Henry Payne for December 27, 2016

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    Flash Gordon  over 7 years ago

    Israel is quite powerful, and has nukes, supplied by uncle sam.

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    Martinthek  over 7 years ago

    Israel is soooo insulted. Now will they give back the insulting US $$$ that props up the criminals of Likud?

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    T  over 7 years ago

    amazing, isn’t it? mr payne literally falling over himself to justify israel’s years of impunity and ignoring requests to stop building ILLEGAL settlements… who’s being terrorized here, i wonder?

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  4. Gentaz btl
    wyneaux  over 7 years ago

    Hey Hank, I think you’d have a different opinion if they came and took the land you owned or the home you owned and gave it to someone else…. (sometimes demolishing the house to make way for nicer houses for some one else)…. while giving you a day or two notice to vacate or be arrested….

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  5. Sammy on gocomics
    Say What Now‽ Premium Member over 7 years ago

    This depiction is a little unbalanced. Let’s count who has the most money, missiles, tanks, fighter jets, and nuclear weapons?

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  6. Doc and fifi
    BWR  over 7 years ago

    The ‘Two State’ solution will result in more & more attacks against Israel. Let one of the many Muslim-majority countries nearby take in the ‘Palestinians’.

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  7. Wtp
    superposition  over 7 years ago


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  8. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 7 years ago

    Without the UN, the modern nation of Israel would NOT EXIST, It was the UN that CREATED IT, NOT “historical boundaries” that at one time centuries ago went to the Tigris Euphrates junction.

    Israel is the only nuclear armed nation in the Middle East.

    Late 19th and early 20th century Zionists were the most deadly terrorist groups" in the world, and many ISIL tactics were just copying what groups like ETSEL and LESCHI did in murdering British troops, and *SCHOOL CHILDREN ON BUSES!

    The two nation solution was wisely proposed by the PEEL commission in the 1920’s and was rejected by the Jewish Zionists, not the Arabs (Christian as well as Muslim!).

    I support a VALID Israel that follows the rule of law, as proposed by such as the “J Street” folks and a large portion of Israeli Jews, but not the land grab Likud et al have administered since 1967, when Israel, “our friend” was the ONLY nation in the MIddle East to attack without provocation the United States Navy, and kill our sailors aboard the USS LIberty!

    The Holocaust was real and horrible. Half the victims were Jewish, the rest were Hitlers political opponents, the disabled, and trade unionists (the actual “leftists” in Germany he killed FIRST) and 51 million people died in WW II, terrible indeed!

    I support Jewish, as well as people of all faiths and races, and nationalities to live in PEACE and coexistence, numbers need to be looked at when picking minorities and majorities that demand control of the world’s political institutions, and influence on nations.

    It is NOT “anti-Semitic”, (Arabs are the more populace Semites btw), to point out that the entire world population of practicing Jews, is smaller than the population of the New York Metropolitan Area. Israel is a little over 6 million and Iran is over 60 million in populati

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  9. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 7 years ago

    BTW: David’s selling was the equivalent of a .45 APC, effective over considerably longer distance than Goliath’s sword. It was one of the deadliest weapons the ROMANS feared much later! Today, with the only nukes in the Middle East, Netanyahu cries wolf, when HE is the rabid and most dangerous one. MANY Jewish Israelis agree, and have opposed the settlements from the beginning. South Africa isn’t the only nation to have seen a long period of apartheid.

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  10. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 7 years ago
    Hate “autocorrect”. David of course used a SLING.

    Uncle Joe: A jointly administered Jerusalem has been on lot’s of folks tables for a long, long time, but that has been a pointless crux. Saladin said it for all of them, at least the movie version: *Jerusalem is nothing, and it is EVERYTHING". But the PEEL did give more land to the Zionists.

    But It all goes back to the fact Abraham was a total dick as a dad.

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    Michael Peterson Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Yeah, to heck with international law! The Geneva Convention is for sissies, with all those rules against torture and taking over other countries’ land. Besides, Henry knows that all Muslims are terrorists because, gosh, those are the ones he reads about at Briebart and so that’s all of them.

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    Tue Elung-Jensen  over 7 years ago

    Yes, because obviously all terror is in the palestinian areas, and it clearly means nothing with those illigal settlements.

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    johnnytiggs  over 7 years ago

    He’s going to need a bigger slingshot:(

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