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Recent Comments

  1. about 6 hours ago on The Meaning of Lila

    Forgive my mishandling of the English language. I was taught that “it’s” is a contraction of “it is”, which is what my sentence was intended to say. And thanks for your attention to my grammar rather than my comment. /s

  2. about 14 hours ago on The Meaning of Lila

    As a white, American, hetero, adult male, I feel so threatened and confined by the current-day inter-sex social environment that I’ll barely LOOK at a woman, let alone speak to/interact with her. In most cases, the potential consequences outweigh the potential upside. It’s pathetic.

  3. 1 day ago on ViewsAsia

    I think the implication is the US tech co’s (Google/Meta) are playing the Big Bad Wolves, while TikTok plays the innocent Little Red Riding hood. What a pile of ignorant, ill-informed, partisan horse-puckey…

  4. 2 days ago on Liberty Meadows

    At the risk of having the NRA crowd break down my down my door and perforate my forehead with a (“Constitutionally protected”) hollow-point…naming an instrument of death is clear indication of grave and utter sickness.

  5. 2 days ago on Tim Campbell

    Like in the ‘old days’, they’re trying to get people to GO to the race, rather than watch it on TV. You have to remember what the single most influential component of the entertainment industry is: MONEY!!!

  6. 3 days ago on Michael Ramirez

    I maintain that the single most bizarre aspect of MTG’s very existence as a US Congresswoman is the fact that the people in her district CONTINUE to vote her in, over and over. It’s almost incomprehensible.

  7. 3 days ago on The Meaning of Lila

    Probably a better opener than “are you rich enough to provide me with a life of ease and freedom of need, and every last pair of shoes in existence”? /s

  8. 4 days ago on Pickles

    Roscoe REWLS. Best character in the strip, by a Country Mile!!!

  9. 5 days ago on The Meaning of Lila

    Truer words were never spoken!!!

  10. 5 days ago on Liberty Meadows
