Mike Luckovich for June 19, 2022

  1. Headre
    robertthomasson  almost 2 years ago

    We bleed for you, USA. UK price is US$9.82 per US gallon. A friend just filled up his Jaguar, coat him US$163.

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    Jim Clark  almost 2 years ago

    You forgot war in Ukraine

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  3. Triumph
    Daeder  almost 2 years ago

    The cost of gas is only all human life on earth.

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    baroden Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    It must not be that high. I walked through a parking lot the other day and saw no less than cars idling to keep their AC running. Cry me a river.

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    wrd2255  almost 2 years ago

    The labeling on trash cans says “landfill” in many places, so these gas signs are the next step of that. Good to think about the big picture if we want a habitable planet. Kids, pay attention, and VOTE.

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  6. Yin yang
    Havel  almost 2 years ago

    Real, in your face experiences are almost always given more consideration than abstract, far away issues. Hopefully, enough proactive people can make a difference.

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    Tarzan & Redd Panda  almost 2 years ago

    Brace yourselves folks, the Great Panda has predicted Gas Shortages.

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    The Nodding Head  almost 2 years ago

    Looking backward and seeking to return to the lost past is not the way to deal with the problems.

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    IWannaBeLerxst  almost 2 years ago

    By choice, I live in a small rural town. Other than a 1x/month trip to “town” (30 miles away) I drive my car approximately 35-40 miles a MONTH. I walk or bicycle everywhere I need to go Suits me fine.

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    Old recluse  almost 2 years ago

    Every Sunday in the AJC Leonard Pitts can be counted on to be more single minded than Mike Luckovich and that is a monumental challenge. With the price of the paper, I suspect the remaining subscribers are mostly conservatives and life long liberals of means. The delivery guy no longer comes down my street.

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  11. Can flag
    Alberta Oil Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    Yup.. all those things on the sign have been happening since the dawn of time. We.. as a species.. are pretty arrogant to think “we” can stop or materially change them.

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    preacherman Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    Go EV, y’all. Save your pocket book; save the planet (at least a little).

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  13. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  almost 2 years ago

    They make you pay through the nose for their climate destroying product.

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  14. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  almost 2 years ago

    Antarctica’s ‘Doomsday Glacier’ shedding ice at fastest rate in 5,000 years

    Two Antarctic glaciers are now losing ice at a faster rate than any time over the past 5,500 years, with “potentially disastrous” implications for sea level rise, new research has found.

    The Thwaites Glacier, known as the “Doomsday glacier”, due to the grave risk its melting poses to the world, is around the size of Great Britain, and its neighbour, the Pine Island Glacier is only slightly smaller.

    The two glaciers form part of the Western Antarctic Ice Sheet, which is being impacted by warming temperatures due to the climate crisis, and are already contributing to global sea level rise.

    These glaciers are especially susceptible to rapid melting because they sit on an inland-sloping bed where relatively warm ocean water is able to flow underneath floating, sea-facing parts of the glacier tongues and erode the ice sheet from beneath.

    This process can lead to runaway ice loss, the research team from the British Antarctic Survey, Imperial College London and the University of Maine said.

    The rapid retreat of these two glaciers could reduce the size of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, potentially contributing as much as 3.4 metres (11 feet) to global sea level rise over the next several centuries.


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    Uncle Joe Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    A gallon of gas costs less than a penny in Venezuela. Time to nationalize the oil companies?

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    NWdryad  almost 2 years ago

    I keep remembering some years ago when the gas prices dipped, so people rushed out to buy big old gas hog trucks. Wonder how they’re feeling about that now.

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  17. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    Mike, you could add increasing wealth inequality and business concentration to your sign.

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    S&C = Dismayed&Depressed   almost 2 years ago

    Yep, the cost of running errands and getting out of the house keeps rising. My expenses keep going up and up. My groceries have doubled this last year….my elec and propane bills went up…my soda bill doubled and costs more than gasoline (my one essential pleasure is bubbles), but…my transportation doesn’t cost me much more (for now), I just plug it in to the wall socket in the corner of the room where I keep it parked. I think it costs about 50¢ per charge. Gotta love my elec scooter (unless it’s snowing or raining :’( ).

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    Not the Smartest Man On the Planet -- Maybe Close Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    Nice. And US whiners about gas prices don’t even think what it’s like to be living in Ukraine.

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  20. Screenshot 2024 02 05 at 6.32.06 pm
    librarylady59  almost 2 years ago

    MN, June, 2022. 95˚ feels like 100˚ today. Low tonite 82˚. Tomorrow high 100˚ will feel like 103˚. Rest of the week highs in the high 80s. June. In MN.Drought last summer. 2.5" below normal June 2022. June. In MN.Floods in Yellowstone in June 2022. Fires AZ, CO, CA, TX, NM in the U.S. in June 2022. (Not even mentioning other parts of the world.)ice caps and glaciers are experiencing a disproportionate amount of melting at an accelerated rate.increased intensity of storm surges, flooding, and damage to coastal areas.Extinctions: https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/animals-that-went-extinct-in-the-20th-century.htmlhttps://www.worldatlas.com/articles/animals-that-have-become-extinct-in-the-21st-century-so-far.htmlhttps://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/sea-level-rise

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    cdward  almost 2 years ago

    Haven’t read ALL the comments, but the main point of this cartoon isn’t the higher monetary amount we have to pay. It’s the other costs of all the fossil fuels we guzzle. And those costs will be far worse as time goes by.

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    Display  almost 2 years ago

    So to cut cost for customers the oil companies will give up their billions in federal subsidies, right? Right? Uh… right?

    (The sound of crickets chirping and of billionaires having vapor lock at the very thought of it)

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    rionmorrison69  almost 2 years ago

    Electric vehicles are becoming more attractive all the time. Too bad we can’t import them from India and China at an affordable price.

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    lsnrchrd.1 Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    Very few (if any) MAGA conservatives (well, ALL conservatives actually) would agree out loud that ANY of the things listed on that convenience store sign are occurring at anything other than typical historical levels.

    There have always been heat waves, droughts, floods, wild fires, rising (and falling!) sea levels, melting glaciers, warming oceans, and extinctions, you stoopid ignorant communist liberal Democrat socialist progressive scaredy-cats.

    We just happen to be in a period when all of those things are not happening, but the Main Stream Media is lying to us that they are and that it is our fault and we need to fix it right away, and this BIG LIE is being shoved down are throats just to try to divert our attention from Joe Biden’s foot getting stuck in a bicycle clip, and …

    … wait for it …

    … everything on that list is JOE BIDEN’S FAULT, ANYHOO!

    Wanna see an even more blank look than you usually see in a conservatives’ eyes, especially a MAGA?

    Ask them about the occurrence rate and attributed causes of any/all of those events during previous Milankovitch Cycles.

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    gammaguy  almost 2 years ago

    @robertthomasson: “We bleed for you, USA. UK price is US$9.82 per US gallon.”

    You, Robert, and so many other commenters seem to have totally missed the point of this cartoon. Those are not monetary prices on that sign.

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    Richard S Russell Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    I saw a graphic the other day that I just had to chuckle at (ruefully). It depicted one of those big price signs that you see at gas stations on which the prices were listed as ARM⁹/¹⁰ and LEG⁹/¹⁰.

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