Jeff Stahler for July 30, 2015

  1. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 9 years ago

    Three or more victims constitute “mass shooting”, even if not fatal. Which means across the country all those gang bangers are getting cheated out of a lot of publicity.

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  2. John adams1
    Motivemagus  almost 9 years ago

    ONLY in America, folks. And Australia was going the same way until passing some reasonable laws, and now they’re back to a more normal level.This is not an unsolvable problem.

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    rallsolo  almost 9 years ago

    When are you gun ban nuts going to address the problems causing violence instead of fixating on guns? You don’t care about the lives lost, just that you can try and ban something.

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    Kip W  almost 9 years ago

    We mustn’t talk about it such a short time before the next tragedy.

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    kaffekup   almost 9 years ago

    Australia claims to have had no mass shootings since the ban. But they don’t have a Constitushin that guarantees mass murders!

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    Observer fo Irony  almost 9 years ago

    If it wasn’t for the internet we would have known fewer shootings existed.

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    rallsolo  almost 9 years ago

    Gun nuts, such as yourself, are dishonest from the start. They pretend they are for gun control because they know the majority reject a gun ban, but what they say they want is only possible through a gun ban. It doesn’t bother me you’re either not honest enough or not honest enough with yourself to admit the truth, but it is right there in your posts..Of course, in your rush to try and make you and the rest of your gun nut buddies look “rational” and “thinking”, you’ve exposed the fact you don’t even know what is going on. Your whole rant is based on a lie. Mental illness is already part of the NCIS background check and can prevent someone from obtaining a gun. Apparently you haven’t even been watching the news where Obama has been trying to claim anyone who has someone else receive their SSA benefits check should be classified as unable to buy a gun because of “mental illness”. .Who gets to determine what “responsible” gun ownership is? You? OldCoal? Someone else who would say the only ones responsible enough to own guns are the police or active military? The problem is people like you are so shallow they don’t think all the way through the solutions they claim they want. Everyone says they want to stop gun violence, yet all they do is look at gun control instead of the causes of violence. .Criminals, including the insane looking to harm others, aren’t going to follow your gun control laws. Are you delusional enough to think the only way to obtain a weapon is through a dealer where you have to go through a background check? Think all the gang bangers responsible for the majority of the gun violence in this nation obtained their guns legally? What “sensible” gun control laws would you enact that would actually have an impact? We both know no gun control law would have an impact because criminals don’t follow the law in the first place. Thus the only real solution for the “rational THINKING” person who is bound and determined to stop gun violence while not addressing violence is to eliminate the gun.

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  8. Ddwiz avatar
    DD Wiz Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Sandy Hook proved that the NRA terrorist organization and the legislators they have bought and paid for care more about their quarterly profits than the lives of our children. So as long as American voters continue to sucker for corporate advertising, their children may be the next selected by the firearm deities to be sacrificed on the altar of corporate greed.

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  9. Kea
    KEA  almost 9 years ago

    NRA parties

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    kaffekup   almost 9 years ago

    So I’ll ask the question I never get answered. How do you do mental health screening on a nation of 300+ million people, and just who gets to determine who is mentally balanced enough to buy guns? Us? The NRA?

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    kevinanne  almost 9 years ago

    Yeah I don’t see a lot of ammosexuals banging the drums for Universal Health Care, which would take care of the mentally ill people with better treatment, access to medication that would create mental stability, and therapy that might help them vent out their issues rather than shoot.

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