baby steps!”

    As long as the Republicans hold the Senate, old (Mitch, Mitch… Son of a – Gun) McConnell, the Federalist Machiavelli, will be proceeding to the crafting of the American judicial system into a more pleasing place for Conservative thought and power.

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  7. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  over 5 years ago

    You better not cross him if you’re employed there: End of employment.

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  8. Rick o shay
    wiatr  over 5 years ago

    My feeling is that the next two years are going to be REALLY ‘interesting’. I hope this country makes it past them intact and still a Republic.

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    wolfiiig  over 5 years ago

    He’ll be OK as long as the court accepts rubles for bail.

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