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Vagabond53 Free

Recent Comments

  1. about 10 hours ago on Doonesbury
    Does that rule apply state-wide, or is it a county thing? And if it’s a write-in deal, are there fil-in-the-blank divorces too?
  2. about 11 hours ago on Francis

    My comment would be “Fire the whole bunch of loafers – they’re not helping” Question: If the Pope appoints these men, can he fire, or perhaps, forcibly retire them?

  3. 3 days ago on Non Sequitur

    Was in A-V Club Back in Junor High (mid 60’s) Recently came across an old “Hall Pass” to leave our regular class to show a movie in a different classroom. Man, walking the empty halls with a written excuse, that was our idea of a power trip. And since we also ran the school PA board, I got to broadcast the announcement of the first “Bomb Threat” call our High School ever received. Wow!…Move over, Walter Cronkite! Good Times!

  4. 7 days ago on Over the Hedge

    This may sound a bit idiotic, but do nudists wear raincoats in rainstorms. Or carry umbrellas for rain or strong sun conditions? (Think Nevada, New Mexico)

  5. 17 days ago on Doonesbury

    But have Joanie and Alex signed the papers as witnesses yet??? Are the two crazies married or not? C’mon Garry, that’s one hell of a legal black hole to leave them in.

  6. 18 days ago on Jane's World

    Wow… thanks for all the feedback, people. Had no idea. Guess it’s time to fold up my tent and make tracks for the “Pluggers” cartoon strip. I can still understand that. (for now, anyway ) Peace

  7. 19 days ago on Doonesbury

    I’m surprised Joanie, with all her experience and education, is just walking away from her legal responsibility here to sign papers as the assigned witness. Did she just forget? Did she have a change of heart before-during-after the tele-ceremony? Are two college kids on a motorcycle w/sidecar waiting for her? Am I getting a sense of deja vu here? Keep tuned in, Folks.

  8. 20 days ago on Jane's World

    I don’t want to sound ignorant or too “old-f**t-ish”, but is this guy telling truth? His phone plays to his hearing aids? They make bluetooth-equipped hearing aids? And he “slaps” his ear to activate it? (I presume an open-handed slap, not a punch.) I mean no offense, but this sounds more like "Duck Dodgers in the 24 1/2 Century, rather than Picard in the 25th. But hey, carry on Jack…

  9. 25 days ago on Doonesbury

    Frankly, this being Friday, I thought there would be a bigger shoe dropping. Oh well, maybe tomorrow, just to keep us in suspenders.

  10. 29 days ago on Jane's World

    Gee Willikers, Sergio, when did you first notice that? Guys have always encouraged girls to “loosen up”, But if you see a girl (or worse- another guy) push a guy onto another guy “for fun”, you’d better hit the deck! THAT kind of fun idea does not work both ways.