Mike Luckovich for May 07, 2015

  1. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  almost 9 years ago

    I love this cartoon. Not because I think the world is going to fry (Change but not burn) but because it speaks to the greater problem in the Republican party. In their haste to keep the Religious Right in their camp they have spouted and supported all sorts of pseudo-science that the Neo-Christians beleive.

    Any one remember Aiken talking about how women couldn’t get pregnant if it really was rape.

    I applaud the guy who says – I don’t know enough about this subject and I’m trying to learn mre.I applaud the guy who says – I’ve studied this subject and based on the data I have at my disposal I don’t agree with the scientists.I have nothing but disdain for the group that brags about their ignorance.

    For whatever reason the science community has made this global warming issue a matter of religion. If you don’t believe that the current rise in temperatures is a long term trend that will destroy the world then you are an anti-science heretic. But too many of them have stepped into politics and are using this issue as a way to call for whatever social cause they favor.1) The Ecologists want us to accept it as gospel so they can get more favorable treatment when they argue for greater regulations and less property rights protections.2) The Communists/Socialists want us to accept it as gospel so they can argue for more economic programs that take from one group and give to another.3) The Religious groups want us to reject it because a loving God would never allow this to happen (Some even reject the second law of Thermodynamics for the same reason).

    We came out of a little ice-age in the 1800’s and early 1900s. It isn’t any wonder that the trends show that the world is warming. But that isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

    If you are like me in the midwest it means more snow but I know how to operate a shovel and a snowblower.If you live in Florida or Louisiana it means you better learn how to build better levies and dykes.We have not had more or fiercer storms then in the past like the Scientists predicted but if we do – We actually have the technology to build better stronger buildings to deal with the effects of weather.

    We are an incredibly adaptable species. We can and will survive rising seas if the trend continues. And Mother nature is much more fair-minded then the Progressives who use every issue like this as an excuse to rob me of my rights and my wealth.

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  2. Tor johnson
    William Bednar Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Rather a “windy” comment. Fell asleep about a quarter way through trying to read it.

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  3. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  almost 9 years ago

    @Hiram Bingham – You read that line too literally. Let me rephrase – It has become an article of faith in the scientific community that Global Warming is happening, it’s anthropogenic, and that it must be stopped because otherwise humanity and all charismatic animals are doomed. If you don’t repeat their dogma verbatim you are obviously an anti-science idiot.

    Don’t get me wrong – there are plenty of anti-science idiots that question Global warming for the dumbest of reasons. But it seems like everyone has their cherry picked data (including the scientists from some of the adjustments made) so no one with an interest in reviewing the basis of anyone’s claims can get the raw and unfiltered/unadjusted data.

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  4. Img 20230721 103439220 hdr
    kaffekup   almost 9 years ago

    Too late. You already said your “wealth” is more important than anything else. Including the fate of the world. “I got mine, Jack, screw you” syndrome.

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    katzenbooks45  almost 9 years ago

    It’s also “levees”, not “levies”.

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  6. Noh8 tw
    socalvillaguy Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Willful denial in the face of overwhelming evidence like has been documented about climate change and basing that denial on perceived conflicts with one’s religious beliefs or one’s capitalistic intentions is either insane or evil.

    We all know that the practitioners of science aren’t always 100% accurate, but at least science is a discipline based on logic and reason unlike religion, a discipline based on nothing more than personal belief. I say this as a liberal Roman Catholic, the leader of which is about to issue a major document to all adherents on the seriousness of climate change and its impact on humanity.

    As for the greedy capitalists who insist that climate change is some sort of ruse by 98% of climatologists and want to lift regulations all in the name of the Almighty Dollar (or Yen or Yuan or Euro), I pray there is a hell for them to suffer in for eternity.

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  7. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 9 years ago

    By definition, science is based on data and facts (which may bring variable observations and “facts” over time, with change), and relgion is based on FAiTH, never facts.

    I know of no “scientist” who regards climate change, which anthropogenic climate change was recognized regionally in the mid 1950’s, and called “climate change” as a religion. The global trend IS now on the warming side, and it IS caused by human activity for the overwhelming cause agent. While predictions do vary a little, the basic premise and cause, do not.

    The reliance on faith rather than facts led to the zealots on Masada, the Inquisition, and the current flair for terrorism in Islam. It’s intersting to look at which sides btw are fighting against empires, and which WERE the “empire”.

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  8. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  almost 9 years ago

    Good Job Rad-ish! Facts help with us, at least, even if wing nuts refuse to hear.Most who think anyone who is having a hard time making it these days is nothing but a freeloading bum.That is what these (I have mine, it’s your fault if you can’t do it )And, unlike some others you Don’t make fun of people and call it “gorbul warming”.Thanks for being an adult in the room.

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  9. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  almost 9 years ago

    Hiram, I also apreciate your comments well done and well supported.Thanks.

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  10. Avat
    Richard Howland-Bolton Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    mdavis, That’s so stupid it isn’t even not wrong, it’s worse!

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  11. Missing large
    twclix  almost 9 years ago

    I read it. Truly fascinating. I wonder what the anti evolutionary folks might say. Of course, they wouldn’t read such heresy, but still…

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  12. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  almost 9 years ago

    @braindead08 – In your answer about tax breaks. I’ve addressed this in the past but I’m always happy to discuss this issue again.

    The government doesn’t exist outside an economy to support and in our economy it supports itself with taxes. That’s not a bad thing and I have never been anti-tax. I like Roads and other infrastructure, I like knowing that some local warlord won’t set up in my neighborhood and start demanding tribute, I like knowing that Canada won’t rise up and take us all over (j/k).

    So now that we’ve established that the government needs $$$ to fund it’s own maintenance we are left with two questions – Who should pay those taxes AND how should those tax dollars be spent.

    We have a very complicated set of rules for determining who gets to pay taxes and how much each individual and incorporated entity gets to pay. Tax breaks for Research, Charitable work, etc. etc. Are used to encourage People and Corporations to do the things we want them to do and discourage them from doing the things we don’t want them to do. If a person or a corporation is legally working within the complicated taxing framework to minimize their tax burden I have no objection. Personally I think we should be minimizing the deductions and tax breaks to make it more fair for everyone but everyone with a special interest objects to that because they feel entitled to their special break. So at a high level you and I agree that we should reduce tax breaks and deductions but I’ll bet we disagree on where those eliminations should occur since I think it should be a wholesale elimination and I bet you want it only on corporations.

    Then we get to how the money is spent. I do not believe the Government should be in the business of taking money from me and my family and my neighbors to distribute money to another group that has fabricated a sob story for why they can’t survive in today’s economic conditions. I believe long term welfare keeps those recipients in constant thrall to government and injects enormous moral hazard into economic decisions. “Why should I work when I can take it from the government that owes me anyway”. I think the Great Society has destroyed the family in many Urban and now Rural neighborhoods as well.

    Do I think those welfare recipients should starve? No!!!! I and many of the Charitable organizations that I support through dollars and time help people in our community but we also hold them accountable for their own behavior (Unlike the State and Federal Government that don’t seem to have the time to figure out whether the money is being used appropriately). We tailor our giving to families and individuals so that they can work themselves out of poverty and help them understand that there are real consequences to irresponsible behavior: Drugs, Alcohol, Gambling, Sloth.

    As for the Military – Once again you and I are in agreement. I would love to see us cut the military to 1/4 or less of it’s current size. Imagine what we could do with that money in our own economy rather then trying to export our ideals into other countries.

    As a final point – I think the corporate tax rate should be 0%. Because corporations are owned by individuals and investment groups that have to pay taxes. Make all Dividends taxable (Including charities) and reduce the corporate tax rate to 0. The taxes would still get paid and you would simplify the tax code reducing the demand for Accountants and Lawyers.

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    lisak157 Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    All the liberal left wing nuts that think that science cannot be corrupted are idiots and very obviously NOT in the scientific community. Have you ever thought to look where funding comes from? Hmmm? No, my guess is not, because the vast majority is tied to the government and to agencies with a vested interest in the fallacy of global warming. If you have no funding, you have no department and most professors live by grants. The problem is when you say there is no global warming, your funding dries up, so you fall by the wayside. The sad thing is that even science is corrupted by money. How do I know about academia? I have a higher degree (MS, biology) and lived it for 3 yrs, so I know EXACTLY how funding is tied into major universities and how the grant system works. @Mephistopheles speaks much truth……. for man to think they know how a planet this large works (even though ALL their models failed) and that it’s settled science, smacks of an arrogant bias worthy only of the liberal left (do as I say, not as I do).

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