Stone Soup by Jan Eliot for March 26, 2015

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    Templo S.U.D.  about 9 years ago

    Sorry for stereotyping, but Holly sure is quite a dumb blonde!

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    Agent54  about 9 years ago

    Not uncommon – where I grew up most people never learned the real name of their State or the fact none of them ever had been to Rhode Island, only the mainland of Providence Plantation.

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  3. Skylark
    Skylark  about 9 years ago

    I guess things really have changed! 126 years ago (it seems) when I had history, I was taught by a teacher that cared for students. It appears, if Holly is so ignorant about history, the teacher should be more aware of what the heck is going on with these kids! They are ALL growing up to be total dummies it seems any more. It just fries my A$$!!Am I mistaken or do kids have way too much freedom and little respect any more? I understand it’s a different world, but my God People! We will sink ourselves if it keeps up!I just pray there still are a few out there who want to learn, because these will be the future leaders. Rather scary!!

    OK. off the soap box for now!! :-)
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    Olddog1  about 9 years ago

    Kids that age don’t seem to have a real concept of history, it’s more of a story. History started the day they were born. I once knew a 35 year old with the same viewpoint.

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    jenbrown1017  about 9 years ago

    Yet we have masses of people in this day and age who know NOTHING about the US Constitution!! People who claim the Constitution gives them the right to walk through a Walmart with a loaded AK47 strapped to their back!

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    IndyMan  about 9 years ago

    A great politician(when they were somewhat worthwhile not the pieces of s*** we have today once said(paraphrase), ‘People who don’t learn from history are bound to repeat it’. How can you learn from history if you don’t know what your history is ! ! ! !! ! !

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    Alexander Batey  about 9 years ago

    If you saw Schoolhouse Rock you can sing the constitution.

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  8. Reading cat
    morningglory73 Premium Member about 9 years ago


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    yaakovashoshana  about 9 years ago

    Holly knows enough about the Constitution to become president.

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    Comic Minister Premium Member about 9 years ago

    Of course.

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    jbarnes  about 9 years ago

    In defense of Holly’s school, sometimes topics are sectioned out for later study. For instance, my middle school covered American History in 6th grade, but only lightly brushed the Constitution at that time. 8th grade Civics class was when we learned the Constitution in depth and the ins and outs of our political system.

    Of course, if Holly has spent her class time daydreaming or moping, it wouldn’t matter what the contents of the class were. As the old saying goes, you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make them drink. I’ve known an awful lot of kids who are good students in elementary and then decide that school is too much effort once they hit middle school. Fortunately, most of their parents get them to change their minds before they do themselves too much harm.

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    slsharris  about 9 years ago

    Time for electronic grounding. Take the phone. Get the computer out of her room and into public space so you can see if it’s school-related. Track her website visits.

    This kid is falling behind, has been for years, and right now it is not worth investing in her college education.

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    trazman  about 9 years ago

    How sad!!! Even I, being a Canadian, know what the Fifth Amendment is.

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  14. Skylark
    Skylark  about 9 years ago
    I agree and it is just sad! You have to WANT to learn..Sadly, we find that out when we are 40, not 15!
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    K M  about 9 years ago

    IIRC, the Constitution was something we studies when we took civics — a subject they don’t teach in school any more for some insane reason.

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    Agent54  about 9 years ago


    The point is many of the locals do not even understand that Rhode Island is an island in Narragansett Bay and they have never been there and the main land is Providence Plantations, which they all think of as the Rhode Island. Per history the explorers who travel and mapped the area found the island to look similar to drawings they had seen of the Island of Rhodes so they used the namesake. If locals can not even learn their own local history correctly I doubt they bother to understand national history. @Night Slave plantations have nothing to do with the word plantation, it simply is a large crop area. Slaving was introduced way after the word using it in relation to. Thoughts like that want to “clean Up” Mark Twain and how history really was.

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