Rob Rogers for December 23, 2012

  1. Images
    Mickey 13  over 11 years ago

    Looks like Santa’s ready for rehab…

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  2. Missing large
    ConserveGov  over 11 years ago

    So if you think that we already pay too much to those idiots in DC you are an extremist? Ok Fidel Rogers.

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  3. Images
    Mickey 13  over 11 years ago

    Finally, a Bush moment that looks favorable. GW usually went to the ranch or Camp David and they were relatively cheap trips. Congress? Pelosi had her own Air Force jet while she was speaker and constantly flew back and forth to Ca. at great expense, not to even count the real vacations or “fact finding” trips she made… Congress cannot do anything economically, it’s not in their blood…

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  4. Beegee square
    rwgate  over 11 years ago

    I am praying for our country. I’m praying that the Reptilians finally come to their senses, that they put the good of their country first, not last (if they consider it at all). I’m praying that they stop the financial hostage taking, that they learn math (like how the majority of American voters voted Obama back in with a landslide in the electoral college and 4 million + votes).

    But I’m not holding my breath.

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  5. Masked
    Rickapolis  over 11 years ago

    You know what the GOP reminds me of? Do you remember that during the Viet-Nam war, after destroying a local village, the American officer in charge said, ‘We had to destroy the village in order to save it’. That’s the GOP. They are willing to destroy America in order to ‘save’ it. I hope they think about that for awhile.

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  6. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member over 11 years ago

    ‘The next four years is going to be miserable. Pray for our country.’-Yes, the last four years saw the misery of getting out of Bush’s war in Iraq, monthly job losses being reversed, and the stock market doubling.

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  7. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member over 11 years ago

    I suppose we could figure in an official’s home state (and therefor how much their trips home would cost) when electing our leaders, making those with roots closest to DC the preferred candidates. On the plus side it would eliminate Sarah Palin from any future scenarios, but how would you feel about President Marion Berry? We’d only have to spring for cab fare.

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  8. Qwerty01s
    cjr53  over 11 years ago

    “Even your single sentence comments are shrinking. You’re now down to only 3 words.”

    And that is a good thing. Let’s hope the trend continues, down to 2, 1 then none.

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  9. Wally 2
    adherent#1  over 11 years ago

    Just look what Santa has to deall with! Who can blame him?

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  10. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member over 11 years ago

    “Ah yes, officers. ‘Don’t call me sir, my parents were married!’ say the NCOs.”

    My favorite was “Don’t call me ‘Sir’, I work for a living!”

    I use that myself sometimes, now that 25-year-olds are using the word on me.

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  11. 100 8161
    chazandru  over 11 years ago

    The cartoon is ludicrous! The very concept of “Santa Claus” as anything other than a marketing tool is antipathetic to Republican ideology. Christianity has Republican connections, but the idea of a person giving away gifts to people for simply being good is anti capitalist and anti free market. That is why if you give away more than X (10K?) you have to pay taxes on what you give to another person, and after a certain amount(10K?) the person to whom you give money has to pay taxes. I’m afraid from where I sit, a Santa Claus is a Democrat and the bottles marked extremism and no tax hikes were used to beat poor Nick over the head. The GOP belt confuses my image tho. Why would the Dems blame the Republicans for trying to give presents to children? It seems the Reps are promising lower paid teachers and higher educational goals along with armed guard to keep the hallways safe. They are promising more mining and banking with less regulation and environmental protections. They seem to be promising to keep our men and women in harm’s way for a few more years past 2014. They want to protect multinationals that qualify as “small businesses” within lobbyist loopholes, but protections for actual small businesses are less protected.I can continue – bad value for minerals harvested; losses due to poor inspection and regulation, etc. etc.Saint Nicholas gave with no expectation of compensation. Christ gave all he could to teach us to be kind and loving to each other. To take care of the poor, children, and the old.I do not see these characteristics in the extremists that currently control the Republican party. But I do see it in many republicans. And I think they are beginning to take back control. Hopefully,C.

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  12. Frank frazetta wolfmoon s
    ossiningaling  over 11 years ago

    At least the coal in our stocking will be clean.

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