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Recent Comments

  1. 38 minutes ago on Chuckle Bros

    I’m varning you!

  2. about 2 hours ago on Bill Bramhall

    Palestinians are also Semites. So who is “anti” whom?

  3. about 2 hours ago on Barney & Clyde

    “Listen to Faux ‘News’, Joe Rogaine, Alex Jones, or anyone affiliated with our treasonous disgrace of an ex-President and you will find that no – that is not the case.”

    I can listen without agreeing.

  4. about 2 hours ago on Broom Hilda

    “In Girl Genius they are are called minmoths

    I thought that was what was infesting my baking flour.

  5. about 4 hours ago on Bill Bramhall

    “And anyone who protests is suspect.”

    1) Welcome to the Live (so far) Suspects Community (not “Society”).

    2) When it comes to testing, I’m an amateur, not a “pro”.

  6. about 4 hours ago on Bound and Gagged


    After adoption.

  7. about 4 hours ago on Barney & Clyde

    “You also stole this from somewhere else.”

    Nope. I have no need to “steal” an idea that is so obvious.

  8. about 4 hours ago on For Heaven's Sake

    “I think you are falling far out of the theological discussion of the battle between sola scriptura and Tradition.”

    Almost certainly. I don’t consider that to be a fault.

    Even the young Jesus himself is reputed to have debated theology with (against?) the accepted authorities of his time.

  9. about 4 hours ago on For Heaven's Sake

    “Can we do anything to encourage the author to spread the word of God in this strip?”

    I believe that he does so, but with a view to provoking critical thought rather than discouraging it.

  10. about 4 hours ago on For Heaven's Sake

    “Jesus passed many things to his apostles and disciples that were not recorded in Scripture but were passed through them to the Church: the Catholic Church,.”

    All of Jesus’ Apostles and Disciples were dead long before the Romans founded their “Catholic” church. And any unwritten claims of things He (supposedly) believed had to have been passed on by word of mouth, something which has been repeatedly shown to be subject not only to error but often to deliberate fabrication.

    And even believing that what’s recorded in the “Christian” Bible depends on believing that what is written there is actual historical records and “chosen by God”. That’s nonsense… especially the book of “Revelations”, which was added long after the rest, after a heated political debate, and consists entirely of a reworking of existing pagan myths, with the apparent intent of frightening others into becoming “Christian”.

    So to put it very simply, I don’t believe in your “God”, so I don’t support using any comic strip — not even one that deals with religion — to promote your particular version of “the word of God”.

    FWIW, I agree with many of the teachings attributed to Christ, but not because He said them. I believe that they are a good model for a society that would maximize benefit for all. I agree far less with the advice of the Apostle Paul and other latecomers who tried to form a dominating church built more on Christ’s name than on his recorded teaching.